Oh Hi There

After a quick bite and a few beers at my new home-away-from-home Chuy’s I returned to the office and worked until 9:45pm (2145 for Barb). I promptly passed out when I arrived home.

I popped out of bed around 6:00am this morning, mind racing, and headed straight into the den so that I could jot down the ideas I had while they were still fresh in my head. Nearly 2.5 hours have passed since and I think that I am 90% complete with my changes, though they are still-untested changes. Now I have to shower and navigate the hopefully-lighter-than-normal Spring Break traffic to the office.

ITP-Readers Betsy and Martha, expect to hear from me this afternoon to confirm tomorrow’s plans.

A Question For You
I’ve felt badly about the neglect this space has received (again) lately. So today I’d like to pose a philosophical question.

Excluding money, are you a “quantity” person or a “quality” person? For instance, would you rather have three bottles of wine which cost $10 each, or a single bottle of wine which costs $30?

I’d love to be a 100$ “quality” person, but the best I can confess to is leaning toward “quality.”

Okay, must get going in order to get my official work day started…

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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11 Responses to Oh Hi There

  1. Barb says:

    I am more quantity than quality- I’ll find 3 tasty bottles of wine for $10 each (or, in the most recent actual case, I got 3 bottles of a vinho verde for $5.98 each – it is a very light, almost bubbly white that is perfect for sitting on the deck)

    I got home at 1715 last night, left for yoga at 1900, but really would have rather just watched TV all night. Caught up on Celebrity Apprentice, that is my favorite Reality TV show this year, I just can’t figure out who the Donald wants to win.

  2. bob says:

    Quantity or quality, it all depends on what you are talking about. You can buy 10 $100 bikes instead of one $1000 bike. Would you ride a century on a $100 bike? Some things don’t really matter, others really do.

    So Laura’s sisters dog survived last night, it’s like baby sitting montgomery burns, this dog is so frail. I just hope he holds on until the family gets home on Friday.

  3. Martha says:

    Bob, I no what you’re going through and I don’t envy you. My last six months with Vicki where tough. I woke up every morning hoping she hadn’t died in her sleep. She was mostly deaf towards the end so she didn’t always hear me when I would try to wake her up, there were SEVERAL stressful moments wondering if she was going to wake up or not.

    I would have to pick quality, like Bob said, somethings matter more (for some folks) but I can’t really see a situation where I need a lot of anything…

    In other news, I picked up the new bike rack and installed it last night, I’ve got room for three bikes so I’m ready to ride when we get back next week.

  4. Barb says:

    okay- so it depends on the quality or quantity thing…….. and except Allan, do you really need 10 bikes?

    Hey Steve – Friday night 4/13, if you guys are home, we might want to come spend the night before Wheels O Fire….. and you should come ride with us too, of course.

  5. Bro says:

    I vote for quality. You pay for quality but it’s worth it. That’s what I tell my clients all the time. As for what time it is, (3:00 PM or 1500 hours) I don’t care, I’m self employed.
    Good luck tomorrow. I’ll get your updates from Mom.

  6. Steve says:

    I would ride the century on the 10 $100 bikes just because I think it’s a wacky idea!! And I know more than just Allan that have 10 bikes.

    I was already planning on y’all spending the night, either Friday or Saturday (or both). Any more takers for Wheels ‘o Fire? Guess I need to go ahead and sign up, huh?

    I guess Tate is going to get some remedial training. We got him (and his now missing brother Toddy) as barn ratters. When I went to get the tractor out last night for some quality time, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. When I put the tractor away, I saw a small rat/large mouse run for cover. Tate, we’re going to have to start cutting back on your rations. He does manage to kill things.. we found a skink that had been beheaded and be-tailed waiting by the door for us.

    Debbie has an idea to have monthly “spa days” starting in May. Ride, swim, dominoes, spend the night… ride some more. I was thinking to skip Twisted Ankle weekend, but does anyone else have races or whatnot planned? Bob, when is Tour de Cure?


  7. Barb says:

    Steve – Allan has to work Sunday 4/15, so no over night that night. But- we will fight traffic & come play a round of dominos Friday night (and, maybe bring something to grill, etc)

    May 5th weekend We are camping up at Tsali (NOC area) NC, Sat. May 12 – Allan works, Say 5/19 could work, Sat. May 26 is Memorial Day weekend – Allan works Sunday so no over night that ngiht.
    (like you are going to plan around us, but hey, this way you don’t have to ask)

    I can tell you the schedule for the whole summer, BTW……..

  8. Barb says:

    oh yeah – anyone can come camping – just call Tumbling Waters & get a camp site…….

  9. bob says:

    Spa days sound great! Tour de Cure is May 20th, Laura is doing Twisted Ankle and we are camping there that weekend. It’s crazy how quickly weekends fill up with events over the spring/summer.

  10. Whew, I just managed a bit of non-working/non-eating time. I can’t do Wheels o Fire, but I’m up for some Day Spa R&R this summer.

  11. Debbie says:

    I’d like to go ahead and get all the Day Spa Summer Series dates on the calendar, so stay tuned for suggested dates thru Sept. Yay summer!

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