44 on 22 : I Say It’s My Birthday

It’s mah birfday! It’s mah birfday! I’m gonna partay like it’s mah birfday! The only bad thing about today is that I am as old as ITP-Reader Barb again. ๐Ÿ™‚

July 22nd Has Always Been A Peculiar Day For Me
All my life I have shared a birthday with my Uncle John. As a child when my family lived in New York it was all sorts of awesome because during the day there’d be a “kids” party at our house, and then at night the relatives would come over, a keg of beer would arrive, and the “adults” party would begin.

As it turns out today is also the birthday of quizmaster Alex Trebek and was also the birthday of the Kennedy matriarch Rose.

Nothing special there, right? Consider these then….

During my travels I have met two people, and currently still work with one of them, with whom I share the same birth date.

At one point there were three of us in my office who shared July 22nd as a birthday.

I briefly dated a woman named Jen whose birthday is also today. I was really looking to sharing some “birthday sex” with her, but she broke up with me before we reached the 22nd of July.

My last girlfriend’s brother’s birthday is July 22nd. Perhaps the best part of her breaking up with me is that I no longer have to share the honors of the day with him.

ITP Flickr Pic
A month ago I pulled into a QuickTrip to get gas. When I pulled up to the pump I saw these balloons jammed into the trash can.
Happy? Birthday!
There has to be a story with these…

Non-Flickr Pics Of ITP
All the rumors are true. During last night’s Tweetup at the Center For Puppetry Arts I was given a crown and balloon because today is my birthday. (And I had a conflicted beer advertisement night.)

But seriously, if you look at the Center For Puppetry Arts employee who gave them to me you’ll understand my joy.

(There is a better photo of her on Josh Weiss’ blog — it’s the ninth photo from the top, the one above me in the crown.)

And before you get all happy for me, the crown and balloon were the only things that I got from her.

And finally I was accidentally crushed by a huge Pinocchio foot.

(Luckily I survived.)

Jack’s Having Someone Twiddle His Dipstick
I’m more than a little nervous today as I’ve dropped Jack off at Firestone for an oil change. This is the first maintenance that I’ve performed since the ill-fated $2700 fiasco in February. To make matters worse this is also the first time that anyone else has had the opportunity to drive the car and I’m afraid that the key is going to get jammed up in the steering column.

I’m nervous about my car. How stupid is that?

And For My Next Trick, I’ll Travel Into Enemy Territory
Tonight I’m headed to Athens, Georgia, home of the hated Georgia Bulldogs. Why would I do this on my birthday? To see a show, of course!

Tonight’s act is seeing Magnolia Electric Co. at the 40 Watt Club. I’ve decided to spend the night in Athens (read “drink liberally”) and take the day off from work tomorrow. Fear not, there will be a blog post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – pensive
Current Music – listening to today’s Tour de France stage
Website Of The Day – Ever wonder what “famous” people were born on your birthday? Give Famous Birthdays a go.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – not taken, ’cause it’s mah birfday

Foot Mileage – ~6 miles, Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 19 (19)
Vegetarian Days – 2, Carnivorous Days – 19
Marta Rides – 0

July Goals
– Regain interest in my life
– Not get fired from my job
– Plan and lay a successful Black Sheep hash on July 19th

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalapeรƒยฑo Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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14 Responses to 44 on 22 : I Say It’s My Birthday

  1. bob says:

    Happy birthday Paulie!

    Thanks for the website of the day, I just found out that I share a birthday with Rob Zombie. That made my day!

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:


    I also found out that you can use IMDB today find any date’s birthdays/deaths/weddings. Here’s a list of today’s birthdays/deaths/weddings. Ooooh, William Dafoe and David Spade have July 22nd birthdays!

  3. romanlily says:

    Hope it’s a happy day for you! Out of curiosity I just went to a “celebrity birthday calendar” and found out it’s also the birthday of my dearly beloved Rufus Wainwright! It must be something in the stars…. Good people are born on this day.

  4. Martha says:

    Happy Birthday Paulie!!!!

    My weird bithday connections…Darren and my neice have the same birthday, both our dad’s had the same day, my best friend in Kindergarden shared my birthday. My sister and I are only 13 days apart so we always had to share a party growing up, it sucked. There are a lot of September babies so someone is always close.

