Word Up

Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Especially if they are the proud owner of a new Garmin Nuvi 350 like me. With travel to places I have never been and a desire not to get lost I have jumped feet first into the GPS world. Stayed tuned for reviews from my travels.

Oh, and like everything else I did not pay the MSRP ($640 in this case).

Let Me Tell You About Books I’ve Read Heard
While I have yet to jump completely into a subscription at Audible.com (but am grateful for the trial Elizabeth) I have been listening to audiobooks.

But first a rant. I cannot figure out why audiobooks downloaded through iTunes do not automatically show up in the Audiobook section of my iPod.

So far I have listened to two audiobooks, and am working on a third. A few months back I listened to John Hodgman’s “The Areas of My Expertise”, and on my trip to North Carolina I listened to Sarah Vowell’s “The Partly Cloudy Patriot” both of which I enjoyed thoroughly.

My current listen is “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen. While Allen’s voice is a bit monotone, I think that the information provided will be of quite a bit of use in my current state of disorganization.

These Shoes Are Made For Hiking
One of my tasks before heading on travels which will involve hiking is to purchase a new pair of lightweight hiking boots. Yesterday after work I hit REI, where I found nothing to my liking (except for a pair of $70 sneakers on which I passed — at least for now). It turns out that not finding anything may have been fortuitous since in the mail waiting for my return home was a 20% off REI coupon good for this weekend.

I did manage to buy a pair of cheaper Hi-Tec hiking shoes (low cut, hence not “boots”) at Sports Authority.

If anyone has tips or suggestions for the purchase of good lightweight hiking boots, please email me or leave a comment. Thanks.

ITP Flickr Pic
I wandered around the outside of an empty Turner Field last weekend.

The Man Who Helped Make The Field Possible

Although far from technically difficult, I like this shot because of its composition.

Gordon’s Got A Podcast
Long time readers will know of my admiration for foul-mouthed Scottish-born celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay (“Hell’s Kitchen”, “Gordon Ramsay’s F Word”, “Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares”, etc). While poking around the iTunes Store yesterday I noticed that he now has a podcast called “Gordon Ramsay’s Fast Food” in which he prepares one dish per episode.

What’s truly cool is that a recipe file (pdf, I believe) accompanies each podcast. So you can watch the video and then print out the ingredient list and directions if desired.

You know that I’ve already subscribed and have downloaded all six episodes…

Perhaps Idiocracy Got It Right After All
While watching a DVR’ed “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” yesterday I was struck by a commercial (which is odd since I normally skip through them all) which defined just how stupid we must be.

It was your typical low-budget scam commercial for a company that I won’t name because I do not want them to prosper in the least.

In the commercial there was a beautiful young woman (imho) who was telling me that I had a chance to win $15,000 if I could unscramble the some letters to form a word and then text (message) the word to some phone number. Of course all cell charges would apply, and if you paused the tv as I did you could almost read the white-lettered small-type on a light-grey background which also happened to mention that by text messaging you were agreeing to sign up for some sort of service for which you will be billed monthly.

Here are the letters you were to unscramble: l o h i d a y

To start you off they correctly placed two letters: h _ _ _ _ _ y

Wait, it gets better….

And to help you figure out the word they provided even more help!: h _ _ _ d _ y

Holy shit we are doomed, aren’t we? Maybe it’s time for me to put down the iPod and pick up some books…

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – overwhelmed, yet industrious
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Blur — “Parklife”
Website Of The Day – iTunes and Audible are great sources for audiobooks, but if you want yet another resource try Simply Audiobooks. If you cannot figure out what they sell then I will let you know that the word above is “holiday”, and if you can figure how to email you I’ll let you where to text message this word to try and win $15,000.
Exercise (b)Log – none (boo hiss)
Mode Of Transportation To Work – Marta

