Beware Of The iPads Of March

If memory serves me right today is the day my “New” iPad (3) will arrive. I’m thrilled, but know that I won’t have much time to muck with it today.

Yesterday’s Daily Challenge
Share two topics you would like to learn more about.

Growing and developing as a person can be a lifelong pursuit! Learing something new stimulates your mind, can re-energize your zest for life, and may lead to new exciting experiences. Another bonus: Learning new things gives us the opportunity (to) teach them to others and strengthen our relationships.

Okay, here you are:

  1. It should be no surprise that I am still looking to improve my software development skills.
  2. I am woefully ignorant about geography (mostly international). I want to learn more about countries, where they reside, and some interesting information about each.

What are yours?

Veggie Burga! Veggie Burga!
Probably the “highlight” of yesterday was recording vegetarian day number two for March. At lunch I decided to skip the ever-delicious chicken cordon bleu and instead opted for a veggie burger and fries from the office building’s cafeteria.

I worked late last night (until about 8pm) and headed over to Taco Mac for a beer and dinner. Determined to make yesterday a complete vegetarian day I scanned the menu to find out that the only vegetarian option which was going to satisfy me was yet another veggie burger and fries.

[note: Even if I find out these institutions fry their french fries in animal fat (unlikely, but still) I am taking credit for a vegetarian day dammit!]

ITP Flickr Pic
Another day, another walking map.
This walk was approximately 4.75 miles long.

Spring Cleaning, 2012
Spring arrived the other day. It seems as if every year I declare “This is the year that I will rid my house of clutter!”

“This is the year that I will rid my house of clutter!”

I already have a box of stuff which will find its way to Goodwill this week. I have identified some ancient electronics which will be taken to the next E-Recycle Day about which I hear.

This weekend I will be making a concerted effort to add many more things to the “Out Of This House!” pile.

Spring Cashing, 2012
One of the other things I plan to clean up is my finances, including the cashing in and spending of money I have on gift cards. While I don’t have many gift cards I do have some (and plan to get at least one more by cashing in “Rewards Points” from one of my credit card holders) and want to finally clean the slate on what I have.

I shan’t be making many far-reaching financial decisions — at least not until I hear back from my tax preparer in regards to my 2011 income taxes.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – fair
Current Music – listening to this week’s “The Talk Show” podcast
Website Of The Day – This one is strictly for the software developers. On this morning’s walk I heard about GitBox, a visual front-end for the Git source control management system. [note: I just bought the app from the Mac App Store while it’s on sale for $9.99]
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – walking, ~4.75 miles
Morning Weigh-In – I find out later today. I’m not expecting to be pleased because I don’t think that I’ve lost any weight over the past week.

Foot Mileage – ~36.75 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 0 flights

Days Of Bed-Making – 18 (not including hotel days)

Vegetarian Days – 2
Carnivorous Days – 18
Pancakes Eaten – 0 (have I not eaten any pancakes in March? YIKES!)

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2012

  1. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me — Mindy Kahling

March Goals
– Lose at least three pounds (net weight loss)
– Exercise for thirty minutes no fewer than twenty days
– Not to get sick for the entire month (may be a moot point as of today)
– Eat vegetarian no fewer than ten days
– Not get fired from my job, nor quit my job
– Follow up with doctors, lawyer, women in whom I have interest
– Go out on a least one date with a woman in whom I have interest
– Submit 2012 paperwork for Sharpened Stone, LLC
– File tax paperwork for 2011 income taxes
– Watch all of the classes in the 2011 Winter semester of Stanford’s CS193P (iOS Development) course

2012 Goals [will be a little less fluid than last year]
– Get my weight under 200 pounds, or at least whittle myself back down to where wearing a 36″ pant size is comfortable
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than one one 10K
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store
– Restore the ITP Estate to a condition where it can be put up for sale at any time
– Buy a new iPhone (iPhone 5?), a new iPad (iPad 3?), and MacBook Air [look, not all goals have to be altruistic]

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient and profitable programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)
– See more live concerts than I did in 2011
– Eat more pancakes
– Drive/Fly somewhere for a real vacation

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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8 Responses to Beware Of The iPads Of March

  1. Barb says:

    I realized I’m terrible about history knowledge. I didn’t realize that Spain was under a dictator until like 1980? After our tour around Barcelona, I thought I really should learn more history of other places in the world.

    We were not vegetarian last night, as Allan likes to say, he’s a meatatarian. After mostly pork products in Spain, we needed some beef, so it was steak night. But – we did have a cheese tortellini with pesto & veggies, so it was 2/3 veggie.

    Also- the garden is getting tilled up soon, I just might have to start planting some veggies with all this warm weather we keep having…..

  2. Steve says:

    I would like to get back to learning German again- I taught myself a bit before I went over the first time but never kept it up. I figure my grandparents (my mom’s- long gone before I arrived) were fluent, as my mom would say certain things, which gives me good pronunciation skills (not always easy).

    Debbie’s brother Andy and his son Tyler are hard at work on barn reconstruction. The pool is almost all pressure washed… the refilling should start tomorrow. Farley gets to see his regular vet today for some bloodwork to make sure he didn’t kill his liver… that boy!!

    Georges tonight!


  3. Barb says:

    no driving to Georges for us tonight, Allan might be tilling the garden, if he goes to get a tiller. I know, it is hard to believe we haven’t bought one, but I’m trying to convince him we don’t need one.

    And – after walking most everywhere for 9 days, I really don’t feel like driving places yet.

  4. I’d like to think that I could possibly relearn what little German I learned in college, but I haven’t done it so far….

    If I get out of work early enough I may swing by George’s. I’ve already walked this morning so I’d only show up for a beverage and some food.

  5. Steve says:

    Ausgezeichnet! Vielen dank.

  6. Steve says:

    And just announced… Tim Tebow is going to the JETS, JETS, JETS!!

  7. Wow, I didn’t see that coming… I assumed that he’d be playing for Jacksonville next year.

  8. Barb says:

    and Sean Payton just got suspended for a year……… Roger Goodall is showing them who’s boss

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