Look Who’s Cooking

Yep, it’s me!

I stopped into the crowded, and understocked Sage Hill Kroger last night on my way home from work to pick up the ingredients needed to make jambalaya. I say understocked because I had the hardest time finding onions, in fact I bought one of the last two (!) vidalia onions that they had in the store. I’m so spoiled having grown up in a time where food was always available.

With purchases made I arrived home some time shortly after 6:30pm and promptly started cooking. I made my version of Georgia Jambalaya, so called because I used Georgia smoked sausage instead of andouille, beef stock instead of water, and I threw in some frozen vegetables into the mix. The meal was done by 8:15pm, and I was ready to eat. It was not my finest effort, but it was delicious nonetheless.

The lateness of arriving home and preparing a meal, for one, is the biggest reason why I’ve not been cooking much since the office moved to Perimeter Mall ten years ago. And my lack of cooking is another reason why I’m not ITP-Reader Bob and have let my plumbing problems languish as well.

ITP Flickr Photo
Hey look, a photo!
The Age of Aquarium #1

Back To German
You’d think that with two weeks between classes I’d be all caught up on my homework and rearin’ to go tonight. You’d be wrong. Dangen!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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18 Responses to Look Who’s Cooking

  1. Stacy says:

    I like the photo. He looks delicious.

  2. Barb says:

    It was massage night last night at my house – damn I enjoy that night.

    Made a interesting & tasty not good for us dinner, cooked up some steak tips in onions & made a gravy, then topped it with leftover mashed potatoes & baked it like a casserole.

    Allan is working away on the roof of his shed today, the thing I love (& hate) about him is once he starts a project, it has to get finished ASAP. I think it will actually have some sort of metal roof when its all done.

    We also need to get the outside Christmas lights up……..

  3. What is this “finished” to which you refer? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Barb says:

    as Allan Paulie -he can teach you all about it.

  5. Steve says:

    I think we need a picture of the progress, Barb.

    Debbie and I made chicken tacos and killed what little of the pumpkin pie was left.

    We had discussed coming to trivia Thursday, but she has a follow up with the optho at 1 and won’t want to hang around all evening.

    Thursday, we will hopefully be having dinner with friends at a place we have heard good things about. It looks like a biker bar from the outside but has good steaks! Somewhere about halfway to Columbus from our house. Should be interesting.

    Fleiรƒลธig, mein Freund.


  6. bob says:

    Paulie I think your plumbing issues are worse than mine. Don’t you have to replace the whole pipe? I just have a single break and it is PVC so should be an easy fix once the large hole is dug.

  7. Barb says:

    I’ll post a picture on FB later when I get home – I guess I’ll have to text it to Paulie.

  8. Jenka says:

    Monday is the absolute worst day to go to that Kroger. Everyone from Emory and CDC decide to do their weekly shop after work, and there’s NOTHING left. So frustrating.

  9. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Bob, I think that I could have three underground (foundation) pies to place as well as a city-mandated outdoor cleanout to install. This doesn’t include the incoming water distribution that probably will also need to be replaced when renovation occurs.

    Barb, I can see it in person when you have your annual holiday party. You are going to have your annual holiday party, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Steve says:

    That strikes me as odd. I would think maybe Thursday would be a bad day, as the neighborhood would be getting ready for the Sabbath, but maybe they don’t get all the business that Kosher Kroger does.

  11. Barb says:

    Annual party? I’m thinking we may not have a free night for one this year. The schedule is pretty tight. But -if you want to deal with differnt traffic some night, let us know, we can have dinner?

    First I was thinking this Sun. 12/6 – remembered we have something that night. Then Sat. 12/12 – Hyox party. Sunday 12/13 – friends from CA in town. Maybe Friday 12/18, but who wants to brave traffic to Cobb Cty on a friday night? Sat. 2/19 – another annual party at a friends. that’s it before Christmas. Maybe we can make it a post New Years party – maybe Saturday 1/2………. hmmmmm ………

    If anyone wants to hear some original Christmas music – Peter Mayer (lead guitarist for Buffett) has a band & they will be doing a holiday show Sunday 12/6 at Smokerise Baptist Church in Stone Mtn. Its a free show, and I enjoy it because its not the usual songs. I can get you more details if anyone is interested.

  12. Steve says:

    We would be available for a par-tay on the 18th. Or the 2nd of Jan- 3 days short of my birthday.

  13. Stacy says:

    For those considering trivia this week, we’re going to a new place:

    Whitehall Tavern (http://www.whitehall-tavern.com/)

    It’s still at 8pm, but we’re moving for a couple reasons. A) So that we give the other teams at Cameli’s a chance to win (hahaha – but seriously, we’ve killed shows this way before) and 2) More importantly, it’ll be a better football-viewing atmosphere between questions. Anyone who knows me can probably guess who’s playing this Thursday Night Football. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Barb says:

    I really don’t like websites that don’t tell you where the place is on the home page.
    Was trying to figure out how hard it would be to get there – I (or we) would love to come out & play again sometime.

  15. Stacy says:

    Oh, it doesn’t? Yeah, I hate that too! It’s in south Buckhead, right at Peachtree Battle.

  16. Whitehall Tavern
    2391 Peachtree Rd
    Atlanta, GA 30305

  17. Barb says:

    oh- I found it on the contact page, but they have a ton of info on the home page, like their hours, but no address?
    That might be pretty easy to get to – exit Moores Mill……… Hmmmmm.

  18. Jenka says:

    Steve: Emory = 20,000 employees, plus students; CDC = Who knows, but several thousand. The Jews aren’t even a blip against that kind of “I’m too lazy to go shopping on Sunday” buying power.

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