The Great Coverup

Poison ivy has convinced me to wear a long-sleeved shirt on a warm day. If you want to find me tonight check out Brewhouse (after work) where I’ll be seeing some friends who are in from out of town and then I’ll be headed to the Granite Room in the Bighouse Loft Galllery in Castleberry Hill for tonight’s exhibit.

I’m Officially Well Hung
Not only do I have one photo in tonight’s Atlanta Photography Exhibit show, I have two!

It looks like my indecision paid off. Last night I took two framed photos with me in order to make a last-minute decision about which one I was going to hang. I brought one and hung it, and then was told that there was a lot of empty space on my wall and could hang another if I desired. And of course I did.

Want to cost me $2000? Get someone to come and buy at least one of my framed photos. I’ve made a deal with myself that if I sold photos for profit this year I would make Jalapeño Beach “official” and buy some new glass in order to improve my work. Yeah, yeah, plumbing, smumbing; I’ve got that already budgeted.

ITP Flickr Pic
You know what would have been smart? To bring my camera into last night’s gallery setup and shoot. There is no photo today, because I am not that smart. Instead, I’ll pimp tonight’s show.
APE Gallery Exhibit

RealiTV Update: I Might Be The Only Person Still Watching “The Chopping Block”
I really think that I am the only one still watching The Chopping Block, now only available on Hulu. That’s okay with me.

The show is down to two couples. My first thought was that this would be the last episode, but as is the case with all RealiTV shows, things get dragged (Terri: “drug?”) out.

For their “final” competition Marco Pierre White dragged (man, I’m getting a kick out of this grammar shit) the two couples to the Neue Gallery (odd spelling) to cook dinner inspired the art work of Gustav Klimpt (but not Emmanuel Kant because he was a real piss ant).

During dinner MPW had a lovely dinner guest who was the food critic of the New York Daily News, and came to two revelations

  1. The New York Daily News is still in business?
  2. I guess you don’t have to be fat in order to be a food critic

California hotties Kelsey and Vanessa (how have they survived???) took inspiration from the gold leaf on one of Klimt’s paintings and created a chocolate covered cherry garnished. Little Miss Food Critic loved the dessert and it helped K&V win the night. They thought that they had won it all. SURPRISE!. There is at least one more week.

Other Musings Of A Pregnant Yak
Don’t ask, it’s a long story.
In addition to the photo exhibit (have I mentioned that I’ll have photos for sale tonight at a photo exhibit?) this weekend I’ll asl:

  • I’ll be dumping off dead electronics.
  • I’ll be kicking around the Inman Park Festival
  • I’ll be drinking beer somewhere
  • I’ll be mowing my lawn — if my lawn mower starts
  • I’ll either be hashing or eating dim sum on Sunday

What will you be doing?

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – fair
Current Music – watching last night’s “Hell’s Kitchen”
Website Of The DayGood Measures Meals may be a good way for me to start to lose weight. And if nothing else, their home page contains a PauliePerfectâ„¢ photo. (thanks to ITP-Reader Jenka for blogging about this site, I blatantly stole it from her)
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing

Foot Mileage – 3 miles, Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 24 (24)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 23
Marta Rides – 0

April Goals
none, and this is not an April Fools joke

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
РEarn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalape̱o Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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22 Responses to The Great Coverup

  1. Steve says:

    Since we seem to be on a correct grammar kick, I happened to run across this yesterday and thought it was pretty funny…


  2. Nice Steve, that was a good find.

  3. Martha says:

    Good luck tonight.

    This weekend’s plans incluce Jerry and I driving to Gainesville for a race, a party tomorrow afternoon and I guess a bit of drinking…I may hash on Sunday, I’d like to, it will just depend on what else needs to be done, one way or another I will be running and/or biking Sunday.

    The starter cord on my lawnmower broke last weekend, I bought a new part I guess I will attempt to fix it this weekend also.

    Let me know if/when you are ready for some plants…if you like we can take a tour of the ‘estate’ and I can show you what I have for you.

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Thanks, and good luck with the race.

    I’m still deciding whether or not I’ll be planting more. Goo thing we got rain last night because I keep forgetting to check the plants.

  5. Barb says:

    I’m off to Savannah for a bachelorette party weekend with non-hasher friends.
    but don’t worry, the whole group is in their 40s I’m pretty sure, so I’m sure we will be sitting around drinking a lot of champagne & wine. I’m hoping we can fit in a trip over to Tybee to get sunburned on the beach for at least a couple hours, I haven’t been to Tybee in way too long.

    I planted too many tomatoes & 2 peppers yesterday afternoon, I wanted to plant an japanese eggplant, but Pike’s didn’t have any. I also planted some string (or pole) beans, never done those before. I was giving 12 plants from a co-worker, I don’t know if that will give me tons of beans or not. Allan should be building something for them to climb on today.

