
We moved from New York to Florida in 1978, a month before my thirteenth birthday. This was a terrible time for me to move… Upon moving we found a new doctor in Florida, these were the days before we called them “primary care physicians”. Upon this doctor’s retirement my mother started seeing his son as her doctor. The junior doctor just told her that he is retiring soon, so my mother has outlived two generations of doctors! Sadly for her there is no third generation to whom she can go.

For the first time in awhile I scanned Eater’s list of restaurant closings and discovered that Georgia Beer Garden on Edgewood Avenue closed in June. Pity, though I have to admit I hated trying to park over there so I didn’t go as often as I wished. I also had no idea that Revival in Decatur had also closed. I guess being unemployed and not willing to eat out often has caused me to lose touch with the Atlanta restaurant scene.

Steve, question for you: do you believe that Bob Roll and Christian Vande Velde are in Spain, or commentating from their respective homes?

Have a great Labor Day Weekend everyone!

I solved today’s Wordle in four attempts; my starter today was ROUGH, which is an apt description of how I feel this morning after a shitty night of sleeping.

August Summary

08/01 – 198.4, V, cycling ????
08/02 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/03 – ?, V, yard work ????
08/04 – ?, V, yard work ????
08/05 – ?, V, yard work ????
08/06 – ?, V, yard work ????
08/07 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/08 – 198.6, V, walking ????
08/09 – ?, M, yard work ????
08/10 – ?, V, manual labor, cycling ????
08/11 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/12 – ?, V, hiking ????
08/13 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/14 – ?, V, yard work ????
08/15 – 198.4, M, walking ????
08/16 – ?, V, walking ????
08/17 – ?, V, cycling ????
08/18 – ?, V, yard work ????
08/19 – ?, V, walking, cycling ????
08/20 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/21 – ?, V, walking ????????
08/22 – 198.4, V, cycling ????
08/23 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/24 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/25 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/26 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/27 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/28 – ?, V, nothing ????
08/29 – 199.8, V, yard work, cycling ????
08/30 – ?, M, nothing ????
08/31 – ?, V, cycling ????

Almost surprisingly I only ate meat three days in August.

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32 Responses to 2023-09-01

  1. David says:

    I moved from South Carolina to Tennessee in or around that same month. I agree, it was a terrible time to move.

    Private yoga class this morning and then more time at Joe’s to continue my book editing. Fucking QuickBooks Online is driving me insane by rolling out new features earlier this summer and then taking them back. But then now that I’m doing the final edits, rolling thw new features back out again. Motherfuckers!

    Wordle in 3 starting with TRYST, which I do not recommend as a start word. My second word.

    I tried Connections again yesterday. Fuck that shit, I just do not care for that game. I’ll stick my crosswords.

  2. Sally says:

    Hard to believe it’s September already. Wordle in 3 starting with BLAND. One mistake in Connections. I find the game more challenging. It can be addictive and annoying. Wordle is just a hangman type of game without clues while Connections you really have to think about how seemingly unrelated words are connected. Finding the common thread. We didn’t do well at Trivia last night. There were a lot of teams and some hard obscure questions. But always a good time. Dogsitting Wilma. A dog without an off switch. Ran her this morning trying to wear her out. Not sure I succeeded. Hope all have a safe and fun Labor Day week-end.

  3. Well, Betsy just reported getting a Wordle ace for the second time. As is well documented, I have yet to be so fortunate.

  4. Stopped at the rest area in Anderson, SC for a breakfast of tomato sandwiches. Unfortunately buggered my left knee a bit running back to the car to get the mayonnaise I forgot to carry with me to the picnic table. Won’t be doing much exercise for the next five hours of driving, so hopefully it will be okay.

  5. Steve says:

    Good morning from the Hog Waller Cafe in Centralhatchee. Debbie ran across this when taking Tanner to school and commented they had cute waitresses. She was not wrong.

    15 miles outdoors on the bike yesterday. Hard, but managable. Still 90 when i rode, so there is that.

    I saw Bobke do an after race report yesterday and he looked like he was in bed. They could be phoning it in, not sure.

    And the start for the Wilson is in Gay?

    Wordle in 3

    – FP

  6. Jenka says:

    We had a great anniversary dinner at Kevin Rathbun Steak. Finn had the bacon appetizer, a filet mignon, and cheesecake for dessert. So he totally won that dinner.

    Short day today since we close at 2:00 for the holiday weekend. We are headed up to the cabin for the weekend kid-free. So this will be a feral weekend in the mountains for us.

  7. Jenka says:

    To rectify myself I did Wordle in 4 using Sally’s word, BLAND. I feel better.

  8. Gassing up in Gaffney, SC. If you guessed “White Horse Road” as where the TPMS alarm would fire, give yourself a point.

  9. David says:

    Boy howdy, my body felt like an aluminum can that someone had stepped on when I started my yoga class this morning. I do feel a bit more bent back into shape again. The next few weeks of resuming regular yoga are going to be painful, but the range of motion does come back.

    Enjoy your feral weekend, Jenka, that sounds lovely.

    • Jenka says:

      I so, SO, need a couple of days off the grid. I have had one obligation or another every single day for MONTHS.

      I should get back into yoga, too. I used to do it regularly. Heck, I used to do a lot of exercise regularly. That all went to shit!

      • David says:

        It’s like anything, such as decluttering, you have to find and then ride the wave as long as you can. Yoga definitely helps my brain and my body, I wouldn’t be anywhere near as far along as I am in my recovery if not for all of the body work accompanying the brain work. Starting in the middle of the month I’ll be in yoga class at 7:00 AM on Tuesday mornings, instead of buggering up your commute. My other class is at 9:30 AM on Thursdays, I’m starting that next week.

  10. Barb says:

    Busy morning getting ready to head to SC after working a half day.
    Just found out my co-worker (that covers for me) is quitting – so, I may have to start working a little harder. That bums me out.

  11. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 3 starting with WHEAT. Only 1 letter wrong in my second attempt.

    Up and out early for hound exercise this morning. I’m finally starting to learn some of their names. Forty-plus dogs with the same basic color scheme are a lot to get sorted out. The naughty ones are the easiest to figure out since their names are always called when they attempt to run off. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning. Glad summer is somewhat on the wane.

    Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend.

  12. Steve says:

    I would jusy like yhe record to show i expected a blog today.

    There are no holidays for the blog withou approval.

    Hope you had a good weekend.

    Word to the RR.


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