This weekend I almost proved that Atlanta could be a walkable town.
But first…
Captain “Give Me A (Now-Needed) Break”
About a month ago I thought that I would improve my cycling pedaling by raising my seat a little. All last year I felt as if my seat were only a touch higher I’d be riding better. A month later I have given myself posterior knee pain as described in this Livestrong article.
So I’ll be off the bike all this week, doing the exercises described in the article, and perhaps next week as well.
Captain “Walka Walka Walka”
After doing ninety minutes more damage to my knee, and watching the concluding episodes of TAR Season 4 in the process, I readied myself for getting to “Historic” Old Fourth Ward park for the Atlanta Brunch Festival.
My plan was to walk from East Atlanta to near the Masquerade, which sounds incredibly far; it’s not actually, it’s only about 3.5 miles.
Five blocks into my walk I stopped and reconsidered because even though the temperature was no higher than 50°F my stupid body was starting to sweat! I was wearing nothing more than a long-sleeved cotton shirt in addition to pants of course.
I stood in the shade of the East Atlanta Public Library and literally cooled off, and while doing so considered Lyfting to the festival. However when I saw that the estimated Lyft price was $10-$18 (before subtracting my $5 coupon) my cheapness shone and I started walking again. By this time my core body temperature had lowered and I was able to make the journey without sweating (much).
Along the way ITP-Reader Stacy texted and informed me that she and Aron had walked down to Inman Perk Coffee for a pre-festival beverage and asked if I’d like to join them. At that time I was just passing Edgewood Retail District and said “Sure!”. After talking some walking-only shortcuts I was greeted by them in Inman Park not much later.
To cool off (again) I went into Inman Perk to get a (free, thanks to Stacy informing me of a Scoutmob offer which offered a free medium drink) iced coffee. It turned out to be a much-needed drink because the place was packed with humans and rather humid when we entered; this triggered a wealth of sweat from my body. Ew! Drink in hand the three of us then moseyed up the Beltline to the festival.
The Brunch Festival was a good time. The weather could not have been more perfect. We all ate and drank some delicious things, while walking about the grounds. I marveled at the number of people, many of whom were beautiful women, in attendance while waiting in lines to get food to shove food into my mouth.
At 2:00pm we wandered farther up the Beltline where Stacy knew of a birthday party that was taking place. It was a joy to have more alcohol and watch the myriad of Beltliners looking at us as if we were a zoo exhibit just because we were standing around drinking alcohol in a parking lot. Obviously not hashers… LOL! We spent about an hour at the party before wandering back into the Brunch Festival for one more drink.
Here is the birthday cake that was at the party:
Pity we didn’t stay long enough to see it get sliced.
My plan was to Lyft home, but decided that my chance of getting a ride would be better nearer Little Five Points given that so many others at the Brunch Festival may also be thinking about Lyfting/Ubering.
I am a stubborn mule; once I was in walking mode I could not be stopped.
I was nearly hit by a car as I crossed at a crosswalk: we were at a four-way stop and I swear he gave me the “Go ahead”; he clearly signaled “I’m sorry” with his hands-in-the-air as I started my crossing. It was clearly a miscommunication between us.
I high-fived one of two guys who were standing on the corner of Moreland and Wylie. With my earbuds in I have no idea what the man was saying to me, but he started the high-five so who was I to leave him hanging?
I believe that I played a little air bass as I hiked the final mile of Moreland / Flat Shoals. By this time I was in good spirits, even with my gimpy knee, and was looking forward to being home.
Further points of note:
– I was smart enough to pack, and periodically apply, sunscreen. Yay me!
– Once at home my day long day of exercise and drinking caught up to me quickly as I was fast asleep super early; of course I woke up wide awake far too early on Sunday because of this.
Would I do it again? Probably. I’m not sure though because everything, save my knee, was perfect and I don’t know if it could be repeated.
I limited my mobility yesterday to walking up to East Atlanta Village to eat lunch at Tomatillos. I was going to try one of the new establishments in the “food court” about which I’ve read, but in the end I just wanted a simple but filling lunch.
Captain “Back In The Car Seat Again”
The M6 is supposed to be ready for pickup tonight. However with German class also scheduled for tonight I’ll be Lyfting over to the shop tomorrow morning to pick it up.
Today I need to call the shop to ensure that I can pay for the repairs with credit card. You’d think in this day and age the answer would certainly be “Yes” but from the paperwork I read when dropping the M6 off this may not be true. So if the answer is “No” I’ll need to stop into a bank to get a cashier’s check for the payment amount; this would be the final penance for my stupidity — at least it’s neither freezing cold nor raining today.
Paulie [eat/ga]
So exactly how much did you raise your saddle?
Saturday started early, with a quick trip into the office to swap a card. Literally only taking less than a minute, as this was the fan card for a rather large switch, I didn’t want ti running hot any longer than possible.
I stopped by the Ben Hilton to check in on the lawn and to change into my kilt. The lawn looks pretty good for not having any care for 4 months, except for 2 large branches that will require chain saw action to move (I did say large).
After getting kilted, I met many classmates from high school at Irish Bred Pub on Virginia Avenue. A turnout of about 150, I’d guess. This was across all classes, but I bet our class had as many as anyones. Probably 20 or so. A pretty good turnout and fun to see folks. Next year will be our classes 40th (Holy Fck), so we might have to actually have our own reunion.
Yesterday started with some lumberjacking and a near tragedy. I’ve started dropping the bigger trees, and miscalculated where one would land. It did not cooperate and almost crushed my cart full of tools.
I got the CX bike out for 20 miles with a stop to see Debbie and friends over at Bear Creek, where they had been out riding their beasts. My legs felt dead all day, mostly from my Saturday evening of Sufferfest on the trainer.
Happy Monday!!
I’d guess I raised it no more than an inch, which was apparently enough to screw with the ligaments behind my left knee. It doesn’t feel as if I am stretching my leg when the pedal reaches its lowest point, but my leg is telling me otherwise.
HOLY CRAP! That is an extreme amount. No wonder your knee is bothering you. I know my CX seat is about a half inch different than my road bike, but that’s appropriate for CX or MTB. It also makes me feel like I’m sitting in a hole as I pedal.
Oh, Saturday was so much fun. This is where I wish I could upload photos to your blog…but I reckon most people reading this could find them on my Facebook easily enough. Still liked the big balls in our mouths. I think my favorite was either the fried green tomato BLT from Another Broken Egg or the grits from Venkman’s. I would definitely do this festival again. It wasn’t too crowded and I bet it’s even better when it doesn’t rain the week before and they don’t have to rope off the whole big middle section.
Atlanta was definitely a walking city for me this weekend. 🙂 The next day I decided to clomp on down to downtown and check out the Center for Civil and Human Rights Museum. Been meaning to go for a while and it was on the list of free exhibits for Bank of America customers the first weekend of every month and the weather was perfect for the walk. So between both days, clocked up over 13 foot miles. Not too shabby.
Last night was pure laziness though: A glass of wine and the start of “House of Cards” – yep, way back in season 1. Decided to finally jump aboard that train. I’m 5 episodes in now.
Steve, it didn’t seem like that much of a change at least at the time.
You are four episodes beyond me, Stacy. I know that I should get on the “House of Cards” bandwagon. Maybe soon. Tomorrow you will read about the series I have started watching…