Not The Weather I Expected Today, But Then The Way I Feel It Might Not Matter

With the exception of the loss of a sock, which probably never made it to the laundromat, last night was interesting and fruitful. Laundry and dinner (another amazing $3 sandwich from Lee’s Bakery) were done by 8:30pm EDT and passed out before 10:00pm.

Two Pauls, One Cake
Yesterday I had a good laugh at the office. I’ll preface this story by letting you know that I am one of only a handful of people who get in to the office before 8am.

When I arrived there was a partially-eaten birthday cake on which you could easily see the words “Happy Birthday Paul”. At one time my office contained five Pauls, but over the years we’ve been whittled down to two. Knowing that it wasn’t my birthday, less the cake be nearly a month old, I naturally assumed the other Paul was the supplier of the cake. Imagine my surprise when I wished him a happy birthday only to find out that he was not responsible for bringing in the cake either!

We never figured out who brought the cake in, but it sure was tasty.

Luckily I am a cynic, and one who has not purchased much from recently because they are participating in a business practice that I find deplorable.

Recently it has been exposed that when finishing a purchase from (and I’ve heard Orbitz as well) you are presented with the opportunity to receive a coupon. However, by accepting this offer you are allowing them to sign you up for a “web loyalty” program which charges your credit card monthly! Read the fine print if you don’t believe me. Worse yet, I have heard that see nothing wrong with this practice.

I, for one, have decided to stop giving my business until they change their business practice.

ITP Flickr Pic
While visiting New York I was provided the opportunity to go sailing.
It was a good time even if the wind didn’t cooperate much.

What’s Up With The Pluot?
Pluot – a hybrid fruit created by combining a plum with an apricot.

  • I first heard about pluots from my nephew Eric who mentioned that he had started buying them in Manhattan on his way to work.
  • I then heard about pluots a few days later in a story done by NPR.
  • And then I heard about pluots from someone else.

All of which happened in a span of about eight days so naturally I figured that it was time for me to try them.

While I had heard of pluots from three independent sources I still didn’t expect them to be readily available in stores so I put out a request for help finding them. Much to my surprise I was told they were available in Publix, Kroger, Whole Foods, Your Dekalb Farmers Market. Yesterday I also found that they are available at Super Target.

Pluots are plum-sized, have a color comprised of those from red plums and apricots. Sadly, the pluots I purchased didn’t live up to the hype; the ones I purchased are fairly bland and have a surprisingly juice-less, gelatinous body.

Happy Birthday Wishes
Today is the birthday of long-time friend, occasional photostroll companion, and ITP-Reader Stacy (aka “Cheese Nips” or “Dixie Cheese” depending on your point of reference). Happy Birthday!

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – a little under the weather
Current Music
Website Of The Day – I can’t believe that I’ve never chosen Snopesthe best resource for debunking internet rumors!
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – didn’t check, let’s go with “overweight”

Foot Mileage – ~8.5 miles, Wheel Mileage – 83 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 6 (7)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 17
Marta Rides – 0

August Goals
– Not get fired from my job
– Restart work on house, actually making progress this time

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
РEarn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalape̱o Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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23 Responses to Not The Weather I Expected Today, But Then The Way I Feel It Might Not Matter

  1. RanLiCoop says:

    Happy Birthday, Stacy!

  2. Barb says:

    happy b-day Stacy!

    Paulie- glad you got your laundry done….. you don’t want that Yoo Hoo jersey to develop the permanent stink!

  3. That’s what I fear will happen to my hashing clothes since I forgot to pack them with the laundry yesterday. Oh well, the are just hashing clothes.

  4. bob says:

    ugh! Permafunk! Some of my dry-fit shirts have that. Anybody know the secret to getting the funk out? other than fire?

  5. Martha says:

    Eventually all my dry-fit stuff stinks, thankfully races are now giving out technical shirts instead of cotton shirts, so I don’t feel so bad about just getting rid of the offending garments.

    I’ve read presoak, use the special detergent, don’t use fabric softener, hang to dry (in the sun even better), etc…don’t know if any of it works. My workout towels are also gross, they just get demoted to dog towels.

    I tried pluots a few months ago, we have a produce guy that comes to the office once a week, usually his stuff is pretty good. I liked the plutos but he hasn’t had any the last few times I checked him out.

