Late Night, Late Blog

I wasn’t expecting to stay out until about 1am last night, but I did. Last night was Betsy’s (mostly) annual Drinksmas party. This year’s crowd was a little different than normal ones, but it was obviously a good time since I was one of the last people to leave the party (as occurs far too often for me).

Hello Kro-Bar
After talking myself out of a new IKEA coffee table for the ITP Estate, recall that I am unemployed and trying to downsize, I found myself winding around town getting back to home. As I drove I tried to figure out what food I would bring to Betsy’s so I figured that I could figure it out at Kroger. And before I started my shopping I stopped into the Kro-Bar for a beer.

I decided to save myself from a lot of rushed preparation by purchasing two package of slider-sized buns, a couple of packages of thinly-sliced salami, and a tub of pimento cheese. I delivered twenty-three sandwiches, about half of which were salami and the other half pimento cheese. Twenty-three? Yes, my quality control wanted to ensure that I was putting enough cheese on the buns, so I just had to eat one during preparation. 😉

Things That Go Crash In The Night
The other night I was awakened by a noise, one that sounded a lot like a tree branch falling. It was early in the morning, before the sun had risen, so no matter how much I searched the backyard for new wood on the ground I couldn’t find any.

Yesterday I had to go down into the basement to get the leaf blower so that I could clear debris from the deck, and found that what I had heard was the sound of a ceiling tile falling. The at-least forty-year-old panel finally bowed to the point to where it could escape the hardware holding up, landed on a bookcase and breaking a small ceramic statue, before gravity took it all the way to the floor. Because this is not the first panel to show stress from aging I have considered ripping out much of the suspended ceiling in the basement, but have not committed to do so. Ah homeownership…

Hope all is right in your world.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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6 Responses to Late Night, Late Blog

  1. Barb says:

    Did all 23 get eaten? or, is that your meals for today?

    So, after spending way too much time on the Delta website yesterday, trying different combinations of things, I ended up using way too many frequent flier miles, but we have plane tickets to Iowa next week. I just could NOT spend $698 a ticket. So, Allan’s ticket is a combo miles & money & mine is all miles. We fly out late Wed night & come back Friday night. It is true the biggest family reunions are weddings & funerals, as pretty much all the relatives I have are attending.

    We have a 4 day weekend from work, but of course some of our customers are insisting on shipping tomorrow, so I guess I need to log in at some point. At least we get paid OT, and hopefully it won’t take long. Cheese Spread & her hubby were supposed to come in for Cheddarhead, but they are reconsidering, as the weather does not look promising. Poor Willie – did his yard ever even recover from the last wet muddy Chedderhead?

  2. I came home empty-handed. There wasn’t much food available so I think that helped.

    Glad to hear you’ve managed to figure out how to make it to Iowa.

    Unfortunately the weather looks as if it’s going to be worse than the last time it ended at Little Willy’s. I saw him last night and he said that his back yard had finally recovered. Perhaps I should be happy that there are no bowling alleys close to the ITP Estate. I am not even sure if the one on Glenwood Avenue at which we bowled in 2002 (?) is still open.

  3. steve says:

    We have been defeated by a sofa. We were buying one from a friend who is having to downsize and we couldn’t get it out the doors and down the stairs. I had plenty of tools, removed the sleeper mech. and the feet, but it would not turn the corner. Unless an arm can be removed they built the house around it or brought it in the window. I thought the worst of it would be lugging it down the stairs.

    The movers come next week and I asked her to video them.


  4. Barb says:

    we signed up for STU today – money is paid!

  5. ITP Lurker says:

    15 Completely Logical Reasons Why You Should Date A Girl With Tattoos

    Just sayin’….

  6. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Awesome Barb. If I can stay away from Evan Williams I will have a great weekend. 😉

    Read the article, Lurker, but they are still not for me.

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