Forgive Me If I Coast Until Friday

My 45th year has easily been the most injury-riddled year of my life. Yesterday I managed to convince myself to get out and whack back more of the holly bush I’ve been working on this month. I’d been going for about an hour when the long handle of my pruning shears snapped back hitting me in the mouth. My lip split and bled and I feared that damage may have happened to my teeth since one of my front teeth got whacked as well. I think my teeth have been spared (though they definitely feel as if they’d been whacked), but my lip shows the sign of getting smacked. However, I’m sufficiently scared to have to get dental work done — my teeth aren’t the greatest but at least they’ve come in fairly straight. I was hoping by this morning the minor discomfort with my teeth, specifically the one which got smacked would have been history, but it’s not. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

My house is now literally killing me.

I think I’ll “play it safe” until Friday to ensure that I make it to 46.

How Many Times Can One Place Bill Me?
When I went to see an orthopedist at the beginning of June I paid $31 upon leaving. I assumed that would be the last I heard from them. A few weeks later I received an “adjustment” telling me that I owed them another $11. I paid that. On Saturday I received another “adjustment” telling me that I owed them $211 more. What the fuck? Because this is all accident-related I assume that I will get reimbursed 100%, but it still frustrating as hell to get billed multiple times for the same visit.

fwiw- The office visit alone cost $457, while the x-rays taken cost an additional $100.

ITP Flickr Pic
I should have gone out and taken photos instead of attempting to work on the yard. I have just renewed my Flickr account for another year so in theory I plan to return to taking photos.

Viva La France, Viva La iPad
I got to watch the Tour de France via my iPad this weekend. I had previously downloaded NBC’s “Tour de France All-Access” app but had not purchased the video streaming plan until Friday. By Friday the cost of video streaming had dropped to $5 so I went for it.

Kudos to my iPad and its battery life. I never had any concern that I’d run out of power even on Saturday morning when it was in use for over five hours.

Semi-kudos to NBC. The video quality was sketchy at times, but overall was good enough for what I paid.

It was also fun/odd to hear another announcer call the action until the feed was turned over to Paul Sherwin and Phil Liggett, though I did miss hearing Bob “Bobke” Roll’s pre-race analysis. Another bonus of watching it on my small screen was that there were no commercial interruptions; the only advertisements seen were very small and unobtrusive in the corner of the screen.

I plan to use my iPad to watch the final weekend which is upcoming. By the end of next weekend the $5 spent for video access will seem like the best $5 that I’ve spent this month.

Of course today is a Tour rest day so I really don’t have much to look forward to today.

I’ve Reached The Bottom Of My Laundry Barrel
Well, not really. I’m just out of clean underwear, socks, and workout clothes. Tonight I’ll be haunting one of the local lavanderias with the intent on eating dinner nearby as well. I’ll probably wind up at the lavanderia next to Las Tortas Locas and wind up getting some food and a horchata there.

(Belated) Happy Birthday
While I was out trying to do damage to my face yesterday, birthday girl Barb was working on her deck so that it’ll be ready for the GarageMahal unveiling. Hope that you managed a good meal and some beverages once the manual labor was done.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – scared, depressed, uncertain
Current Music – silence
Website Of The Day – It is no surprise that I am an Apple fan boy. It should come as no surprise that I enjoy watching/listening to Mac-related podcasts. One of my favorite short-video Mac podcasts is MacMost.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – Wednesday

Foot Mileage – ~4.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 0 flights

Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 0 (0)

Vegetarian Days – 1
Carnivorous Days – 16

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

July Goals
– “Completely” recover from the bike crash
– Buy a bicycle and start riding again
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Not get fired from my job
– Run at least once
– Eat vegetarian no fewer than five days
– Lose three pounds

2011 Goals [will be a little more fluid than in past years]
– Reduce my weight by 25 pounds based on the my weight as measured on February 1st
Completely read the book Daily Negations which I received as a Christmas gift.
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business — one which does not get penalized.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than two one half-marathon
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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18 Responses to Forgive Me If I Coast Until Friday

  1. Barb says:

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, yesterday was okay – I had the easy job of holding something occasionally, going to Home Depot to get more drill bits, make lunch, pick veggies, cut the grass, etc. Then we went to Scalini’s – they still give you $11.50 towards dinner on your birthday – it was nice, some italian salad, very buttery & very garlicy rolls, some chianti, and some dinner after a long day outside. (not the best italian food I’ve ever had of course, but it is nearby, and it hit the spot)

    Big thanks to Steve for coming over to help – he got his Skyline chili dog fix, (and some Skyline to take home to share with Debbie) and we even timed it so everyone could watch the finish of the Tour. (Good sprint finish.)

  2. Martha says:

    Paulie, you need someone around that is more clumsy that yourself. Like me for example. If you had taken me up on my offer of help, the pruning shears would have hit me in the mouth, cut of my finger, whatever, the point being you would have been spared and I’m use to it so it wouldn’t bother me so much 😉 Heck I’ve already had to have one of my front teeth fix after a glass light fixture fell on my face.

    I had a pretty relaxing/productive weekend. Jerry was out of town, so I clean and organized things around the house, at Nick’s and watch Harry Potter! I’m somewhat disappointed in myself that I didn’t take full advantage of the weather and run Saturday morning, but at least I made it to the gym and watched Michelle finished her first CF workout (she did awesome, btw).

    Orthopedist and the like are not cheap. I had to spend a lot of money out of pocket for my MRI a few years back, sadly I may be due for another.