    Happy Birthday Stacy, I’m working my way to FB for more good wishes.

  6. Barb says:

    Bob – I think Fire is the way to go.

    Sometimes you just gotta throw them out. We even bought some special detergent at the Tour De Georgia one year – I dont’ think it made any difference. I really think the best thing is to wash almost immediately, beffore the stink dries in…….. I know that isn’t possible most of the time, but we’ve been trying, and I think it is helping.

  7. Bob, you should donate them to a charity. The homeless are already stinky so they won’t mind. ;^)

    I’ve also found that most of my Dri-Fit shirts have stayed clean and not smelly just by not exercising; that could be an option for you.

  8. bob says:

    “I’ve also found that most of my Dri-Fit shirts have stayed clean and not smelly just by not exercising”

    I think you are on to something here, I like that plan 🙂

  9. Barb says:

    Paulie – looks like Bob is going to come to Marietta to fetch his long lost sunglasses that have been found (and go for a ride) – so we might just have to make a stop at Beer Barrel again. I wonder if our Nestle billboard loving friend will be there again?

    I’m thinking maybe I’ll make them ride up the mtn twice, while I do it one (yes, I’d be that much slower) – make that beer seem all the better.

  10. You riding tonight? Bummer, I’m ill-prepared otherwise I’d join you. Was that guy’s name “Mason” or something similar?

    I’m going to sneak a ride in tomorrow and Saturday before the hash. Hoping for good weather in the time leading up to Wilson so that I can get some rides in. I won’t be “prepared” but I’m going to try and cram for that test. 😉

  11. Barb says:

    It is sort of spur of the moment (well, the Bob joining us part, since Allan found his glasses, I guess he wants to stop being blinded).
    But – it is raining right now here in Marietta, hopefully just for a minute or two by the looks of the sky.

    We girls are riding at Silver Comet tomorrow, you can join us there if you want some girl talk time? You can look like you have a harem?

    Where are you riding Saturday morning? I’d be solo, so you could still kick my ass without having Allan set the pace.

  12. I’ll think about it for tomorrow although Silver Comet is such a bitch for me to get to after work.

    I’m thinking of riding down in the Newnan area (no map made yet) before Fagpipes’ hash.

  13. martha says:

    I’m going to try to convice the BF to head down to Steve’s place Saturday. If anyone is really bored early Saturday morning you can come out and watch me try not to drown in my frist Tri…it should be quite a show.

    Paulie, I’m further east then you are…its a pain but we’re worth it 😉

    I rode this morning, we need to find a better lit path…we both almost took out a fair share of runners in the dark.

  14. Barb says:

    looking for flour, trying to snare the hare? I get it…..

  15. Steve says:

    Let me know how far you might want to ride and I can whip something up. All variations on a theme… road through Moreland to Grantville. All good roads and no traffic, just a few hills and friendly dogs. 🙂

    Stacy is drinking shots over on FB… could be stories tomorrow.


  16. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    @Martha – what route do you take to get to Silver Comet?

    @Barb – I’d never consider pre-finding trail or hikjacking one either. 😉

  17. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    @steve – I’m thinking of 20-25 miles and am kidding about the hijacking of course.

  18. Martha says:

    I take the top end, hop off at one of three exits (Vinings, Atlanta Road or S Cobb Dr) just depends on how traffic is.

  19. bob says:

    Martha, have you included this in your tri training?

  20. Martha says:

    Yes, Jerry send me that training video early on…I’ve had lots of folks volunter to help out with it??

  21. Steve says:

    Bob- That is too much! I’m dying here. Martha, you have a good time.


  22. Barb says:

    I hate that youtube is blocked here at work.

    Paulie – once you (& Steve) figure something out – I just might come out & join you. Might have to bimbo the hash though…… I’ll have to think about that part. Can’t let anyone think I’m an overacheiver or anything. I’d have to do plenty of downdowns as it is probably.

  23. Stacy says:

    Awwww….thanks, Paulie! Thanks, guys! 🙂 Yeah, unfortunately, I do not know how to comment on ITP from my phone while I’m out (like I can on FB)…which is probably a good thing for you! And hahaha Steve! No stories. Only 2 shots total (darnit!).

    But speaking of photo strolling… let’s do one soon!

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