    Looks like I also share my birthday with Dr. Phil, Barry Gibb and Lily Tomlin (okay Lily is cool).

    Enjoy the concert and day off.

    I need to head over to facebook and the buzz to wish you happy birthday again.

  5. Barb says:

    I’m back! David Hasselhoff & Phyllis Diller are the only sort of good ones that share my birthday.

    Paulie – I’m glad you are as old as me again.
    I HOPE you have a better birthday than I did. Our flight got cancelled out of Moline, IL, so we had 5 hours to waste, luckily I found out before we drove the 1.5 hrs to the airport. Ended up going to Harry Potter (not a bad movie, just not my choice, the kids got to pick). Then finally left Moline about 5:30pm. Had to go thru Atlanta to get to Denver, arrived at midnight. So, no birthday dinner in Denver with friends (Charley’s Subs in concourse C was tasty though). Drove to the mountains & got there at 3AM. What a great day….. hahahahahahaha. At least I will always remember my 44th birthday.

    And – my question from this vacation is…….. if you have to be quiet when children are sleeping, why the hell don’t you have to be quiet when adults are sleeping? In case you are wondering, I’ve had my fill of family for a LONG time. They have all been instructed, if they want to see us anytime soon, they can come to Atlanta.

  6. RanLiCoop says:

    Happy Birthday, Paulie!!!

    Hey, 44 is a palindrome, so you’ve got that going for you…

    Thanks to the website of the day, I now know that I am exactly 46 years younger than Jayne Meadows and 6 years older than Gwyneth Paltrow.

    My favorite celebrity who shares my birthday: Meat Loaf (although Cheryl Tiegs was a close second; both are 19 yrs older than me, in case you were wondering)

    Have a great time at the concert and enjoy your day off tomorrow.

  7. debbie says:

    Happy 44 Paulie! 44, btw, is my favorite number. Has been since grade school; beats the heck out of me why, but I’m sure I had a reason back in the day!

    Now why do you have to be hatin’ on the Bulldogs? I’m in Florida, but I didn’t yell boo gators when I crossed the border on the way down. (Note to self, that’s a good idea in the future!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Yay! Barb’s back! Sorry your actual b-day was a bust. I hear ya on the family “fun”. At least you have to import or go see yours… mine are all local!

  8. sal says:

    Happy Birthday Paulie.

    I share a birthday with quite a few folks….my favorite is Divine (the 300 lb inpersonators in films such at Hairspray); Evander Holyfield and Peter Max.

    Sorry about your birthday Barb. Mine last year was no fun either. We scheduled a trip to the Grand Canyon to run Rim to Rim to Rim. 2 weeks before we were to leave, I had foot surgery for my broken foot. Had to travel through airports etc on crutches and then had to sit on the rim while I watched everyone disappear into the Abyss.

  9. martha says:

    Barb what a bummer…and I totally get the ‘family time’ issue. I always have to go there, my sister hasn’t been down here in more that 3 years.

    Sal, that must have been terrible…one of my biggest fears, hurting myself and not being able to run, that and freaking out in the water next month.

    Speaking of Birthdays…I may end up moving the birthday bash to the 12th…it seems like everyone is out of town this Labor Day weekend.

  10. Debbie, I’m only hatin’ on the Bulldawgs because I’ll be in Athens. I’m sure if/when you spend time in lovely Gainesville, Florida your feelings toward the Gators would be the same. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Martha says:

    ah, never mind, Sep 12th is Lake Hartwell…

  12. Barb says:

    Martha – maybe you should have a I’m still 39 party the weekend before your birthday? (we aren’t leaving until Tuesday 9/1 for Colorado)

  13. Martha says:

    That is what i had planned but its the same weekend as the Wilson and there are plans to head to the “Spa” that weekend. So then I moved it back to Labor Day but … ugh, I’ve always hated the timing of my birthday. I NEVER got a party at school, since back in the day, school started after Labor Day, and most of my ‘gifts’ were back to school clothes.

  14. Barb says:

    Martha – looks like the b-day party will just have to be at the “SPA”….. and – you’ve got the whole month – I like to think of birthday month, not just birthday day.

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