    I think it’s fantastic that you are out of clean workout clothing!

  3. Steve says:

    Debbie picked me up from the airport late Friday afternoon and we stopped at Frank’s on the way home for dinner. If you haven’t been to Frank’s, you would never imagine a pretty good Italian restaurant share the building with a Fina gas station/quickie mart, but if you find yourself on the Southside, it’s worth the trip. Just be warned the portions are gi-normous, as are the desserts!!

    Saturday, we made our donation to the Harry Potter foundation, and enjoyed the movie very much- just in case you’re interested, there isn’t any reminders of what happened in volume 1- almost as if they just spliced the credits at the end of V1 and pick right up with V2, so be prepared.

    Sunday, I joined the mad decking crew at the garage-majal. I have to say Allan over-engineered that deck so I think it would support dancing hippos. He did use plastic on the top instead of real wood, so Debbie probably won’t set foot on it…

    All in all, I’m glad to be at work to get some rest.


  4. Martha says:

    Oh yeah, I watched HP/DH part 1 Saturday night…thinking I was all caught up but 30 minutes I decided I must have missed one, “the half blood price”, I’m guessing. I’ve started to put up the tv in the office but some screws are missing, so I’m waiting on replacements…then I guess I can watch and then REALLY be caught up.

  5. Steve, it’ll have to support hashers some day which is much more difficult than supporting dancing hippos.

    I know you’re joking about Debbie and her not setting foot on the deck. I had an old friend who once worked (and probably still does) for Coke. His refusal of anything PepsiCo would have made him a great Nazi. I’m glad I don’t have to stop visiting friends who have switched from Dish Network to another provider — not that I’ve been getting out much these days.

    Martha, I should have requested your help. 😉 Honestly, I have no idea how the effing handle managed to come back and pop me in the mouth; it’s not spring-loaded or anything. It might be God’s way of telling me to hire someone to do my work; or His way of slowly trying to kill me.

  6. Confession Time: I have never read or watched, no have I any desire to read or watch, Harry Potter. (see also: Lord of the Rings)

  7. Barb says:

    Think Cheddarhead………. (and, I’d have to say some of my Parrothead friends could test that deck as well)
    Ooops is the sucker (I mean helper) today with Allan.

    I read the 2nd HP book way back when (I know, why not the first? I have no idea), and I thnk I’ve seen 2 of the movies (with the nieces & nephews), but no idea which ones. They were entertaining enough, but I’m not on that bandwagon.

    I did see all 3 Lord of the Rings movies……. they were good movies too.

  8. Steve says:

    I think I read all the HP books and am pretty sure I’ve seen all the movies. I even managed to remember some of the plot lines before we sat down.

    I know I’ve never read the Ring trilogy and tried to watch the movie, but never made it through…

  9. Martha says:

    Was someone asking about Havana Grill the other day? I drove by today at lunch, there were no closed signs in the window but the place was a ghost town, it must be closed. (and according to Urban Spoon it is closed)

    I can’t count the number of times I’ve watch the Lord of the Ring Trilogy (read them all when I was a kid a couple of times)…

  10. I was asking about it. It looked very closed when I drove by a few weeks ago, and I guess that’s because it was. I did a Google search and found nothing conclusive, I guess I should have used Urban Spoon. Thanks for the confirmation, Martha.

    For all reading my Twitter stream: I am indeed having a case of “The Mondays” (or would be if I believed in it) and am currently head banging to some metal music. I may not be in my twenties any longer, but that’s never going to stop me from enjoying metal and hard core.

  11. Steve says:

    I forgot to tell y’all… the entertainment at the Cisco party Wednesday was the bands “OK-Go” and “Train” as well as part of the Cirque du Soleil troup from their water show.

    OK-Go did a nice set, but I didn’t recognize much, if anything. I didn’t really hang around for the Train set… would I have recognized any of that?

  12. I know OK-Go for their innovative music videos. You may have recognized a Train song or two, not that I can think of any titles off the top of my head.

    I’m currently listening to the latest from Fucked Up, the band I was supposed to see at The EARL in June but got stymied by the kitty cat outside my kitchen door.

  13. Martha says:

    Drops of Jupiter and Meet Virgina are the first songs to pop in my head.

    I was scanning my neighboor’s CD collection last night (I’m dog sitting Barney this week)…Okay, I wasn’t surprised to find a lot of Cher and Barbara (and there was A LOT), I was shocked that there was so much Everything but the Girl, I had no idea they’ve produced 11 albums.

    Havana Grill’s web site is still active (stupid flash intro and all) with no word of being closed.

    I’m thinking about hitting up Panahar in the next week or two if anyone is interested, I haven’t been in ages.

  14. There you go, those would be two songs I recognize…

    If you let me know which day you decide to go I might be able to meet you at Panahar. It’s a bit of a hike from Perimeter, but I used to like to eat there and wouldn’t mind having a long lunch.

  15. Jenka says:

    I am back from my trip! What a wonderful vacation! I am so tired, still.

    Martha, I see that your new office is close to me! We will have to meet up somewhere on Briarcliff for lunch one of these days. 🙂

  16. Welcome back stateside, Jenka. I’ve been crockpotting up a storm in your absence, well, not really. Though I did make a pork butt yesterday and have plans to make an entire turkey breast tomorrow.

  17. Jenka says:

    I’ve decided that the crockpot is the perfect food-cooking device for hot weather, because it creates a lot less heat in the kitchen than the oven, and you can turn it on and walk away!

  18. And it smells wonderful as the meal nears completion.

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