
Happy 4th of July, friends.

Yesterday was spent eating bbq, drinking beers and wine, and then falling asleep very early. Today will be spent trying to start to improve my health, mostly via changing my eating and drinking habits.

I also got annoyed with IKEA yesterday after going there only to find that the two items I wanted to purchase were not in stock. When I looked at these items the website yesterday they had a green spot and the words “In Stock” next to each item, but neither were actually there. In one instance another configuration of the same product was available, but the second item was completely out of stock.

I solved today’s Wordle in three attempts; my starter today was FROST.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 198.6 pounds (+0.6 from last week’s weigh-in). Getting scarily close to the dreaded 200 pounds mark, good thing I will start improving today.

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13 Responses to 2023-07-04

  1. David says:

    Greetings from Belize! It had been an incredible trip. The villa has a pool and a private beach 30 feet away. That’s me burying the lede though because I SNORKELED ON SUNDAY FOR THR FIRST TIME. 6 months ago I couldn’t swim. On Sunday I was able to self-soothe myself out of situations for the first time that in the past would have put me in a blind panic. It was a spiritual experience. I took my daughter on Sunday because my son didn’t think he wanted to snorkel both days. He joined us yesterday and loved it so we’re going again today. That’ll be enough snorkeling for the week. Yesterday the water was choppier so it was much harder so I ended up swimming the last part of the second session because I had ingested more than enough salt water aftee 2 days. Hopefully the water is smooth again today. The choppiness didn’t affect the kids at all, thankfully. I wore a life jacket both days because I’m still sorting out this swimming thing but finally I’m no longer afraid of the goddamn water. Conquering that fear has made me ready to tackle other fears as well. There’s going to be some serious ripple effects for me. Fuck you, fear. You don’t own me any more, you bastard motherfucker.

    I’m trying to line up zip lining. We’re doing a monkey river tour on Thursday and a sunset cruise on Friday.

    I won’t be online to respond to any comments today but I’ll read the blog and respond this evening and respond then. Or maybe tomorrow morning. Belize is in Central time but doesn’t do the “Daylight Saving Time” bullshit so presently they’re 2 hours behind Atlanta time.

    One last thing, this country doesn’t have traffic cops so they literally have speed bumps EVERYWHERE, even on the 2 lane highway. There’s only 4 major roads in the entire country. I won’t ever complain about Atlanta speed bumps again.

    • David says:

      Oh yeah, Wordle in 4. I had the last 4 letters in place in 2, and had to crank the ignition 2 more times to get there. Fuck you, Wordle.

    • Speed bumps everywhere? HARD PASS!

      Sounds like a great trip. Bravo to you, friend. Enjoy the rest of your journey.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3. Several I know had the deuce today. I tried to get clever and vary a common starting words, but that did no good.

    As I said yesterday, there was much pasture mowing, and maybe more today.

    Last night was dinner with the hunt then fireworks. Unfortunately, Mother Nature dished her own brand of fireworks, so they postponed until tonight.

    My planned gravel ride was a fail this morning as I couldn’t get out of bed, and I thoug(t it wo7ld be a sloppy mess. Off on the scooter shortly.

    David, great work! I hope the water calms down and you can get back out and snorkel.


  3. Steve says:

    And Sunday the 16th, Cheesy Yellow TdF party, 0845, 6196 Ferry Dr, Atlanta, GA 30328-3012, United States

  4. In from sweating in WLF. I ate a real carrot today! It was about seven inches long, and so goddamn satisfying to eat.

    It’s huuuuuuumid out there this morning. I have to admit that while I miss participating in the Peachtree (Pub Crawl) Road Race, today’s humidity makes me miss it less.

    Lunch today will be a tomato sandwich with a side of squash casserole. 😀

  5. I keep watching the World feed for the TdF because it has no commercials, it annoyingly they have had audio problems each day of their broadcast.

  6. Congratulations to Hulu for figuring out how to cram so many commercials in the final twenty minutes of “The Bear”.

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