May Goals
1) Lose two pounds. (starting weight 200 lbs)
2) Exercise at least five days per week.
3) Read two books, specifically
3a) “722 Miles: The Building of the Subways and How They Transformed New York”
3b) “The Evolution Of Useful Things…”

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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14 Responses to Word Up

  1. Gentri says:

    If you know a brand that fits you well, check out. Generally pretty good prices IF you know what you need! http://www.campmor.com

    You might also just consider going with a pair of Keen’s sandals. I’ve got their Ashland slip ons and they are very comfie (and amazingly they were free as I FOUND them in the middle of Dekalb Ave on my way to work one morning in my size!). I really like their sandal line, (Venice H2 looks cool) which also protects the toes… mind you they run around $95, but I hear they look great with a Garmin Nuvi 350…

    I’m signed up for Gordon Ramsay now, good call. If you are looking for a little financial guidance, I recommend Dave Ramsey’s podcast also.

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I used to get Campor catalogs. Something about never ordering anything convinced them to stop sending them.

    You found them? Did you leave them there? 🙂

    I’ll check out Dave Ramsey’s work. I am in definite need of financial guidance. Thanks.

  3. Bob says:

    I was going to appologize the other day for recommending Idiocracy since you hated it so much but now you are starting to see it. Have you been to Cobb county lately? Everything is “Super”, “Mega”, “Biggie”. The Costco that is 4 city blocks big is right around the corner. Yes the movie was stupid but it makes you think.

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    No apologies were necessary. When we talked Idiocracy was already in my Netflix queue. Your recommendation did get me to watch it sooner than later.

    I guess that I am the stereotypical “smart person” who will not reproduce. It might also help if I had someone with whom I could have sex.

  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Oh, and your homebrew is in my refrigerator. Me thinks one will find its way down my gullet tonight. Thanks again.

  6. runner says:

    The people that actually do that text messaging are the same ones that believe everything they read and see and can’t think for themselves…probably voted for Bush too.

  7. Steve says:

    HOLIDAY… damnit, I was this close!!

    Never underestimate the stupidity of the average person.


  8. a1th3a says:


    Gosh, I’m currently visiting Atlanta and the only thing I ever find in the street is other people’s garbage and dog poop. Could it be the neighborhhhod? 🙂

    @Paulie [eatl/ga]
    I just stumbled upon your blog… It does seem as though the “smarter” we get, the less likely it is that we decide to reproduce. (RE: “I guess that I am the stereotypical “smart person” who will not reproduce.”)

  9. Gentri says:

    a1th3a: They are very comfy shoes!!!! Definitely right place, right time, but what are the odds that the size was right too?! Yes, neighborhood matters! Brand new and found them just outside of L5P… somebody must have put them on their car roof, jumped in and turned onto Dekalb… goodbye $90 dollar shoes… hello, crazy truck driving mofo who has no pride and good brakes and who knows a good thing when he almost runs over it!

  10. RanLiCoop says:

    I’ll be interested in which voice you choose to have direct you on your travels – my bet is a female with a foreign accent – English Jill, perhaps?

  11. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    If I get to choose you know that I’m picking a female voice. It’d be a nice change of pace to have another voice in the car as well.

  12. Elizabeth says:

    I had the English lady voice on the GPS in a rental car. Her pronunciation of some of the street names in Tallahassee was…interesting, to say the least. I don’t get to choose the voice on the one I bought.

    I will warn you: don’t use the “Avoid Interstate Highways” feature unless you already have an idea of where you’re going. There’s an “Avoid Interstate Highways,” but there is no “Avoid Unpaved Roads” feature to go with it.

  13. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I’ll use the “Avoid Interstate Highways” as “Find Photo Opportunities of Rural America”. 🙂

  14. Elizabeth says:

    Just remember – when it tells you “Turn Left NOW”, and there’s a river to your left? Make sure there is ACTUALLY A BRIDGE over the river before you turn. Fortunately, I remembered this and did not end up floating down the Oconaluftee in my Honda.

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