I Guess I Don’t Like Talking About The Past?

Last night’s German class slammed me directly into a virtual wall. For whatever reason I just could not wrap my head around thinking/speaking in the past-tense and struggled all night long. The teacher even was confused because up until this point I was having the ease of a student who was taking a course in order to improve his GPA. Due to some new Top Priority pressures at the 9-to-5 I don’t know when I’ll be able to make the time necessary to come up to speed today, but I really must if I don’t want to feel as illiterate as I felt last night again. At this point the once-a-week class is looking so inviting, as long as I can dedicate the appropriate amount of out-of-class studying necessary to stay fresh at that pace.

ITP Flickr Pic
“A Peek Of Midtown From Colony Square” (Atlanta, GA, USA)
I was goofing off with the new photo editing capabilities of iOS 8 last night.
Playing Around with iOS 8's Photo Editing
I wish Yahoo’s tools allowed for me to level this photo. As you can see performing this task on the iPhone 5c was ham-fisted at best.

Will It Bend?
For years people have been frequenting the site Will It Blend? to watch gadgets get destroyed by an industrial-strength blender. News stories are beginning to circulate saying that the new iPhone 6 has bending issues. Certainly someone has captured that URL and should be making fast cash in the coming days by capitalizing on this phenomena. Looks as if I’ll be sticking with my 5c a little longer, not that I ever put my iPhones in positions where bending could possibly occur.

Okay, time to write some code…

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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15 Responses to I Guess I Don’t Like Talking About The Past?

  1. Barb says:

    I just wonder – how do you bend the phone? I think I’m going to Verizon tonight (or tomorrow) to hopefully get a new phone. I guess the bait & switch deal is you get a $200 Verizon gift card (as opposed to the phone being discounted).
    So, we will wait & get that & then get Allan new first smartphone.

    We are also going to Tasty China tonight with Dean – anyone want to join us? looking like 6:00-6:30 pm or so.

  2. I guess putting it into a back pocket and sitting on it? Perhaps it’s too thin?

    I’d love to join you at Tasty China, aber ich muß nach Colony Square gehen. (with autocorrect it is really hard to type German sentences). For shits and giggles I am contemplating setting my iPhone’s language setting to German to see how hard it would be to use.

  3. steve says:

    I think the photo is an optical illusion. I’m not sure it’s crooked.

    Games on schedule, the train has left the station, no turning back…

    Hopefully a ride tonight- these cool mornings are making me want to get outside in any way, shape or form.

    And I hear a rumor that the hash is coming towards Newnan this weekend- as I have to accompany Debbie to her class reunion, going to the hash and getting a good buzz on would probably not be in my best interest. Ya think?


  4. steve says:

    That German sentence reminds me that I always wanted a language book that would put the English in the German sentence structure and it would be easier to learn… at least for me.

  5. Barb says:

    I heard that rumor about AH4, but looked on the website & didn’t see anything. Pine Lake is starting @ Stonecrest Mall, so we might take the road bikes too & do a road ride on the Arabia Mtn trail before the hash.

    We want to go mtn biking again this weekend too, the weather is just too beautiful to not be outside.

  6. Go to the hash, Steve. What could possibly go wrong? 😉

    I’ll be celebrating ITP-Reader Randy’s 48th birthday with the Raleigh Royalty this weekend. Man, he’s old! I’ll be working in Raleigh Monday and Tuesday, making a return flight on Wednesday.

  7. bob says:

    Yeah Steve, show up late and drunk! Women love that 🙂

    Allan getting a smart phone? Say it ain’t so! I never thought that would happen, he seems like a flip phone or death guy.

    Last night I did the Roswell Tuesday night crit, man those dude are fast. I lasted 35 minutes before I was lapped. Good times though, and prepares me for the 45 minute cross races this weekend. Can’t wait, cross season is here!

  8. steve says:

    Roswell crit? Where is that?

    Was there just one field? Very impressed!!!

  9. bob says:

    It’s nothing official or sanctioned. Just a group of about 20 people racing in a neighborhood on Tuesday nights. It was really fun!

  10. Barb says:

    and – I’m sure the neighborhood in thrilled with crit…… lol

    Allan doesn’t WANT a new phone, but he has realized he needs to do it sometime soon…… plus, he does enjoy looking up info on mine occasionally.
    And, Tall Skinny Bob will be the last man standing with a non-smart phone.

  11. steve says:

    That does sound like fun- not too big to screw up traffic and piss off the cops.

  12. bob says:

    One of the guys that rides the crit lives in the neighborhood so has smoothed it out with the neighbors. Plus another person who rides the crit works for city of Roswell and the hood was recently re-paved way ahead of schedule 🙂 We are only there for an hour so it is not too disruptive, there are kids out watching and waving to the riders too. Pretty fun.

    I remember tall skinny Bob’s phone, that thing is a relic. Must be from the 90’s.

  13. Jenka says:

    Yeah, the iPhone 6s bend when you put them in your back pocket and then sit down. Or so I hear over the Facebook Machine. Kevin ordered a 6 but because of back-orders he doesn’t get it until the end of October.

  14. steve says:

    Buy stock in phone holsters!! I’m a double geek as I have 2, mainly because I don’t want the phones in my pockets for fear of breaking.

  15. I was thinking of Kickstarting the “StiffyCase” that prevents your iPhone 6 from bending. The marketing slogan is “No more limp iPhone, give yours a Stiffy”. Okay, perhaps that needs a little bit of verbal massaging. 😉

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