No Training Today

I will probably hate myself this afternoon but I just could not convince myself to ride MARTA today. Yesterday’s commute to my car took 1:15 in part because I walked to the Sandy Springs train station instead of Dunwoody because I felt as if I needed an emergency pitstop along the way. I did, Wendy’s was my oasis. The other thing that kept nagging me was that it was 30° F this morning, which obviously requires a substantial coat especially if you plan to stand on an outside platform awaiting the arrival of a train, but it’s supposed to get up into the mid-60° F range today which is too warm for the morning jacket.

So I drove.

Eh, this also gives me the opportunity to stop at LA Fitness if I want to get a bit of a workout in before heading over to ITP-Reader Betsy’s house for “Tasty China Night”: Take 2.

Today’s Daily Challenge
Do yoga’s bow pose to open up your chest and strengthen back muscles.

The bow pose is an excellent way to stretch and open up the chest and shoulders, and it can feel great if you’ve been sitting at a desk for a long time. It also helps stretch and strengthen back muscles. Strong back muscles are less likely to get injured when you’re doing everyday tasks that involve bending, lifting, or twisting.

“Bow”, like so many words in English, intrigues me because of the different ways it can be interpreted.

Hooray For Alliance Theatre
I called the box office yesterday and they were more than helpful in exchanging my Hertz Stage ticket for one next Thursday night. While on the phone I took the opportunity to renew my season subscription for the 2014/2015 season. 2015? Man, that’s a scary thought.

BNR Moving Day
If I were an employee of Big Nerd Ranch I would be involved in the office-moving preparations I saw happening last night before the CocoaHeads Atlanta meet up. But I’m not, and am only slightly feel slighted by this. BNR is moving its office from begin east of the Pullman Yard to the west.

The crowd was small and the presentation short so I felt okay joining the even-smaller group who migrated to Thinking Man Tavern afterward.

Sadly my efforts to employe the knowledge gained last night have already failed miserably and I’ve given up on the technology for now.

A Lot Of Ends To Tie Up
So many dangling tasks that I want to complete by the end of the weekend:

  • Apparently I didn’t file some tax paperwork with the City of Atlanta for my completely unprofitable business, Sharpened Stone LLC. Note to Self: Shut down Sharpened Stone this year, move out of the City of Atlanta, or both.
  • I need to take care of other paperwork with Sharpened Stone in an effort to avoid any penalties.
  • My health insurance company sent me a note telling me that they were not going to cover one of the procedures performed last summer by the physical therapist I saw in conjunction with my tendonitis treatment. This is the second time they’ve done this, I need to call the physical therapist to get this cleaned up.
  • I have two boxes of crap that need to find there their way to Goodwill.
  • I want to secure a rental car for my Austin trip, which is shockingly only three weeks away now.

With the weather being questionable I should have plenty of time to take care of all of these, and even perhaps slip in a trip to a brewery for a tour tomorrow.

Today’s Personal Project
Teach myself an iOS skill that I don’t currently possess.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – fair
Current Music – listening to NPR Music’s “All Songs Considered” podcast in which they previewed their trip to Austin for SxSW this week.
Website Of The DaySxSW — South by South West. Reminds me of my Twitter joke from four years ago when I made up a fictitious ExSE music showcase that takes place in Macon, GA.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – Arg, I keep forgetting to jump on the scale

Foot Mileage – ~3.9 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 4 (4 cardio)

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

March Goals
– have Austin CocoaConf trip plans in place (new)
– exercise no fewer than twenty days (new)
– ride my bike no fewer than five times (new)
– have European trip plans in place, if not carved in stone
– clean my basement to the point where I could have people over
– hire a plumber to fix all of the sinks at the ITP Estate
– walk no fewer than 75 miles
– publish an app to the iOS AppStore

2014 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate
– Sell the ITP Estate (tentative)

2014 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Continue to Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2014

  1. “Johnny Carson” by Henry Bushkin
  2. “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin Kleon

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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11 Responses to No Training Today

  1. martha says:

    Moving day was postponed due to COA electrical inspector not showing up two days in a row. Technically, we can’t move in until we have a certificate of occupancy, but no one is standing at the trying to stop us either. Right now the issue is, they put off finishing the floors so the inspector could get in…if they do the floors today we could start moving tomorrow but I don’t know what the plan is just yet.

