
What a day.

As you know, I started my day at the Waschsalon doing three large loads of laundry. Fearing that I was not going to make time for exercising, even with the new open slot of time created by my quitting of German classes, I went for a twenty minute walk while the clothes were in the wash.

Yes, I have quit taking German classes for the time being. No, I have not completely given up on learning the language; for a while I will do Duolingo and some self-studying and decide whether structured learning is in my (financial) future.

I’m not one for premonitions, but this kinda weirded me out. The other day I opened the front door to check for a package. In doing so I noticed my outdoor lights were on, as I am wont to do, and thought “Huh, I’ve not had to replace a bulb in awhile.” Then when going to out to put my clothes in the car I discovered that the bulb outside my kitchen door had expired; I replaced it when I got back from the Waschsalon. Then, when going to get my mail I noticed that one of the two front door lightbulbs has also expired! WTF?!? Two in one day?

Because the ground was still damp from rain I decided that I should pull English ivy; I managed to fill the five yard bags remaining in my basement. Additionally I collected two more ant bites. Harrumph! Another task that I did yesterday was magnolia tree (I think they are/were magnolia trees, I am doubting myself) removal. Whatever trees they were, they have shallow roots and I was able to manhandle about ten of them completely out of the ground, roots and all! I also knocked over three of the larger ones, about 2-3 inches in diameter, but I have not yet been able to extract them completely. Talk about your CrossFit workout… 🤣

For my hard work I rewarded myself with dinner of unhealthy snacks and an evening on the futon watching TV.

I think I now know why my knee hurt in January when I was doing all of the manual labor in the farm to prepare the Formal Garden Plot, because my knee is barking at me again this morning. This is the first time it has hurt in weeks. Food for thought.

When not doing the 9-5 thing today I will do a little more manual labor in WLF, knee willing, before I plop down next to a small fire and drink a few beers. Bonnie, if you are interested in the fire and beer portion of the evening you are welcome to come over; I promise I won’t ask you to do work. 🙂 If you do, wear shoes that you are okay with getting purple soles when you inevitably step on fallen mulberries.

I have a busy weekend ahead, most of which I’ll discuss in retrospect on Monday. I do plan to make it out to Bob’s Wheelhopper on Sunday.

May you have a wonderful and healthy weekend. Hope to see some of you out and about.

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16 Responses to 2021-05-14

  1. Steve says:

    Good morning from the east coast of Italy… well at least that what I’m looking at this morning. Yesterday’s “fun” was a rider getting tapped from behind by a team car. Rider not hurt, but poised. Driver (director sportiv) booted and the team fined 2k Swiss Francs. A very appropriate penalty for not paying attention.

    Meeting at SMP with the popo. We work closely with them- traffic plans, security, parking. We have a good relationship and want to keep it that way.

    Taxes done and getting a nice hunk of our money back.

    Waiting on a dump truck of M10. Last time he appeared without any notice, or at least not much. I’m even dressed!

    See some on Sunday.


    • Still unable to follow the Giro while working in my home office. 🐀🐀🐀

      I’m in the paying camp… again. This year I am even making estimated payments. I didn’t even get any stimulus money!!!! I need a more clever tax preparer.


      • Steve says:

        M10 is fine granite dust and small pieces. A top layer to the crusher run. Don’t ask me, I just work here.

        Do I need to bring you my angle grinder?

      • Ah.

        If you can do with out it for a little while, sure. I’ve not yet bought rebar, but may tomorrow morning on my (now too frequent) Lowe’s run.

  2. DANGEN, I knew there was something else I wanted to put in today. While pulling the trees I found a string of Christmas lights and an extension cord at the base of one.
    Bumper Crop
    I have lived at the ITP Estate for 22 years and I am not responsible for these being in my backyard!

  3. For someone who prides himself on accuracy and data management I sure do have a lot of unlabled mystery plants in WLF. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. And now I just remembered that I wanted to wander up to the EAV Farmers Market last night. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  5. Barb says:

    Taxes, we’ve been paying estimated quarterly for the past couple years, we kept changing things around with our paychecks, and this year (finally) we are getting a federal refund. But, we still have to pay estimated quarterly taxes again. Now next year should be better since I’m not working part of it.

    Yesterday was the Grand Canyon, since we our hotel in Page was inside the Glen Canyon National Park we bought an America The Beautiful ($80) yearly pass. Now it’s been used twice, need to find 1 more National Park to make it worth it.
    Grand Canyon is “grand”. Stopped at a few overlooks, did a little 1 mile out (flat) hike to an overlook, that actually had a little shade on the hike. Good times.

    Then headed to Cottonwood to our motel – cute little family owned place, room bigger & cheaper then the Page hotel. Did a wine flight at Javelina Leap, cute winery.
    Decided to go to Jerome for dinner, and found a wine tasting room there.
    Jerome is a cute little town built into a very steep hill.

    Today we waste some time this morning in Cottonwood, I want to go to Alcantara winery that doesn’t open until 11am. We paid $10 extra at Phoenix InterAm to do a trail that ended there, but barely had enough time to taste before they made us get back in the bus to head back.

    Then, heading back to my sisters house for the weekend.

  6. And now I have just finished cleaning up the dead CF bulb that I had on the counter so that I could recycle it tomorrow, which has fallen on the floor and shattered. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  7. Barb says:

    We walked to a little place for breakfast, then to CVS for nasal saline spray.
    I forgot how much my body is used to humidity.
    I kind of miss humidity. My hair is a totally different creature out here.
    Allan is laughing at me about my hair issues.

  8. Steve says:

    No low grade gas at the Pilot near us, so a half tank of mid- grade it is.

    Paulie, I will likely drop the angle grinder by after the meeting.

  9. Man sometimes I really misread Nature. Yesterday some of my pepper seeds were starting to sprout. Yay! I put them outside today, under their dome thinking that pepper plants like heat. I just checked them and they have all shriveled up and died. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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