Somebody Kicked The Ant File

I sat down at my office desk only to be greeted by a stream of ants. Argh. I am a clean person and rarely leave food around, so this surprised (as well as disgusted) me. It turns out that the ants were headed to my coffee mug, which I had washed thoroughly yesterday. Color me confused.

I have Windexed the hell out of my office (a technique that has been successful at home), but have a feeling that I will be killing crawlers all day long.

Do I At Least Get Partial Credit?
I knew that I had no intentions about running last night but I headed up to George’s regardless. My primary goal was to wish my friend Tom a happy 50th birthday, and consume a few beers and a burger. I managed to succeed with the beers and burger, but forgot to speak with Tom. Great priorities, no?

I Am Leading A Really Boring Life Right Now
Maybe it’s still post-vacation syndrome, maybe it’s something else; I’m not sure. Lately this blog has seemed a bit thin (Unlike its author. Heeeey Yo!) and I think that it’s mostly because I have not been doing a whole helluva lot.

My comments are open for suggestion…

ITP Flickr Pic
I believe that it is the job of the photographer to see the world as others do not

I Have A Warped Sense Of Reality

I think that I have succeeded.

Tired Chef
I fell asleep before I could watch last night’s Top Chef. D’Oh! I will blog about it tomorrow as well as about anything I catch on tonight’s Big Brother.

It’s “Back To Concert” Season
If you don’t read this via an aggregator then you can look to your right and notice that my concert dance card is filling up nicely. Yesterday I bought a ticket to the Rilo Kiley show, and tomorrow I will pick up tickets for She Wants Revenge and Shout Out Louds. A lot of shows are still marked as “[tentative]” because I don’t think that they will sell out and I want to keep some flexibility with my scheduling.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – bugged out
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Devo — “Uncontrollable Urge” (I have an uncontrollable urge to kill ants)
Website Of The Day – Looking for another outlet for online videos? Try Viddler.
Exercise (b)Log – none, I really need this heat to break
Monthly Mileage – 7 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car

August Goals
1) Get my first Ruby / Ruby on Rails program written
3) Lose 5 pounds (if at first, second, third, fourth, you don’t succeed….)

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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8 Responses to Somebody Kicked The Ant File

  1. Amity says:

    Heh. The brink building reflected in your photo is the building I work in. 🙂

  2. Amity says:

    brick. duh.

  3. The reflected building is on Peachtree. The building reflecting it is at Pershing Point.

  4. Kate says:

    Ants have been ruthless lately in Atlanta. I think they’re coming in for water. Here’s hoping they go away soon.

  5. Barb says:

    Tom, (as in Boner?), is 50…… wow, I am realizing we are getting old. I’ve know hashers for 13 years now.
    Cool picture.

  6. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I think the drought has caused them to seek alternative water sources. What freaks me out is that my office is on the sixth floor.

    Yes, Boner is 50. And he can run circles around me (literally).

  7. Brenan says:

    Yeah, the ants are freakin’ everywhere. Our cat puked on the kitchen floor yesterday and by the time we got home from work it (and the uneaten food in the nearby bowl) was blanketed by the little buggers. Perhaps we should trade in our sickly cat for an aardvark?

  8. Load up a spray bottle with white vinegar and nuke the ants, including their trails. They hate the smell. So will you, but that’s the price you pay for winning the War on Ants™.

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