
Another abbreviated edition of the blog today as I lie here in Raleigh.

Yesterday’s journey was largely uneventful. I kept my speeds around the maximum allowed, seeing only a smattering of law enforcement on a Thursday, and made the trip in seven hours. Along the way I stopped once for a coffee and gas fill-up and twice for nature breaks. The major accomplishment of the trip, other than avoiding accident or citation, was completing the listening of Steve Martin’s autobiography “Born Standing Up” and getting a few hours into Pete Townshend’s “Who Am I.”; each of these is read by the author which seems to add a little more realness to the content.

I am uncertain as to what is on today’s schedule, though I think tonight we are headed to the local community pool for some swimming.

“Rebel” Paulie has emerged and is being a bad boy and not wearing my cast. I felt good all day yesterday and will play it by ear today.

Hope you all have a fun weekend.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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8 Responses to Chilling

  1. Steve says:

    Wear the cast, at least until you see the doctor next week.

    Enjoying my Friday off and preparing for the onslaught of SSS tomorrow. A little pressure washing and post hole digging to boot.

    Our best to the non-tarheels.


  2. Barb says:

    Have fun in Raleigh- we will be driving thru there on monday 8/12, on the way to Norfolk, VA. Hopefully our roadtrip will be uneventful as well.

    Made more pickles last night, the beer fridge is starting to look like a pickle fridge. Some of the cucumber vines are starting to die off, so maybe I’m getting to the end of my pickle season. Tonight I make pesto for tomorrow’s pasta salad, who’d have ever thought I’d be such a susie homemaker?

  3. Barb says:

    Oh, and here’s a good one, JoAnna is thinking about buying a second SUP so she has someone to go SUPing with. So, Im going shopping with her Sunday. I just can’t justify $1000 to buy one, I told her I’d rent it from her.

  4. Steve says:

    You have put pickles in the beer fridge? Travesty. Have you no respect?

  5. Debbie says:

    Did you enjoy “Born Standing Up”? I started it on my iPad, but didn’t really get it to it right off the bat and moved on. I might get back to it if you think it’s worthwhile.

    We have hummus and crackers and the fixin’s for ‘nanner puddin’. Plus a steak and lots of corn for the grill. And beer, we were nearly out of beer – gasp. The latter was the one thing guaranteed to get Steve into Kroger on a Friday morning…

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend both here and in NC!

  6. bob says:

    Looking forward to tomorrow, weather looks great!

    And Steve, did you catch Debbie saying “my ipad”? Looks like you lost it already 🙂

    Paulie, I would tell you to put that cast back on till you talk to your doctor but forgot you are under the close supervision of a PT up there.

  7. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    “Born Standing Up” was good, a little slow at first but more interesting as Martin’s fe inclined.

  8. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    “fe” = “fame”

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