
On Friday afternoon I made my first visit to a Pikes Nursery. Given that Pikes has been in Atlanta longer than me I had high hopes that it would be like the nurseries I’ve seen in England on YouTube. I was so disappointed. Not only did the few vegetable plants they had for sale look terrible, they were twice the price of the collards I bought at the NC Farmers Market. Admittedly those collards died, but I put that on me. Today I am thinking of visiting the GA State Farmers Market in Forest Park and see what that is all about.

If you sold your Atlanta United tickets for Saturday night’s game against Inter Miami you were the biggest winner of the night. Why? Because Lionel Messi did not play, and he was the only reason tickets were being sold for ridiculous prices. Oh, the United played a good game, winning 5-2.

I wanted to go hiking yesterday morning but the weather, specifically the heavy overnight rain and the cloudy morning skies squashed that desire. Regardless, I had a good Sunday morning with the Gators upsetting Tennessee and all, even though I was completely skunked at Connections yesterday.

I’m continuing the elimination of things that no longer bring me joy. This time it’s my adopted Bundesliga soccer team — Werder Bremen. After another loss and a completely unpromising season I just can’t take it any longer. I may check in later in the season, but as of now I just can’t put in the effort to care.

I solved today’s Wordle in five attempts; my starter today was CHALK.

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26 Responses to 2023-09-18

  1. David says:

    Wordle in 1 yesterday with MUSIC was a gift from the universe. Today’s Wordle is marinating, I know the first letter and one partial match and am clueless beyond that.

    Friday night was a fun dinner at Elmyr and an Old 97s show with ITP Central, meaning Paulie. Saturday we vacated my “wife’s” rental house, then that evening I saw the play English at the Alliance. It was well done, a small cast of 5 showing the travails of ESL. The entire cast was Iranian. Sunday I helped my “wife” unpack to a point where she can take things from there. This gives me some newfound certainty to parts of my life that have very much been in flux.

  2. steve says:

    Wordle in 4. Connections FAIL!

    Saturday was kind of a washout. I rode the trainer for an hour, watched the last significant stage of the Vuelta, then Debbie and I rode to Carrolton to look at a truck. Very nice, very BIG and over our budget. Tonight, more of the same with a closer dealer. We’ve expanded our scope into the Dodge world, so there are more available. Still no bargains.

    Sunday was a scooter day, followed by a bike ride. Debbie’s trailer has had a bad taillight for quite a while and she finally got me off my ass to fix it. After finding no voltage at the light, I traced it all the way back to the connector at the truck, and a 2 second spray of contact cleaner was the fix. Satisfying and frustrating all at the same time.


  3. Sally says:

    I hope I don’t get eliminated! :). Wordle in 5 starting with TODAY. No mistakes in Connections. Still trying to get caught up from being in Maine last week and my yard looks horrible. Glad I went last week-end instead of this week-end with Hurricane Lee. Dog sat Jasper all week-end. Fun energetic dog for sure. Went to the Wheelhopper hash with Barb’s husband since she is out of town. It was a fun time. You need to come back out Paulie. You have friends in the hash. Need to test my creek this morning before work. Still trying to find a home for Strider, the dog I rescued and who has become a stable at work. Our emotional support dog.

    • Barb says:

      I like that – went to Wheelhopper with Barb’s husband – like he doesn’t have a name? 😉

      Sally – have you posted any pictures of Strider?
      I think the store needs a dog.

      • Sally says:

        We do need a store dog. Emotional support for us! I think Genie has gotten attached to the little guy. So many people want him but haven’t committed. He is soooo cute!!!!

      • Jenka says:

        I mean, I definitely think we need pics of Strider. We need pics of cute puppies!

    • Fear not Sal, you are my roommate next year! 🙂

      I will (probably) return to hashing when I am ready to do so. Until then I intend to avoid adding sadness, and other things. This weekend instead of hashing/camping at Lake Hartwell I will be enjoying the East Atlanta Strut’s return on Saturday.

      • Sally says:

        I refuse to go to Hartwell as well! We scheduled a GUTS training run instead. Springer to Three Forks and beyond! 🙂 Hope the weather remains good.

