Weekend (Holy Taco) Warrior

This was a busy, busy, weekend.

Who Attends A PBR Gathering And Drinks No PBRs?
On Friday night I attended a PBR Night at my friend Gary’s house. Not being much of a PBR drinker I brought a canned six-pack of 21st Amendment Brewery‘s “Brew Free or Die” IPA with the plan of drinking one or two and then joining the rest by drinking PBR. As I left the party I realized that I never made the leap to PBR and only consumed the beer I brought. I guess that I sort of ignored the point of the evening, though I did nosh on some delicious food that was made for the evening.

One Marked Course, Good. Many Marked Courses, Confusing.
On Saturday morning I joined a group including ITP-Readers Barb (the birthday girl), Steve, Michelle, and Willie for a “37 mile” ride known as Silk Sheets. The map of the ride clearly stated that the course is marked with orange chevrons (>>). The first problem was that orange has seemed to turn in to black. The second problem was that the black chevrons didn’t always correspond to the thirty-seven mile main loop that we desired to follow.

Confusing course aside I had a really good day of riding, my legs felt strong and while I had some slight breathing issues my ride was an overall success.

After riding I joined ITP-Reader Betsy and Sarah for an evening of too many hours and too many beers at Holy Taco.

ITP Flickr Pic
I have nothing today. I did not take a single shot over the weekend. Further disappointment comes tonight when I attend the monthly critique at Roswell Photographic Society without having submitted a photo for critique.

Well I’m Glad That’s Over
Things looked very dicey yesterday. As hashers gathered to run my Black Sheep Hash the skies turned dark, rumbled, and started dousing us with water. Luckily for all involved the clouds passed and the hash was able to run without being drenched (by Mother Nature, however I got them wet). I was glad the rain stopped because my trail was difficult (and some said difficult to follow) and doing it under adverse conditions could have been disastrous. As it was by the time my co-hare Cockpit and I made it to our final water crossing the water in that branch of the South River was flowing faster than any time we had been out to scout trail.

Here’s a rough map of the trail:
Black Sheep Hash #525
(click here to see a larger version)

I had much concern as we circled up for trail trial and there were still six people out, three walkers, two notorious short-cutters, and someone I had never met. As four of that six came in I still had concern about the final two. I believe it’s the hares duty to make sure that everyone makes it to the end, even when people arrive late and have no right to start running with no hope of catching up with the rest of the pack. Just as Cockpit and I were preparing to go out and look for the final to hounds they arrived at the end. Whew! I’m glad that’s over.

The night ended with far too many hours and too many beers at Holy Taco.

Hey, Did You Hear About The Pipe Bomb Found No More Than A Mile From My House?
One thing about my neighborhood is that it’s rarely boring…

Here’s the AJC story about the pipe bomb that was found on Moreland Avenue yesterday.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – tired
Current Music – listening to today’s Tour de France stage
Website Of The Day – I actually like the idea of Fitness Singles though I can’t bring myself to use them.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – Saturday: cycling, 36.6 miles; Sunday: hashing, ~5 miles
Morning Weigh-In – didn’t check
Pages Of 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die Read – 77

Foot Mileage – ~12 miles, Wheel Mileage – 131.6 miles
Pushups – 0, Situps – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 1 (16)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 18
Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

July Goals
– Not to get sick for the entire month (still waiting to accomplish this)
– Not get fired from my job
– Ride my bicycle no fewer than 150 miles
– Get the Sharpened Stone, LLC moving further
– Complete at least one iPhone application
– Completely plan out my August/September Colorado trip

2010 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 185 pounds (starting weight was 198 pounds) [update: On July 1 I’ve sadly gained weight; I’m at 203 pounds]
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Sharpened Stone.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Get the Black Sheep stats out of Excel and online
– Ride in no fewer than two 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Complete my Taco Mac Passport requirement of 125 beers

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in PHP and CSS Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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23 Responses to Weekend (Holy Taco) Warrior

  1. Further proof that I’m not Don Draper…

    I went to the office mailbox with a Netflix envelope and happened to follow a very cute non-married young lady into the mailroom. Turned out she too was mailing a Netflix envelope, and all attempts at making small talk based around this coincidence were rebuffed.

    Not a great way to start the work week after such a good weekend.

  2. Martha says:

    I wouldn’t take someone being unsociable on a Monday morning personally.

    Semi-busy but not exciting weekend…Friday night was a trip to Borders for a new journal, Saturday 8 miles on the Comet, followed by housework and a nap, then a party for the EABF Captians. Sunday we ran the Homestead Loop at Red Top, lunch at Atlanta Bread Co and lots of yard work.

    I actually got some decent sleep this weekend, I slept in until almost 7 both days…amazing how much better I felt.

    At the party Saturday night, half the people were smoking 🙁 I guess I forget people still do that, since we rarely hit the bars anymore and none of my friends smoke. We didn’t stay long but did leave with two six-pack left over from EABF.

  3. Martha says:

    I forgot about the pipe bomb…I got stuck in the traffic back-up, returning from Lowe’s. The good times just keep coming!!

  4. True, but it seems to be the reaction I receive from the women I try to chat up regardless of the day. This is (one of the big reasons) why I’ll turn 45 as a single male this week.

    Missed you at Black Sheep yesterday, Martha. You could have gotten some swimming practice as more than one person told me that they swam across the South River near the tall train trestle. This confuses me still as I realize the water was flowing swiftly but the water crossing wasn’t that long.