  6. Martha says:

    I watered the veggie garden about 90 minutes before the rain began…oh well.

    I’ve got some low-maintanence creeping phlox (pink and purple) just needs sun, lambs ear doesn’t take any work either…for shady spots I have some hostas. Believe me I don’t have much in the yard that needs a lot of attention.

  7. Barb says:

    if you want to get rid of some phlox – I’ll take some.

  8. Jenka says:

    I looked in to Good Measure Meals. It’s expensive but you can make up the difference by 1. not buying as much at the grocery store; and 2. not going out to eat as much. I’m tempted to try it for a week to see how it is! I would do the just dinner option, I have no need to get 3 meals a day delivered.

  9. Jenka says:

    Oh, and I meant to add: I don’t think I could refrain from eating out at least a couple nights a week, which could seriously skew the experiment into the Way Too Expensive category.

  10. Martha says:

    Barb, I have plenty. It’s not called ‘creeping’ phlox for nothing. I can get some to you the next time we ride. Maybe I’ll take some to Jerry’s this weekend and we can pick it up after a ride next week. That way it isn’t wilting in the car all day.

    Jenka, I checked out the site, I may consider that once I start training again. It would be nice to not have to worry about dinner a couple of nights a week. As for eating out…it just seems like too much trouble many nights after a workout.

  11. Barb says:

    I had the phlox at our old house, and you are right, it creeps along quite quickly. I have a few places that I think it would work pretty well, I don’t remember though, does it needs lots of sun, or just some sun, or doesn’t it matter? (I guess it would just creep slower)

  12. Martha says:

    My phlox is in the front yard some of it gets lots of full sun, other is under a tree but still gets a good bit of sun.

    I have extra cucumber plants as well.

  13. Barb says:

    We aren’t big cucumber fans, but I guess I could try growing one or two, especially if they are free.
    That Good Measures food looks good & interesting, but it seems pricy to me, but I guess if you usually eat out, it would definately be cheaper. I can’t seem to find it, but is it all microwave food, or do you warm up in an oven?

  14. sal says:

    Good luck this week-end Martha….kick some butt.
    Barb: have fun in Savannah…try to remember some of it.
    Paulie: I hope you sell your art work.

    Haven’t planted the spring/summer garden yet…winter veggies are still in…..

    I am heading to the Smokies…Janice and I are going to try and run the whole AT through the Smokies. Friends are running it today…5.2 miles in they already seen 3 bears!! YIKES….

    Should be a nice HOT week-end.

  15. Barb says:

    Sal gets the over acheiver award for the weekend, before it even starts!

    I’ll try to remember a little, but if not, oh well…….. do they have the same motto as Vegas? I was just thinking about the breakfast club over on Tybee too, so many places I want to go, and I’m sure I won’t get to hardly any of them.

  16. And I’m back. I ran out for a lunch trip to Hobby Lobby, where I failed to get what I needed, and then Jason’s Deli, where I ran into a friend with whom I used to work.

  17. Jenka says:

    Martha, the only problem is you have to order at least an entire week at a time. So if you end up going out to eat or decide you want to cook or whatnot, you’d have to freeze the meal that was delivered. It might be worthwhile to sign up for every other week. DECISIONS.

  18. Debbie says:

    I went for it on the Good Measures and will report back. I did the 5-day plan so I’ve got flexibility for 2 days a week and I added the dinner plan so Steve and I can eat the same thing in the evenings. They were super nice to deal with on the phone — I had to call because, believe it or not, they didn’t have the Moreland zip in their database for online ordering. Hmph.

    As much as I travel normally, I suspect it will be hard to do consistently, but since there’s no commitment beyond a week, I can wait and see. I think I’ll save money over what I spend on groceries and lunches a week, or at least it will close to a wash.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekends! I feel like an underachiever, y’all have such fun/busy weekend schedules.

  19. bets says:

    paulie–in florida for the weekend (again) so just know that you’re not the only chopping block fan on the block. will hulu when i return. and watch hell’s kitchen. i had a non-sexual dream two nights ago involving gordan ramsay, who was performing poorly in a restaurant. the meals were bland and overcooked, and when i asked for a napkin, gordon handed me a couple used paper towels. hoping the next dream is sexual and involves gordon and/or mpw.

  20. Hahaha, too funny Betsy.

    Back in Florida? Couldn’t find a Morrison’s Cafeteria with an Early-Bird Special here in Atlanta? 🙂 Hope you are having fun.

  21. Smoove D says:

    How did the show go? I did the art walk, but we were tired by the time we got to the Granite Room and didn’t stop in. Also I forgot you were well hung…

    Anyway, while I would love some new glass, if I ever sell anything, bring on the D700! Numerically it should be 10 times better than the D70 I’m still rocking.

  22. Show went well. I sold one of the two shots I had hanging.

    I’d love to get a D700 but the D300 is a fine camera so I have little incentive to upgrade.

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