
Over the weekend I watched a really good fifty-minute documentary on YouTube about a group of amateur cyclists who rode the 2018 Tour de France route, keeping one day ahead of the actual race, called “Can an Amateur Cyclist Finish the Tour de France?”.

On Sunday I also watched the final stage of Deutschland Tour, which ended in Bremen. Seeing the scenery brought back some great memories of my trip there in 2014. Hopefully I will make a return trip there next year.

This last weekend I also discovered some things about Shoney’s, and this blog. I never knew Shoney’s was in such financial straits, nor that the one in Lithonia that I have referenced in this blog closed a handful of years ago. In researching the latter I also discovered that along with the emoji, some of the punctuation in my past blogs posts have been completely borked. If history every reviews this space they will wonder why I used such bizarre punctuation, when indeed I did no such thing.

Tomorrow night I am going to see a play for the first time in a couple of years, and even better, I am going for free! Thanks to Trees Atlanta I will be going to see the play “Rooted” at Horizon Theatre. Weather permitting (for walking between venues) I will have a pre-play beverage and dinner at Wrecking Bar. While in Little 5 Points I will also hit the box office at Variety Playhouse and buy a ticket for the Old 97s show on Friday 9/15.

I’m having a decent decluttering week, and may take the game to the next level by actually taking the things I’ve accumulated until now to Goodwill. Ahead of my desired camping trip(s) next month I have started going through my camping gear and decluttering at the same time.

I solved todayโ€™s Wordle in four attempts; my starter today was RIGHT. I thought that the NY Times might get cheeky and use a homonym for yesterday’s answer; I was wrong about it being RIGHT.

Tuesday Take of the Tape: 199.8 pounds (+1.4 from last week); also very WRONG!!! At least I intend to do some manual labor in WLF today, and if it doesnโ€™t rain again this afternoon will be cycling.

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40 Responses to 2023-08-29

  1. I came close to having my first Connections failure today. I tried to post my result board, but of course the emoji was completed fucked upon posting this comment.

  2. steve says:

    Wordle in 5, starting with STAIN.

    A slow day of questionable eating choices. Chili dogs for lunch and Debbie wanted them for dinner as well. There were chicken wings in the fridge. Not normally my thing, but those seemed like a fair choice, but I was still hungry. Ah, of course, another chili dog for dessert!

    We started “Only Murders in the Building” last night. It needs to pick up the pace.


  3. Barb says:

    As I was scrolling thru FB this morning – I saw an ad for Rooted – before I read this blog.
    How’s that for a coincidence.

    I had high hopes to go for a walk or something last night – but the weather made me re-think that idea. It was pretty decent storm, but no power outage, so that was good.
    I watched a 7 episode show on Netflix the past few days – Who is Erin Carter. It was fine if you like a chick that is trying to stay under the radar & it doesn’t work & manages to get it lots of fights with bad guys that she always seems to win. Entertaining enough for that genre.

  4. steve says:

    Connections fail.

  5. Sally says:

    Quite the storms last night while trying to drive home. Luckily no power outages which is rare for me. Wordle in 4 starting with WORDS. I almost didn’t get Connecetions, as well. 3 mistakes. Kids across the street just had a fire drill. The kids can be loud. Looks like the rains will hold off for the GUTS Tuesday night run. Might be too wet today to get the grass cut, however.

  6. David says:

    Wordle in 4 starting with FLAIL, which is how I’m feeling at the moment. By the middle of September the movers will have moved stuff and then my time will start being more of my own as my kids will be able to literally walk across the street to school. Connections remains dead to me.

    I’m based out of Joe’s this morning, hoping to get some power work done. I’m retrieving the 4th bike that got Allan’s TLC, it had a bent wheel that has since been replaced, and my schedule finally opened up for a trip to Marietta that will involve dinner with the Groves at a place that is new to me.

    Paulie, let me know if you follow through on your Old 97s purchase so that I can secure my ticket as well. Yet another band that I never expected to see live, but I’m sure they’ll put on a good show.

    • Barb says:

      We are going to Yakitori Jimbei at 7pm – a place that has ramen, sushi & Korean fried chicken. If anyone else wants to venture to Marietta tonight, let me know. Its a tiny place, but if there are no tables – there’s always Olive Garden across the parking lot ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Let’s hope the weather cooperates.

    • Have seen them before, itโ€™s a good show. Will text you the minute after a ticket purchase is made.

  7. Barb says:

    Funny story from last night –
    Red Eye called, and he felt like the bike shop he had some repairs done at had given him a different bike (the frame) back. Could they have broken his frame & replaced it without saying anything? The serial # he had in a picture didn’t match the bike. I gave him Allan’s phone#, they talked about it – he called the shop where he bought the bike – and they looked it up. Come to find out a picture he had in his phone – it was a stock photo from the internet when he was deciding on the bike!!! How hilarious is that! We had a good laugh!

  8. Jenka says:

    The thunderstorm last night was not at all dangerous and totally enjoyable! So nice to be curled up at home while the storm rages.

    We ordered salads for dinner and finally finished Barry. I have to say, I am okay with the ending! And I’m usually disappointed with show endings. Although everyone hated the Shameless ending and I liked that one too.

    Tonight I’ve got to go help Sarah again. She had shoulder surgery 6 weeks ago, just got her sling off, and is leaving this weekend to go walk the Santiago Way in Spain for a week. So I gotta go help her prep for the trip. And probably walk the dog again.

    • Barb says:

      I’ve known a few people that have gone & walked that trail – the entire trail takes a month or more, but a few that have just done a week of it. One friend did it the total bougie way, nice hotels every night, someone to move your stuff so you don’t need a big backpack. Then another friend did it with just the backpack.
      It’s on my list of things to do someday.

      • Jenka says:

        Yes, I have another friend who did the whole trail, I *think* it took her 5 weeks? Her pics on FB were amazing.

  9. Out cleaning in WLF. With the exception of the humidity and mosquitoes itโ€™s great weather for outdoor choring.

    I slaughters two large tomato horn worms, and said hello to a big spider, two cicadas, a little lizard, a paying mantis, and a ladybug.

  10. David says:

    Jesus Christ. Some dude here at Joe’s had that most cloying cologne that I have had the displeasure of smelling in a long time. He had no idea, but I’ve been in a mental cage match with him as to who could outlast the other. He very, very nearly won, but I have outlasted him. Not so long ago I would have been sent fleeing as soon as he sat down.

    • Barb says:

      wow – the smell of coffee & bad cologne – I’d have been out of there QUICK. I’m one of the weird people in the world that really doesn’t like the smell of coffee.

      • David says:

        Oh there was no smelling the coffee over that goddamn cologne. It was an interesting test of my newfound endurance.

    • Jenka says:

      Oooooh, that’s so annoying. I hate strong cologne, it makes me nauseated.

  11. steve says:

    I forgot to report a barred owl this morning. Normally, I don’t hear them but Debbie does. He was close enough that I whipped out my phone and fired up the Cornell birding app and recorded his hoot! That identified him as a barred owl. I thought it was pretty cool.

  12. Past noon, Iโ€™ve allowed myself to quit choring. Lunch time, which I am trying to be reasonable given this morningโ€™s disappointing weigh in.

    A lot of good choring done. I killed a third giant tomato horn worm, and in the process discovered two large, nearly ripe tomatoes on the bush!

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