    I had planned on taking the day off today, but now I have to go to work (I can’t afford to burn a vacation day), which makes it even worse than usual.

    Otherwise, the place is looking pretty good. There is still work to do but mostly minor stuff that they can do with us there. We have one outstanding issue… it is with Comcast (anyone surprised by this?). We have service but we need to have a line ran from the street to the house. The original was disconnected during construction. Comcast said they’ve fixed it, but I still don’t see a line coming to the house. If I can get in today, I’m taking my computer and modem over to see if I can get a signal…actually we have a cable outlet outside…I could sit on the back porch. Now its starting to sound like a plan 🙂

    Happy weekend everybody!

  2. Barb says:

    Paulie – tell Betsy to tell Gary to see if they still have the baby bok choy with lots of garlic. Damn that was good, but it isn’t on the menu, you just need to ask.

    Martha – what do they have left to do to the floors? if they haven’t poly’d them, they need at least 48 hours to dry properly. I’d give them more time than that.

  3. Steve says:

    Back from the pre-op visit at the hospital. A lot of questions, a little heavy breathing and a couple of blood samples and done. They really try to be good at customer service, and when you have choices of where to get work done, that’s important.

    I think I may do a little pasture mowing while I wait for B-I-L Andy to arrive for a little roof work on the man-cave.

    We are missing a dog- one of the foster hounds (Sweet Pea) decided for whatever reason to disappear. We’ve put up flyers and looked around, but she has vamoosed. Curious she didn’t start her stay by doing that- she’s been here over a month. Very odd.

    Bike races in Union City both days this weekend. Hopefully not too much rain on Sunday.


  4. Martha says:

    Is Sweet Pea one of the hounds? Who knows what scent she caught…silly hounds, get so wrapped up in their nose they forget how to get back home. Even old Ruben made it all the way across Moreland… I hope she finds her way home soon.

    Barb, it’s the last coat of poly, they are using water-base so the dry time isn’t as long as it would be for oil-based.

    I did read you shouldn’t put rugs down for a week, which is good news because I haven’t bought any yet. 🙂

  5. Barb says:

    Rugs cost too much money too…… just be careful, you’ll be so mad at yourself you you put a big gash in the floors.

    Roller Derby at the Cobb Civic Center on Saturday @ 4pm, if I’m bored tomorrow afternoon, I might go. (Allan is working). No idea yet what’s on the agenda this weekend yet.

  6. Roller Derby, eh? Maybe I’ll do Red Hare + Roller Derby tomorrow… (edit: still wonder why software strips plus signs from comments)

  7. Steve says:

    She was in her pen, so unless Debbie didn’t shut the door, she went over the fence.

  8. Jenka says:

    What Barb said, Martha. I’d wait at least a week until all the little nit-picky things get done that are easier without all the furniture.

    I have no idea what any of this means: “But I’m not, and am only slightly feel slighted by this. BNR is moving its office from begin east of the Pullman Yard to the west.”

    Also it’s the wrong “their” on the Goodwill bullet.

    Aren’t you all glad I showed up today? *Ducks*

  9. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    They rejected me (perhaps in a nicer way than that, however). BNR is moving their (correct usage) office from Ironworks, which is east of Pullman Yard, to Arizona St, which is west of Pullman Yard. They were packing everything up last night for their move today.

    Always glad. 🙂

  10. martha says:

    Move date is now Monday…we really need to get back. We don’t want to be paying anymore rent and all the major stuff is done. it is just little things, like door knobs on some of the closets and hanging towel bars and landscaping.

    Plus they are going to work this weekend so they might be done by then anyway.

    (Floor guys just showed up, so they’ve on it)…

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