I Am My Worst Enemy

But most of us are, aren’t we.

Today’s Daily Challenge
Spend a few moments thinking about an experience or period of time when you were resilient.

Resilience is the quality that allows us get back up again when something in life knocks us down. Taking a few minutes to recall an experience when you were resilient may help you see it in a different light, one that helped you grow and become stronger. It may also highlight how your own level of resilience has changed over time.

I have been knocked down and kept down seemingly my whole adult life. On occasion I’ve even let myself down.

Out And Back
Holy hell that was some rain we had last night! As I tried to wait it out before getting my haircut I realized that I was parked at a low spot on the street. After cars passed me splashing copious amounts of water I decided to see if it would be smart to move. I opened the car door to find the water nearly at door-level, so I did. By the time I moved to my second parking space the rain started to let up.

From Virginia-Highland I decided to execute my plan to attend the GigaOM Mobility Meetup as planned. I drove over to midtown only to find that there was no nearby parking remaining. As I passed Club Opera I saw many people in suits (I was dressed in jeans and a crew-neck shirt) which, with my desire not to walk far in the sketchy weather, convinced me to return to Virginia-Higland and go to George’s. At George’s I wished ITP-Reader Barb an overdue “Happy Birthday” and consumed two beers and two orders of fried cheese curds for dinner. I did mention that I am own worse enemy, didn’t I?

While not as highly attended by “old time hashers” as previous Third Wednesdays the night was fun for me.

Morning PT
I am headed to physical training again today, this time at 10am. While this time conveniently gets me out of a couple of morning meetings it also interrupts my morning completely. Hell, I’ll probably miss the end of today’s double Alp d’Huez stage at the Tour de France, which means I only get to hear/watch the commercial-filled portions.

ITP Flickr Pic
Nothing today.

I Will Probably Hurt My Weight Loss Again Tonight
There is talk of a happy hour tonight after work. I will probably partake, but I need to limit my intake in order make reading my iOS book without passing out (see also: last night) and be ready for a morning trip to LA Fitness tomorrow.

Today’s Personal Project
Do all of the iOS training I am scheduled to accomplish today.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – meh, things need to change for the better
Current Music – listening to today’s stage of the Tour de France
Website Of The Day – I am late to the High Road Ice Cream party. I only heard about the Chamblee-based business recently on “The Alton Browncast.”
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – weight training
Morning Weigh-In – 219 pounds yesterday, check again tomorrow morning

Foot Mileage – 0.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 5 (0 cardio)

Days Of Bed-Making – 0

Vegetarian Meals – 16
Carnivorous Meals – 26

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

July Goals
– get my foot to stop hurting
– return ITP-Reader Martha’s coffee percolator to her

- return ITP-Terri’s crutches to her

- not get sick

- finish at least two of the books I am reading

- take at least one box of things to Goodwill

- post at least ten photos in the blog

- drink a lot less alcohol

- prepare a house repair plan and budget

2013 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Dissolve Sharpened Stone
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate

2013 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)
– Take two real vacations, perhaps one abroad
– Take a more proactive approach to meeting women (read “stop being such a pussy”)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2013

  1. Pages 1.7 for iPad (Timestompers Guide) — by Sean Wells
  2. 60 Mountain Lion Tips — by David Sparks and Brett Terpstra
  3. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business — by Charles Duhigg
  4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy — by Douglas Adams
  5. Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide on Achieving Success and Happiness — by CC Chapman
  6. So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love — by Cal Newport

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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12 Responses to I Am My Worst Enemy

  1. Barb says:

    Was your event at Opera? Some other person I know checked in on FB at Opera last night, but I don’t remember what the event was.

    It was fun seeing folks at George’s last night – did we decide the next Summer Slacker Series is August 3rd – since Paulie can’t make it? (just kidding Paul)

    I’m hoping to get a haircut today, and a pedicure, gotta look half way decent for my trip to Iowa. Then I have to get packed tonight, I’m working a half day tomorrow then heading to the airport.

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    The event was at Opera, site of my first wine tasting all those years ago.

    Yeah, I outlined which Saturdays were good for me and ITP-Reader Debbie conveniently didn’t pick any of them — something about losing at dominoes I’d assume. 🙂

  3. Steve says:

    The rain definitely impacted 3rd Wednesday. The early runners waited 45 minutes before starting and we had not rain, but lots of dripping. Standing/running water was receding quickly, but my shoe still came in soaked. Fried cheese is not a balanced diet? Inconceivable!

    Yes, SSS#2 will be August 3rd. I think that covered a majority of those that could make it and doesn’t appear to interfere with my work weekends or bike races.

    Massive crowds on Alp du Wheeze today. Jens made it to the break. Shut up legs indeed!!


  4. Barb says:

    Opera was where we went to that tasting so long ago? Any idea what that place was called way back then? I’ve forgotten. That was a fun night.

  5. bob says:

    I went north last night to Allatoona creek mtn bike trails and avoided the rain. Sorry I missed you at George’s but the logistics to get the family there are just too much.

    SSS#2 8/3 W00t! Looking forward to it.

    Working from home today and watching the Tour live. The crowds are insane! Climbing that mountain twice is going to be tough.

  6. Barb says:

    I will have pickles to contribute for SSS#2 – if Allan doesn’t eat them all first. We made 4 more quart jars last night.
    Its funny how only my cucumbers & green beans are growing well at all, still not a single tomato.
    Allan will be just getting off a 48 hour shift that Saturday morning, so we can’t start the ride too early.

  7. Barb says:

    and – totally off topic – I just booked a campsite at Davidson River (Pisgah, Brevard, NC) for the weekend of October 18-20 if anyone reading here is interested. The campground is mostly First come sites, but we can’t get there until friday morning, so I don’t want to drive up there & have no campsite.
    I sent an email to the usual suspects, but if you didn’t get it & would want to join us, let me know I can get you some details.

  8. Martha says:

    I’m really glad, I didn’t invest a lot of time into my garden this year…what I did plant is suffering. I’ve had like two tomatoes (cherry) and a few jalapenos.

    I’m out for SSS#2, Covington Century is that morning…wish me luck, I’m going for the whole 100.

  9. Barb says:

    Martha – I knew that date looked familiar, but couldn’t remember why.
    Bummer you can’t make it – blow it off, there’s other centuries, right?

  10. Martha says:

    I could but if I want to do a century it kind of needs to be that one. I have an ultra in November and I’ll need to switch from the bike to the trails in Aug.

    I brought a salad for lunch, trying to get more veggies…but I forgot salad dressing. Not really sure I want to be that hard core today.

  11. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Back from PT, booked two more sessions next week.

  12. Debbie says:

    “Yeah, I outlined which Saturdays were good for me and ITP-Reader Debbie conveniently didn’t pick any of them — something about losing at dominoes I’d assume. :)”

    I’m late to the party today, but damn straight skippy! 🙂 I intend to play the role of Paulie on the 3rd!!

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