Friday Used To Be Such A Relief

So stressed…

Tonight I’m going to try and relax as I make my way to Duluth for the Bob Mould concert. Of course having a meeting scheduled until 5pm is not going to help this.

With the cancellation of our trivia outing I thought about going to bike maintenance night at Mango’s and Kat’s house, but a quick look at traffic on Google ruled out that plan.

I waited out yesterday’s shitty traffic by watching some football with the boss at Taco Mac. The chain is in a confused state at the moment. They’ve obviously not gone all in on the name change to “T.Mac”, because the new menus given to us last night had “Taco Mac” on the cover.

I think my weekend is going to be comprised of football watching, with my Gators playing a big game tomorrow night, and my Jets playing a 9:30am game on Sunday because the NFL inexplicably continues to schedule games in England.

Weather permitting I should try to get a ride in this weekend because my eating and drinking habits have been shit since the last time I tooled around on the bike over a week ago.

And, with my German A2.2 class starting last Tuesday I have homework to do as well. I forgot to mention that I’ve deemed this month “Oktoberfest” not so that I can drink more beer, but rather so that I can pass the test I hope to take next month — if it’s not being offered the same weekend as the FDR campout.

No relief in sight…

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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6 Responses to Friday Used To Be Such A Relief

  1. Barb says:

    Bike Maintenance night was not too much maintenance, but that’s ok – it was a fun crowd to hang out with.

    I’m supposed to be riding in a Cystic Fibrosis ride on Saturday with Sharon & some co-workers of hers, but the weather is looking kind of nasty, so I’m not sure if we are going to. I told her it was her call, it’s her company & co-workers. I’ll go if she wants me to.

    Might go downtown Saturday night to hang out with some of the 2 Day walkers, maybe, I love trying to find parking around the hotels, since parking at the actual hotel is so crazy expensive.

  2. Steve says:

    We took the night off from barn building and I got a ride in on the trainer, while Debbie rearranged junk in the man cave to make room for hay. The man cave will soon have a lovely sweet smell, instead of whatever it smells like now.

    It would be so nice to get a break from the rain so I can get the roof finished. Debbie ordered almost $1000 of lumber to build out stalls, so we have that to do this weekend. Starting next weekend, there won’t be any barn building, as coming home from the Games field every day, I’ll be whipped.

    What kind of test for your German class?


  3. It’s a proficiency exam. I’m told these go a long way to qualifying you to work in Germany — not that I have any immediate plans to do so.

  4. Steve says:

    And Barb, I forgot to ask if Allan is working the 5k on the 5th runway? I think it’s the 17th (it’s on Games weekend.) I saw a blurb and no date and wanted to run it, but not that weekend! The start address is the fire house.

  5. Barb says:

    a 5K on the 5th runway? Interesting. I’ll have to ask him about it. He isn’t working on the 17th – so no, he won’t be there.

  6. Stacy says:

    If you ever want to practice your German at Das Biergarten, let me know! 😉

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