It’s Too Early To Be This Aggravated

It’s not even 7:30am and I’ve pissed myself off twice today. I should have stopped for gas, but no, I wanted to get to work. Now I’ll have to head straight for a gas station on my way home. I screwed something up with my code, now I’m in the process of trying to fix it all before everyone else gets a whack at it.

And I didn’t think my stress would elevate until I read my work email just before my 9:00am meeting…

Today’s Daily Challenge
Share two ways you take time (or took time in the past) to care for yourself when caring for others.

Taking care of others can be a challenging job, especially if it’s for an extended period. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and burned-out, which leads to exhaustion and feelings of unhappiness and resentment. Self care is a critical part of stress management when you’re caring for someone else. By sharing how you stay healthy in body and mind, you may motivate another caregiver to take a much-needed break – and you may get some good ideas from others.

I have no one I’ve had to take care of.

Under Attack
Have you noticed ITP outages recently? Dreamhost, the web host ITP has been with since its inception, has been fighting off attacks every afternoon this week. While I am certainly dismayed by this (the fact that they are under attack, not that they are fighting them) I am thankful that I have not relied on their service to provide me income this week. There have been many aggravated customers posting their displeasures on Dreamhost’s forums recently.

Sobriety Is Overrated
Meh, you know that I mean this in a lighthearted way.

Last night the stress got the better of us at work and my drinking pals and I made our way to Taco Mac. I had two “big boy” beers with my dinner.

Note to self: you are still paying for that LA Fitness membership…. use it.

By the time I arrived home I was feeling pooped. I may have spent a little more than an hour attempting to get things done before falling asleep, not surprising since I had stayed out until 12:15am the night before.

ITP Flickr Pic
Nothing to share today.

So Much For My Theory
I was building this theory that you can tell about my outlook in life based on the way I am dressed. On days where I feel good I want to present myself, I dress nicely (for me this means “adult” shoes and a nice shirt). On days where I don’t give a rip you’ll find me in sneakers and a t-shirt.

The latter has been the norm the past week or so.

I started the day feeling okay so I “dressed up.” However, my early morning mishaps have already overcome the optimism I was feeling while dressing.

Too bad, really.

Updates And Observations
iPod Classic (160GB) ordered, arrives tomorrow.

Tickets for Neutral Milk Hotels second Tabernacle show (this one on October 27th) went on sale yesterday, I purchased two.

I’ve still not made an appointment with a doctor (podiatrist — btw, do you know a good one that takes Cigna?), need to do this soon.

Work has aggravated me (no surprise there), networking needs to happen more often.

Still have yet to return ITP-Reader Martha’s percolator or ITP-Reader Terri’s crutches.

There is talk at work of people riding the metric century for Jackson Brevet on June 15th, since Summer Slacker has been pushed to the next week I may ride it.

I’m still in the process of trying to order glasses from Warby Parker, today I will pick five frames for their “Home Try On” service.

I am still seeking dates for “The Book Club” at Horizon Theatre (ITP-Reader Stacy, it’s looking good for you; confirmation will occur next Monday) as well as (sold out!) Lyle Lovett concert at Atlanta Botanical Garden.

My plan to spend an hour each day training myself (programming stuff) is going poorly. I need to step it up.

When I return to the gym for cardio days (soon!) I plan to listen to an entire album (using my new iPod Classic?). The potential goal is to start writing record reviews.

The ITP Estate still needs much work. Near-future plans are to hire someone to do some tree trimming (and maybe backyard cleanup), fix the soffit, oh yeah, and all that pesky plumbing.

