Not My Fault! Blogger Was Down This Morning.

Heywood Jablome
I am here to tell you that the leafblower (and vaccuum) I bought from Lowes on my day off Friday is the best tool ever! I never knew cleaning my carport, driveway and deck could be fun. Combined with the new Gator spool I bought for my weedwhacker there may be hope for my pathetic yard afterall.

Magnolia = No; Tenement = No
At this time Friday I had intended to see two shows at The EARL over the weekend. However, I had the desire to stay in on Friday so I skipped both the Hash Happy Hour at Flatiron and the Magnolia Electric Co. show.

Saturday night was a different story. I looked up on The EARL’s website to find out that the doors for the show were to open at 9:30pm. Fair enough, it was Saturday night. However, when I walked up there at 9:30pm the girl at the table told me that the activities had not started and would not be starting until 10:30pm. Call me an old man if you will, but spending an hour alone in a bar and staying out until 2:00-2:30am (there were three bands on the bill) and then walking home was of no interest, not even for a good show.

Koo-koo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson
I have only seen the first episode, but I absolutely loved the BBC’s show The Robinsons. Starring Martin Freeman (of “The Office” and “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” fame), the show is about a lives bizarrely quirky British family. The first episode was jampacked with plot setups, I can only hope that the follow through with each.

And So Goes The Perfect Season
My beloved Florida Gators had there asses handed to them by Alabama on Saturday. I can only hope that this was an anomaly not to be repeated again this season. And this would be one of the many examples of why I don’t bet on sports…

Operation: Bare Cupboard
For the last few weeks I have refused to go to the grocery store. I know, Friday I said I was going grocery shopping, but I had forgotten about “Operation: Bare Cupboard.” I am bound and determined to eat the food that has been in my cupboard and refrigerator for far too long (assuming it is still in safe, edible condtion of course).

Sure it’s easy to cook up the pasta and rice as meals, but “Operation: Bare Cupboard” make for some interesting mealfellows. How am I going to use that tartar sauce I bought when I thought I was going to make fish and chips? Spicy pickled cauliflower? Huh? When did I buy that?

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – frustrated
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Her Space Holiday — “A Match Made In Texas”
Website Of The Day – See what Tako the Octopus has cooking on his Flash animation cooking show called “Deep Fried Live” over at 8 Legged.

If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”

Yesterday’s Exercise (b)Log – nothing

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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4 Responses to Not My Fault! Blogger Was Down This Morning.

  1. katlanta says:

    Best tool ever? Oh, we’ll be the judge of that, buddy!

  2. Paulie says:

    Seriously! It’s far better than any other tool I have. Since the leaves are starting to fall all the time I might have to use it daily, just like some of my other tools. :0

  3. Martha says:

    Why did I just have a flashback involving Dr. DooDoo???

  4. Paulie says:

    Geez I don’t know. You’ll have to work that out with at therapist. 🙂

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