“68 The Hard Way”

Me: “What is kinky sex with a snowman Alex?”
Alex Trebek: “No you sick bastard. The question is ‘How many miles did Paulie run in January and how was it done?'”
Me: “Oh, sorry about that then.”

Here’s an interesting piece of trivia you won’t find on Jeopardy — Alex Trebek and I share a birthday; he happens to be twenty-five years older than me however.

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

Boredom is useful to me when I notice it and think: Oh, I’m bored — there must be something else I want to be doing. In this way boredom acts as an initiator of originality by pushing me into new activities or new thoughts.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Second Verse Not Quite Like The First
When I started running yesterday I had all intentions of repeating the five-miler that I ran on Wednesday night — even though my schedule only called for me to run three miles. I started off very strong and confident that I’d be able to pull off the back-to-back fivers. That lasted until about a mile and a half into the run when it suddenly felt like my heart was going to explode and some one had pulled the rug out from underneath me. At the 1.6 mile mark I stopped briefly, turned around, and ran back to the comfort of my hotel room.

ITP Flickr Pic
This was the sign on the other side of the driveway at the Florida Motel (whose main sign was pictured yesterday)

How Inviting!

I like this photo because it shows hardware from a different era and the decay which has occurred since its installation. The only thing that would have made this a better shot would have been to take it when the hawk I saw sitting on it yesterday. Sadly at that time I saw the hawk I was running so there was no camera conveniently nearby.

I’m Leaving On A Turbo-Prop Jetplane
I make my return to Atlanta today (did you miss me?). My bags are mostly packed and I am wrapping up the blog so I can get on out.

Unfortunately, this trip was a little less than optimal. The weather was fair, but not spectacular. The candidates were good, but not outstanding. Photography time was pretty much non-existent. On the positive side I did manage to get two runs in, I drank Yeungling Black & Tans (unavailable in Georgia thanks to convoluted distribution laws) each night, and I was able to eat a couple of good meals.

A Weekend Extravaganza
Thrashers Then Hashers (title blatantly stolen from my friend Ralph)
Tonight I will be heading down to Philips Arena to see the Thrashers play the Buffalo Sabres. Even more fun will be watching my friend Ralph, from whom I stole the title, skate in a game after the Thrashers are done. I’ll be bringing my camera gear and hopefully will be able to get good shots of both games.

Pizza? I Hardly Know Her!
Saturday night I’ll be attending a pizza party in East Atlanta. This will be an interesting social experiment for me because I will know very few of the party’s participants. I am doing it solely to break out of my social rut and to meet new people.

Holy Shit, The Super Bowl Is This Sunday?
Fortunately I will not be laying the trail for the Black Sheep hash on Super Bowl Sunday this year. I won’t even be running it (although I will be doing a seven-mile run).

Sadly I am woefully unprepared for my party and will have to scurry in order to get all things in order.

It’s going to be a whirlwind weekend…

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – good, but disappointed that I couldn’t carve out time for photography while in Gainesville
Current Music – Leo Laporte’s “The Tech Guy” podcast
Website Of The DayCulinary Seductions bills itself as “The guy’s guide to cooking for girls.” Um, yeah…
Exercise (b)Log – running, 3.3 miles
Monthly Foot Mileage – 68 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My (rental) car, an airplane, my car
Monthly Marta Rides – 6

February Goals
1) Run no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
3) Read at least one book

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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13 Responses to “68 The Hard Way”

  1. Martha says:

    1) your Marta math is off again this month…
    2) I will be staying in tonight, it will be my ‘down night’ in more than a week
    3) I’m looking forward to the Pizza and Super Bowl party this weekend.
    4) I got up and ran 3 miles in the rain at 6:30 am

    and yes, we did miss you

  2. Shoot, I forgot to update the Marta math.

  3. Steve says:

    And I hope you have filled your bag to the airline weight limit with some tasty Yeungling for those who have been living without πŸ™‚


  4. Brenan says:

    Your heart nearly exploded? Sounds like you might have more in common with Alex Trebek then just a birthday. Just kidding (I hope).

  5. @Steve: No liquids coming home, thank the TSA.

    @Brenan: I am supposed to be in good health… :/ But doesn’t everyone out there know that I am only running in order to kill myself?

  6. Martha says:

    > But doesnÒ€ℒt everyone out there know that I am only running in order to kill myself?

    Hey I thought that is what I was doing (even though I failed on Wednesday and some remained vertical for 5 miles)??

    I’m taking it up a notch this weekend…I just got clipless pedals for the bike…at least I’ll be wearing a helmet. πŸ™

  7. Barb says:

    Steve – we still have some Yuengling at the house, and some Skyline….. (just to make you extra jealous.) if you ever want to venture to Marietta, we might share.

  8. Martha says:

    There will be a keg of Yuengling at the Atlanta Hash this weekend….

  9. Good thing I got my fill of Yuengling in Gainesville, now I don’t have to go to the Atlanta Hash. πŸ˜›

    Besides, I have waaaaaay too much shit going on between now and Sunday evening!

    btw – guess who’s back ITP, well spitting distance from ITP? πŸ˜€

  10. Martha says:

    You and me both…

    I’m going to guess it is you?

  11. Yeppers! I’m in the office for a few hours before returning to the horrors of Friday evening rush-hour(s) traffic in Atlanta. It’s a hockey night for me!

  12. Steve says:

    While the thought of Yeungling and hashing has a certain appeal, I’m limiting myself to one trip to the city this weekend. One of my friends is having a tremendous Super Bowl Party.

    Hope to see many of you there!


  13. Gentri says:

    See you at Bwana’s!

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