Today’s Personal Project
Pick up my shirts from the dry cleaners. No wait, that’s in the wrong direction from the lone gas station in Dunwoody, this will have to wait until tomorrow.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – aggravated
Current Music – silence
Website Of The Day – I could use some Mental Floss these days.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – checking tomorrow

Foot Mileage – ~3.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 0 (0 cardio)

Days Of Bed-Making – 0

Vegetarian Meals – 22
Carnivorous Meals – 19

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

May Goals
– return ITP-Reader Martha’s coffee percolator to her

- return ITP-Terri’s crutches to her

- not get sick

- lose three pounds

- exercise at least twenty-five of May’s thirty-one days

- finish at least two of the books I am reading

- take at least one box of things to Goodwill

- post at least ten photos in the blog

- drink a lot less alcohol

- prepare a house repair plan and budget

2013 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Dissolve Sharpened Stone
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate

2013 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)
– Take two real vacations, perhaps one abroad
– Take a more proactive approach to meeting women (read “stop being such a pussy”)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2013

  1. Pages 1.7 for iPad (Timestompers Guide) — by Sean Wells
  2. 60 Mountain Lion Tips — by David Sparks and Brett Terpstra
  3. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business — by Charles Duhigg

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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9 Responses to It’s Too Early To Be This Aggravated

  1. Barb says:

    Didn’t you stop in Asheville to buy tickets for Neutral Mike Hotel’s show? I”m confused……..

    We did the Ride of Silence last night in Marietta, it was the hardest 8 mile slow ride I’ve ever done. My hands hurt from braking, Marietta is too hilly to try to go that slow. We even had police to stop traffic, etc., and people couldn’t keep up. I actually felt like I was a “fast” rider last night.

    Then went to a place called Taqueria Tsunami on the Square – they had some tasty tacos. We will definitely go back there.

  2. I have tickets for both nights. If tickets for either or both to the Athens shows some how fall into my hands I’ll go there as well.

  3. Martha says:

    But you got the blog posted early, so there’s that.

    It is going to be another non-stop day at the office. I’m so far behind, remind me not to try to do my job, someone elses and sneak in 2.5 days of training ever again.

    The house is moving forward, we will be ordering the appriasal (hopefully) this week, then we can see where we stand. My boss has offered me his empty condo in midtown, he can’t rent it because of the HOA and he bought a new house this year. We just have to pay the utilities…that will be awesome if we can work it out. It may be my only shot at ‘urban’ living.

    I don’t have a podiatrist to recommned but Dr. Sadri and crew have always done a good job on my ‘sports related’ issues. Reminds me, need to call Dr. Nick’s office and have them set up the sleep study for me.

  4. Barb says:

    I think Hot Pockets works for some sort of foot doctor in Buckhead……

    Martha – that would be great if you got a basically free place to live, is it furnished at all?

  5. Martha says:

    No it isn’t furnished (just an air bed from what I’m told).

    We’d only bring the bare minimum….mattress, clothing, some kitchen stuff…it would save us thousands of dollars (which of course would be better spent on the house). It will be worth the trouble of having to actually walk the dogs, instead of being lazy and just letting them out in the yard.

  6. Will you need a coffee percolator? 🙂

  7. Steve says:

    3rd Wednesday was a moderate crowd- birthday boy Coffee Bean and his son (Hand Tossed) along with most of the usual suspects.

    A hot run for 45 minutes and I was glad to stop. Issues running as well as heat issues might have me running at some other time of the day through the summer.

    A free condo in Midtown sounds like a sweet deal- I hope that works out for you Martha.

    The late report from JEFDSDR is Brownie has brought home a new bucket! I swear I’m putting my GPS on that dog tonight!


  8. And maybe a GoPro camera Steve? 🙂

  9. Barb says:

    Steve – that’s too funny.
    Yes – I think a camera & GPS would be an excellent idea.
    A friend who was cleaning out some stuff was trying to give me some sort of drink bucket she had acquired, I told her Brownie would rather have it, and told her the story of your crazy dog.

    Its slow enough here at work I decided to drive to Roswell to Cycleworks for a long lunch today, Allan now has some new Shimano mtn bike shoes. Even though he is a firm believer in Sidi, he decided that for road rides where there is walking (or pub crawling) that some mtn shoes instead of road shoes would be the thing to have.

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