
It’s an incredible understatement to say that COVID Life has changed my behaviors. Yesterday I ran one errand, a walk to Batteries Plus. While there I had two tasks:
1. Pick up the battery I ordered.
2. Inquire about recycling batteries and bulbs there.

I accomplished one of these (obviously the first) because I was so dead set on getting in and out of the store as quickly as possible. 🤦🏻‍♂️

My day yesterday was rather mundane, but yesterday was supposed to be Opening Day for bingo in Florida. It was my intent to call my mother last night, but I failed that too. She didn’t call me either, which I am hoping is a sign that she had such a good time getting out and playing bingo that she was exhausted and went to sleep early.

Yesterday was also the first day that my air conditioner struggled a bit. HVAC guy comes back to the ITP Estate a week from today.

The flash of good soccer exhibited by Werder Bremen ended yesterday with a 3-0 defeat to Frankfurt. With each passing game the reality that they will get relegated to the second division (“AAA baseball”) becomes more of a certainty.

Today marks the last class of the B-level German classes that I joined this quarter. Yesterday I officially relegated myself to back to B-level because I lave not learned German well enough to belong in a higher level.

Hope you are staying healthy, friends.

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5 Responses to 2020-06-04

  1. Steve Brady says:

    A good day. Meetings and some troubleshooting, followed by tractor repair (!!) and chain saw action. I finally managed to get the rear differential to unlock. It literally took a crow bar to work the pedal up and down. After Debbie drove it to clear trail the other day, she said it should go to the doctor to be fixed, so I renewed my effort.

    I learned last night of a bike race promoter trying to have a race at the end of the month. I’m not ready to be around a field of sweaty bike racers, and not many officials I know are either… we shall see.


  2. barb says:

    Nothing too exciting going on with us.
    Allan got the grass cut & fertilizer down, it better rain today! hahaha
    He’s thinking about being sick tomorrow from work, (engine 6 is wearing him down)he’s at Hyox today, so he can get a doctor note.

    shipping is getting really busy………

    • Funny, I expected clouds and rain but now I see a sunny forecast, at least through the afternoon.

      It’s been a busy morning as I have already put in 45 minutes on the trainer and done laundry. I guess I should get back to work now…

  3. Steve Brady says:

    Cisco just rained down a S-ton of vulnerabilities and I get to go check each and every one!! I love job security.

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