
Aw, Gaylord Perry died yesterday. Bummer.

Germany has been eliminated from the World Cup. Dangen!

I solved today’s Wordle in five attempts; my starter today was SMEAR

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21 Responses to 2022-12-02

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in four. Starting word was SAINT.

    A slightly late start today as I know we can’t start replacing switches until 4 PM central time. So I’m in no rush to get to the office.

    Dinner last night at a nearby sports bar was only so-so. The beer was good though. Apparently the my room backs up to elevator mechanicals and with a hydraulic elevator every time it moves I hear it. Being experienced at staying in cheap hotels, I always travel with earplugs. I would not have expected to need them in a nicer Hilton property.

    I slept like a rock though.

    Have a great weekend everybody.


  2. I learned two lessons yesterday:
    – voting in this election does go quickly
    – don’t go into a bank branch on the first of the month, lest you have a lot of time to kill. I bailed on waiting in line.

  3. HamWithCam says:

    Oh oh…
    (Strong Jobs report.)

    73 de JG/HamWithCam

  4. Jenka says:

    I bit the bullet and voted at Emory this morning. Hour and ten minutes, I was in line at 7:50 and out the door at 9:00. I probably would’ve had better luck at Bessie Branham, but whatever.

    As I was waiting in line I realized I completely spaced on Duolingo yesterday! I haven’t skipped a day in months so they’ll give me a streak freeze.

  5. David says:

    Wordle in 3 starting with SLATE.

  6. Barb says:

    Sitting waiting to get my mammogram. Hurry up & wait.
    But I checked in on line, so I got to skip part of the process. Appt was for 9:50, so I’m not too annoyed waiting, yet.

  7. Been a busy morning already.

    Threw a dart at a health insurance plan for 2023. Here’s to hoping that I don’t need to use it.

    Spent an hour on the trainer, in part to keep from needing health plan.

    Cooking lunch currently.

    Will get back to Paulie Retraining Program after showering and eating lunch.

    Minimalist Christmas decorations are up, Christmas music streaming. 2022 will be far less festive for me, but I am trying.

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