
I was hoping that coming to the Waschsalon would improve my chances that it would open at its advertised time. It has not. As I have stated before, I get to the Waschsalon early in an effort to ensure that I get all of the machines I need. Oh, there is the attendant…

And now I am pissed because I just walked up to go inside to see a makeshift sign that reads “Closed for pressure washing.” DANGEN!!!

More later…

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14 Responses to 2021-09-22

  1. At the sketchy laundromat not far from home now. As I drove away in anger I thought “Who the fuck does maintenance like that during business hours?” and “I wonder if that sign was put up last night and had yet to be rein down?” Either way, I was pissed and didn’t want to wait any longer to find out.

  2. Steve says:

    It would seem your relationship with the waschsalon needs to end and perhaps find another… isn’t there one at N. Dec and Clairmont?

    An email yesterday morning had me into the office in the afternoon. I needed to disconnect some formerly used equipment to be returned to the vendor and as it was Tuesday, and I would be heading that way later for the Games meeting, it was a no-brainer. And as a bonus, my barber had one appointment open! HAIRCUT!!

    My running of the meeting was fine. I’m not sure I set the record for the shortest meeting, but I’m sure it was close. I had sent out an email earlier in the day that if you didn’t need to come, just zoom in and several folks did that. Zoom call done in 15 minutes! Still there was face to face stuff to be done, but I was on the road home by 7:45.

    I thought it was supposed to be clear for the next few days, but today is starting out pretty cloudy. What gives?


    • I believe my relationship with that Waschsalon has ended now, even though it is the only on of which I know that accepts credit cards. That feature is a lot nicer now that we still have a coin shortage. However, if I am going to use them I need them to be reliable, which they are not.

      I thought today would start out sunny as well. I am hoping to do some WLF choring after laundry.

  3. Barb says:

    I have a busy day with 2 taste tests today. One in Chamblee this morning, one in Sandy Springs this afternoon. Should net if I remember right $90.

    Yesterday was get bug bites day. Even with bug spray. Benadryl helped me sleep last night, I’m itchy. Got a gutter on the shed, and the new bigger gates installed on the back fence.

    Ended up having Tasty China for dinner, Mike Mende got hit by a car last week & his front wheel was fubar. Allan just happened to have a wheel that would work with his bike. Win/win, we got rid of old wheels (well, sold them at a great price for him) and his bike lives for not too much money. It was a dinner & bike work night.

  4. Home from chores — laundry, gassing up, snack/beer purchasing for Hartwell.

    Resting until lunch, then choring in WLF before gathering camping gear for Hartwell and then going to Betsy’s.

    • Barb says:

      I guess I need to start thinking about what to bring to Hartwell. We decided to sleep inside, but now that they weather is looking good, I’m debating on bringing the tent after all. Such decisions.

    • Barb says:

      And, I think I’ll need to find pants, and a jacket or 2 for the weekend. I’m excited for it not to be so freakin hot!!!

  5. Trying to do WLF chores but keep getting interrupted by spitting rain.

    • Steve says:

      I tried to cut grass at lunch- it did more than spit at me! The breeze is helping dry the grass, so I should be able to finish (and catch up on my podcasts) in an hour.

  6. Barb says:

    Spend most of my 1st taste taste money at HomeGoods, but hey, it’s like the towels & spices I bought were free!
    2nd one, cola taste, was the fastest $35, taste 3 different ones, basically say which one you liked best. Done in 5 minutes!

    Now hone waiting for Sani to come buy, I offered to help haul “stuff” up there tomorrow. No idea what all she is bringing over.

  7. Done working in WLF for the day. Somehow a goddamn ant got up the back of my shirt and not me on the back three times. What the fuck is up with those things!?!?

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