If Only I Had An Addiction To Sex Instead

I’d be so much thinner. Once again I am trying to kick my food and alcohol addiction. Don’t wash your cars today because I’ve packed a gym bag (gasp!); that’s a sure indicator that it will rain today.

Boy Behaving Badly
“It’s going to be one of those gigs” uttered Damon Gough of Badly Drawn Boy.

The night had started out a bit strange for me as well. I couldn’t find the Will Call window at the Center Stage / Loft / Vinyl Googleplex where I had a ticket with my name on it, and before I could do much wandering the guy and woman ahead of me gave me one of their extras. I thought about buying them a beer for their generosity but then remembered that I had already paid full price for a ticket (which was at Will Call) so why should I pay extra to enter?

Gough seemed to be a bit on edge last night, which given what I understand about him did not seem out of the ordinary to me. Gough later admitted that he was missing his boy’s fifth birthday and that was attributing to his surly nature.

The show was a great time. The band started at 10:05pm and played a slightly-longer-than two hour set comprised of all of the songs from “Born In The UK” with Badly Drawn Boy’s other hits sprinkled in.

I had never seen a show at The Loft before and was fairly impressed. There are ample opportunities to buy beer and relieve oneself of these purchases. The sound in the room was pretty decent, although the inevitable Atlanta talkers were in attendance. At one point Gough actually “Shhh’ed” the audience because he was annoyed at the talkers. And while I don’t think that I’ll contract Black Lung from the crowd there were also the inevitable smokers in the crowd which left me smelling like an ashtray upon leaving the show.

12, 8, 13, 5
Lotto numbers? No, the amount of money the parking lots around The Loft were charging. I all but told the first three to go fuck themselves, and with Spring Street torn apart for roadwork, I nearly blew off the Badly Drawn Boy show entirely.

ITP Flickr Pic
The eyes are the window to the soul, the mouth is the pathway to the stomach.

41 Years + 7 Months = 499 Months

The other day I calculated that I am 499 months old.

Boy Did I Have Gas
Natural gas that is. I just received my Scana bill and it was $125. Warmer weather cannot get here soon enough for me.

Decisions, Decisions
Tonight I have multiple entertainment options from which to choose. There is the telly (it is The Office & Survivor night), there are books (thrown in this list merely to humor myself), I could play Team Trivia at Raging Burrito, or I could go to the new Lenny’s to see The Booze.

Poor me, eh? Of course the one I choose will have to wait until I’ve completed my exercise (yes, I am serious).

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – miffed
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Fugazi — “Argument”
Website Of The Day – You think that I would have been a charter subscriber to Modern Drunkard magazine, but I’ve only now found out about it.
Exercise (b)Log – none, unless you count two hours of standing.

March Goals
1) Lose two pounds. (starting weight ~205 lbs?)
2) Run no fewer than thirty miles.
3) Do twenty push-ups and fifty sit-ups at on Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays.
4) Finish February’s book and read at least one more.
5) Take Marta to work at least ten times.
6) File my Income Taxes.
7) Wear “nicer” clothes to work at least one day a week.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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12 Responses to If Only I Had An Addiction To Sex Instead

  1. Martha says:

    I was watching a program on TLC last night, I don’t remember the title but it was about 4 people with food addictions. One man ate over 33,000 calories a day and spent $14,000/year on just candy bars…feel better?

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I’d feel better if I was standing next to that guy. That dude must be as large as a house! 🙂

  3. Leah says:

    And addiction to sex won’t make you any thinner. At least, that’s what I’ve realized. Although, I do notice that I’m more toned than before.


  4. Amity says:

    No Survivor tonight–it’s next Wed. Basketball.

  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Shit, that’s right! Well, I guess that means I have one fewer option from which to pick.

  6. Terri (SW) says:

    SURVIVOR has been bounced due to “some basketball thingy” and THE OFFICE is in reruns for another few weeks. Guess you’ll have to get out of the house…

    Did you see Adem? I thought The Loft was “meh” when I was there for Supergrass. Going there Monday to see Lily Allen. Hopefully, I won’t have to go Spartan on some chatty little bastards.

  7. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I saw (and heard) the last couple of songs from Adem. I was busy stuffing my face with food at beer with the hashers at George’s to make it for the entire set.

  8. D.D.D.Dave says:

    holy crap that thai chicken pizza was fucking good.

  9. Hour-long OFFICE!!!!

  10. k1ng says:

    Unfortunately, new episodes of The Office won’t air until April 5. The hour-long show tonight will be reruns :/

    No new episodes of Survivor or The Office? Sounds like you should choose one of your other options for tonight.

  11. I’d be surly too if I was a millionaire rock star. What a drag it must be to have enough money for all the premium drugs one can ingest and get laid all the time for free. I don’t understand why he doesn’t just put a bullet in his head and end it all.

    I’ll never understand the Atlanta talkers. The only show I ever went to where they were absent was Azure Ray at The Earl.

  12. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I don’t understand why he doesn’t just put a bullet in his head and end it all.

    Because he knows that he’s no Kurt Cobain.

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