    Mentioning the train trestle reminds me that I feared getting snared really early yesterday because Cockpit and I had to wait for a long train to pass before we could cross the tracks. And speaking of snaring, we were only snared by Two Crabs, less than a quarter-mile from the end; this might have had something to do with some of the sneaky trail markings (or lack thereof) that I employed so that I didn’t repeat last year’s fiasco.

  5. Barb says:

    I survived the weekend – but damn I feel old 😉
    Bike ride saturday morning was great – we definitely have to do it again, I liked it better than riding on SCT out to Rockmart. Wheelhopper for me this sunday could be the same/similar ride – though that won’t be the Wheelhopper trail, there is a real trail…… this way I can get to the end (aka pool) by the time I want to be there.

    Saturday at Wild Wing I learned a lesson, I really don’t like drinking beer for hours on end anymore. I didn’t feel drunk, just full, and I got to the point I just don’t even like the taste of beer. I guess I really have turned into a wino. But – Wild Wing was fun, Parrotheads & a few hasher friends showed up.

    Sunday I did basically nothing – I felt like we’d spent enough money between Flemings friday night (EXCELLENT experience) and too many hours at Wild Wing on Saturday.

  6. Sometimes I feel the same way about drinking beer all day, Barb.

    After your description of Fleming’s I might have to try it. It’s hard for me to believe that my office has been across the street from Fleming’s for nearly five years and I’ve never been to dinner there.

    In other Perimeter Center news I’ve heard that a Tilted Kilt (think “Hooters with plaid skirts”) is going to open where Max & Erma’s was at the corner of Abernathy and Mount Vernon.

  7. Barb says:

    Paulie – Flemings has a decent crowd that sits at the bar & eats – it would be a good way to “barely if you want to” chat with others. We met some interesting folks while we waited for our other 2 – traffic wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be with it raining on 400. And – they had some good bar (food as well as drink) specials too.

  8. Steve says:

    Very nice riding with everyone on Saturday. I managed to do nothing in the exercise category on Sunday, but sweaty chores can make up for some of that.

    Barb, I could definitely do some or all of that ride for the WH on Sunday… hopefully, I’ll have the 3 back and have turned in the pimpmobile. While it’s a nice riding car, I can basically watch the gas gauge move. It says it’s getting 23 MPG average, but I’m not sure I believe it.


  9. Yet another “interesting” day at the Tour de France. I won’t spoil anything, but if you are recording you may want to watch (especially the final half-hour).

  10. Martha says:

    Well that just shows you how much I get out, never heard of Flemings until now.

    We seemed to be running late all weekend…we couldn’t make it to Barb’s celebration on Saturday because Jerry had a maid come to clean the house and they were there until almost 6. Yesterday we didn’t make it to Red Top until 11am by the time we got back and had lunch, I didn’t think I could make it to the hash, for some reason I was thinking it was north of town…not just down the road. Duh…I did tell Jerry I was going to try and meet up with you at HT but by the time I finished mulching the front yard and scrubbing the mud of me, I was done.

    The buzz on FB is that is was a good trail, sorry I missed it.

  11. Barb says:

    Martha – Flemings isn’t in my price range really ever – so it isn’t weird you never heard of it. I have a hard time accepting we spent well over $100 on a dinner that didn’t include any alcohol. But – if we had to buy a bottle of wine – it probably would have topped $200.

  12. Steve says:

    Yeowza!! Maybe that’s why I hadn’t heard of it either. As long as it was a nice meal for your b’day, that’s all that matters.

  13. Barb says:

    Well – since we had the expensive bottle (about $100 retail) of wine sitting in my basement box of “better” wines – I wanted to drink it at a nice restaurant. Worked out quite well. We won’t do this type of thing very often, we are way too cheap for that.

  14. Back from Chinese Food Court lunch (where I saw BWanA again) after eating too much food. Looks like I’ll have to have a scaled back dinner before RPS tonight.

  15. Barb says:

    We went to AJs for Po’Boys – excellent sandwiches (if you like a good New Orleans Po’Boy). But – I only ate half of it- it is a big sandwich.

    If the weather/sun cooperates – go shoot those 2 hearths on your way to the RPS meeting, that way you won’t be tempted to eat a bunch before hand.

  16. Steve says:

    Barb, you silly girl. Paulie never carries his camera!!

  17. I only carry my iPod (actually, my camera is almost always in my trunk). We’re meeting at Moe’s off of Northridge/Roswell tonight so I might not have the chance to take the detour to shoot the kudzu hearth. If time permits I will though.

  18. Barb says:

    It’s barely a detour when you’d take Roswell Rd. north to get to the meeting 😉
    Take your photog friends too. Then you don’t have any excuse to not post a pic tomorrow.

    There is also that one on Hightower in that house’s front yard.
    It would need evening sun I think (but I don’t know crap, I’m no photographer)

  19. It’s more the time than the distance. The meeting starts at 7pm and we like to get there early enough to get decent seats for viewing the photos being critiqued.

  20. Barb says:

    you know I’m just giving you crap…….. tell your friends to eat fast!

  21. Yeah, I know you’re just giving me crap. 🙂

    I’m surprised we’ve not heard from ITP-Reader Bob today. All this chatter about cycling I was sure he’d chime in.

  22. Barb says:

    We will be watching the Tour coverage tonight – no spoilers…….

    I think Bob went to that Spin for Kids thing or somebike ride for Camp Twin Lakes thing at Sweetwater yesterday – maybe he’s too hung over to read your blog?

  23. I’ve already agreed not to post any spoilers.

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