There Is No Joy In My Mudville

It’s A Small Man Whose Happiness Hinges On The Outcome Of Others’ Sports Skills
Today I am such a small man. I can’t help it, I have so little in my life right now I was counting on the Mets to make it into the World Series. I never doubted that they would; it looks like I was very wrong. This is another in a long series of events which explains why I can’t be an optimist.

In the end it was a lack of hitting that did them in and not a battered pitching staff.

At Least Some Things Still Make Me Smile
I was doing some research about the new Sling Media Slingbox Pro yesterday on Amazon. When I was done I went back to Amazon’s home page and saw the following…



While I Was Watching The Mets Get Eliminated From Playoff Island
Survivor was also on the telly. I’ve gotten the gist of last night’s episode although I didn’t get to watch it completely. I’ll probably try to catch it on InnerTube or download a torrent this weekend.

ITP Flickr Pic
Today I feel like the lonely phone

Landlines Once Ruled The World!

This Weekend Is Made For Drinking
Tomorrow is the Decatur Beer (tasting) Festival. I used to really enjoy this event back in the day (2000-2002) but stopped going because the crowd became too big and the lines too long. I am giving the event another shot and hopefully this crummy weather will clear before then. If you are looking for me I’ll be the one looking like a sleazy photographer consuming beer.

On Sunday I’ll be down at the Dome watching our local sports team play last year’s World Champs. I really should be more excited about this but right now it’s hard for me to drum up any excitement for sports. The last seven days have exhausted me.

And Finally
A big thanks to my dinner group friends for coming over, bringing delicious food (which they didn’t have to do) and beer, and enjoying Paulie’s Jew Deli homage. We feasted on Sue’s squash soup, a variety of meats (including Tony’s home-made pastrami) and cheeses, many a beer, and topped the evening of with some Black and White cookies from Bagel Palace (great idea Margaret!). It was nice having you all over, I really enjoy your company.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – very depressed
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Morrissey — “We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful”
Website Of The Day – It’s the World’s Largets Collection Of The World’s Smallest Versions Of The World’s Largest Things. What more do you need to know?
Exercise (b)Log – none

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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9 Responses to There Is No Joy In My Mudville

  1. Gentri says:

    Sorry I didn’t make it by Paulie, I’ll have to finagle an invite to the next persons, as it sounded like fun. My parents are in town and then my Aunt and cousin showed up and they all played “Makeover Gentri’s Shitty House” for around 4 hours… I now have pictures, curtains, rugs, more pictures, fake plants, candles… you name it. My Aunt is really into it, and I must admit it’s an improvement all around from the classic Bachelor look… although the floral print was a bit much IMHO!


  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    No problem, Gentri. btw- there is still plenty of beer in the refrigerator. 😉

  3. Dave T says:

    Foy and I will be at the game Sunday as well.
    #47 will be on the field working the game

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Sweet Dave. I’ll be sure to boo your uncle for some reason or another.

    btw- You running on Thanksgiving this year?

  5. Dave T says:

    I am still planning on running, but I haven’t trained as much as I had hoped to. It will probably be a registration deadline decision.

  6. Oliver says:

    Endy Chavez’s catch was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Won’t be as legendary now since they didn’t win the game. I’m not big on schadenfreude, but this is what Braves fans have felt lately with other teams celebrating on our field. The 160+ game season seems even more excruciating after a loss like that. I was even slightly pulling for you guys over Cthulu aka Tony LaRussa. Hope we’re competitive in the east next year. Help the Falcons win Sunday. I’m having a hard time with football right now with my Dawgs and the Falcons last week…

  7. Braves fans are shitting themselves silly by blasting the Mets for the loss over on the AJC’s blog page.

    I’ll do my best for the Falcons.

  8. Susan says:

    I’ll be checking out the beer festival for the first time this weekend, if you’re looking for me, I’ll probably be the stumbling fool held up by her boyfriend.

  9. Smoove D says:

    Let me know how the beer festival goes. The two ounce glasses they passed out a few years ago angered me and I haven’t been back since (the lines and crowd and exorbiant entrance fee helped this decision as well). I considered going this year, but I had to get my Corsica serviced this morning and didn’t get it back in time to MARTA over to Decatur and stand in line.

    @Susan – that really narrows it down.

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