  4. Bob says:

    While I’m glad I sold my Atlanta United tickets I sort of wish I was at the game. It sounds like the atmosphere was electric, and a 5-2 win had to be exciting! Also would have been cool to see Josef Martinez play again. Oh well, can’t have it all.
    Wheelhopper was fun yesterday and I’m glad everybody was convinced to do long trail and stop at the breweries.
    This afternoon I get to continue my tennis match from Saturday that was interrupted by rain, should be a nice afternoon to play.
    We have a Pike nursery by us and while their selection is nice their prices are crazy, I rarely find anything worth purchasing. They do have pretty good sales every now and then but everyday prices are just too high.

  5. Barb says:

    Good morning from Cedar Rapids Iowa.
    Ok weekend with my parents – my mom has gotten really frail – she can’t get up from her chair most of the time, and she’s walking really, really slow. I feel like I’m totally on call now, following her around to be sure she doesn’t fall. I did get her to use the walker – so that’s helpful.
    Besides that – nothing going on.
    I brought a monitor up here, its so much bigger than the other 1 (a portable one that’s like a big tablet) – trying to get my eyes used to this set up. I”m here for 2 weeks- I’ll get used to it.

    I did do Wordle yesterday because of David – took me 6.
    I’ll get to the game playing a little later.

  6. Barb says:

    Pike’s is much closer than Home Depot or Lowes, so we tend to get stuff there.
    But honestly – I’ve bought more plants from Ace than anywhere the past few years. (plants meaning vegetables & herbs)

  7. steve says:

    Didn’t Pikes change hands a few years ago, or go belly up and then come back? Seems like they had some sort of change of management… not that I shop there anymore…

  8. Back from my morning errand run. If it’s possible to be over and underwhelmed simultaneously then that is what happened to me at the Atlanta State Farmers Market. The facility is HUGE but laid out in such a way to make a regular shopper feel unwelcome. I wound up buying $8 worth of groceries — corn, tomatoes, and okra — and getting the hell out of there. I did not see anyone selling plants, but I didn’t explore more than 5% of foot, and it is a Monday. Not sure I will return.

    • Bough pt a new 8” aluminum pan (which fits perfectly in the tray of my air fryer) from $1.25 Tree. I bought it using only change that was in the change tray in the M6. *fistbump*

      Was going to make a hamburger for lunch but dummy me forgot to buy hamburger buns while I was in Publix. Perhaps I will cook up the “meat” and make hamburger biscuits since I do have biscuits I baked yesterday.

      • Barb says:

        My bother grilled some small slider burgers for me, but they are smaller than slider buns you buy. BUT – they fit a Kings Hawaiian roll perfectly. I hate when there is way more bun than burger.

  9. Watched a little of the final Vuelta stage yesterday. I loved Jumbo Visma’s kit with the pink, yellow, and red bands symbolizing their victories in the Giro, Tour de France, and Vuelta this year.

    • steve says:

      I thought that was cool as well. And the shorts had that as trim..

      I really think they got a wake up call after Jonas took time out of Sepp. The overwhelming response made them realize JV might have been the stronger rider, but they would have had a publicity NIGHTMARE if he continued.

  10. As we get closer to Fall and Winter it’s interesting to me to watch the arc of the sun change. It’s a reminder that certain parts of WLF must remain unplanted during these seasons.

  11. Heard from a buddy that Atlanta will soon lose another long-time dive bar, The Rusty Nail on Buford Highway.

  12. Jenka says:

    Hello from the Skyclub at LaGuardia! What a great weekend in NYC! Saturday we went to an Irish pub for lunch and then went to the matinee of Sweeney Todd. The show was amazing! Josh Groban was supposed to be the star but I guess he doesn’t do matinees. It didn’t matter to us, the “understudy” (or whatever he is) was excellent. Sunday we thought we could take a taxi out to Citi Field but after 50 minutes dicking around with cabs and unsuccessfully hailing Lyfts we found out there was a Mexican festival happening that closed a bunch of roads, so off to the Metro we went. We managed to catch a train that went straight to the stadium and were in our seats by the second inning. Great game! And the new Citi Field is a good stadium. The weather was perfect- mid 70s and zero humidity.

    I had a lot of good food, too. Nothing but salads for the rest of the week!

  13. Jenka says:

    Also, we knew that Messi wasn’t going to play, apparently he won’t play on artificial turf. So we were happy to sell our tickets. We got enough to pay for our season tickets so it worked out great!

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