
Given my reactions yesterday while sitting outside The EARL eating a lovely dinner with Betsy — a heart flutter followed by instantaneous depression — just by seeing REDACTED walking down the sidewalk across the street, my decision to stop hashing has been confirmed, no matter how many people tell me that I am doing the wrong thing and should hold my ground. It has been two months and I am still an emotional mess.

Getaway plans for the end of June taking shape, now I just need to tie a few things together to make it a spectacular time away. Sorry, WLF…

I also need to figure out how to avoid drinking as much beer as I did yesterday. And all of that consumption happened prior to dinner.

I solved today’s Wordle in three attempts; my starter today was TRADE

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 185.4 pounds (-0.6 from last week’s weigh-in); surprising given how much food and alcohol I have transported down my gullet the past four days.

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20 Responses to 2022-05-31

  1. NYT Mini Crossword in 43 seconds.

  2. David says:

    Oh man, I sure hope that therapist gets you in soon. It might be time to look for another provider. There should be a sense of urgency on their part to get you in. It might be necessary to communicate that to them.

    Wordle in 5 starting with CRONY which the Wordle Bot identified recently as a strong starting word. I had 3 letters in the proper position in two and then needed 3 tries to get a 4th letter in place.

    Mini in 1:08. Heardle fail, didn’t need the full first second yesterday for AC/DC’s Back in Black.

  3. Steve says:

    Wordle in 5 starting with AISLE. My second guess had 3 letters, but none in the right position. Finally had to throw a hail mary to get some other guidance, which was also a fail.

    20 miles on the road bike yesterday then damn little else for the rest of the day.

    Watched several episodes of the Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix. It goes in several directions at once, so you better pay attention.

    A good rain last evening, which meant no potential meteors last night, but I did check for cloud cover.

    George is generally sleeping through the night. He hasn’t mastered opening the door by himself, which all our other dogs do quite well. He’ll get it eventually…


  4. Barb says:

    good long weekend.

    Hike with Paulie & Davey & Allan Saturday.
    Walk with Stacy, Annette & Mark Sunday – and then a much needed pedicure.
    Lunch at the midwest chain Culver’s after the walk – Stacy & I had been talking about going there since it opened a couple years ago. Its a really good fast food burger.

    Allan & I walked to lunch Monday, then yard work (all that rain last week made the grass grow), then some pool time & dinner over at Annette & Mark’s.

    Today, had to go back to work.
    We have Tai Chi at lunch time -then trying to decide how to cook some beef short ribs for dinner – in a dutch oven in the oven, or on the Egg. Allan is home, so he can baby sit it on the Egg this afternoon if we go that route.

    • Steve says:

      I need to bring my road bike rear wheel to replace a spoke, but I don’t think it will be this week, unless it’s tomorrow.

      • Barb says:

        I’m here, come on up!
        Or Allan is at the station tomorrow, but I’m sure you could meet up with him in the city somewhere. Do you have his#? Just text him or call him. (he’s not all that responsive with Messenger)

  5. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 2 yesterday starting with STEAR; I was pumped! Wordle in 4 today starting with AISLE, not as pumped but still happy.

    I just fed the dogs and when I reached into the container with their food, I touched fur. Our resident mouse was helping himself. I screamed; he raised around frantically; the dogs just looked hungry. I plugged the hole in the lid that was courtesy of rats at Brockett Road oh so many years ago. Hopefully, he’s contained until Steve comes home and we can set it free. I’m not wrangling a container that holds 50 lbs of dog food out the door by myself.

    I’ve got a busy work day, but so far I’ve spent the morning taking back things that George is trying to collect. I’ve just given him a blanket in my office and he laid right down, hopefully that does the trick.

    Lots of riding this weekend. It was stinking hot, but pleasant enough in the woods.

    Glad you’ve got your therapy appointment set again. I know you’ll be glad you’ve started that process. If we lived closer, I’d take care of WLF while you’re away. It may yet thrive with neglect though if we keep getting rain.

  6. Barb says:

    Mini – total fail – my brain isn’t working. I think I”ll wait on Wordle.

  7. Completed forty miles on Silver Comet with Sal. Now, head home and clean up.

    • Nervous moment when I looked back while driving on 285 and saw that the front of bike had come off the rack! I thought that I double-checked the straps, but apparently didn’t do it good enough. Bike seems unharmed. I will check it again when I clean it this afternoon. This would be devastating so close to BRAG.

      • Steve says:

        It’s when you see them tumbling down the freeway that you really panic.

        And we pulled the trigger on a vacation- sorta. 2 nights at the Lowes Midtown Hotel (not lumberyard) prior to going to see Debbie’s other boyfriend- Chris Isaak. Hit the mooseum and maybe the aquarium. Looked a couple locations that were just OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive ($1200/night) but passed.

  8. Steve says:

    Paulie, if you want to schedule some time away, I’m in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but will be on PTO the week of the 13th. I’d be more than happy to water WLF.

  9. Neighbors having a lot of backyard cleaning done. I will be interested to see what they have done when I am working in WLF tomorrow.

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