
Thought I had things to say today, but I can’t think of anything at the moment.

At the Waschsalon this morning.

I solved today’s Wordle in four attempts; my starter today was RINSE.

Connections: perfect, Purple > Blue > Green > Yellow

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29 Responses to 2023-10-19

  1. David says:

    Same as it ever was these days, Wordle in 5, fuck that shit on Rejections (that colorful time waster other ITP readers are facile at).

  2. Yesterday I discovered that a new wings place, Urban Wings, is opening in the old Delia’s Chicken Stand space on Moreland Av.

  3. Slow NYT Mini Today, 1:51

  4. Barb says:

    our internal system for everything went to Cloud based finally, and damn they have issues. This morning its all locked up. So much fun………..

    • Jenka says:

      My unit went cloud-based in like 2018 or 2019 and it completely changed my life. And it was great that we did it before the pandemic because it made transitioning to remote work pretty seamless.

  5. Barb says:

    Happy Birthday Sal!

  6. Dammit, I left myself a note to wish ITP-Reader Sal a happy birthday, and I forgot!

    Happy birthday, Sal!

  7. Jenka says:

    So busy at work this week, we are in the midst of our every-10-year reaccreditation process and the accreditation site visit is next week, so as you can imagine we are wicked stressed. Yesterday my big task was to go to the liquor store and get booze for the big dinner on Monday. The caterer will serve it, but they won’t provide it. And they are not the only caterer with that policy. WTF?!

  8. Out playing Homesteader Paulie today. I’m cleaning up WLF, burning some branches too large for my chipper, ridiculously started some more seeds, and wishing I had a way to take the wood chips they are making across the street. A different neighbor is having tree work done today.

  9. Today’s album relisten is “Green” by REM.

  10. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 4. I finished Connections by the skin of my teeth.

    Happy birthday Sally!!

    Trying to get organized to head to Stone Mountain. There’s a directors’ dinner tonight and then I’ll hang out tomorrow and head home Saturday afternoon. What I planned to wear and the forecasted weather are not matching up – I hate when that happens because it means I’ll pack way too much to compensate for the uncertainty.

    I’ve been playing whack-a-mole with the puppies and our fence. Every time I patch an escape route they make another. The electric fence that’s going in when Steve has time is going to be a rude countermeasure. Take that you little monsters!

    I took George out on my trail ride last night. We had pretty brisk pace for a good portion of it, and he raced off after every deer he saw. I feel confident he would have flunked out of hunting for a living since he only saw about 40% of the deer we crossed paths with. He was so pleasant last night. A tired dog is a good dog!

    Saturday marks the start of rifle season for deer, so I won’t be able to ride out from home again until mid-January. He’s going to have to learn to jump in the truck so he can tag along when I trailer out.

    Hope y’all have a great weekend! Good luck Bob and safe travels home.

  11. Barb says:

    my Aldi red tag deal of the day – a Flatbread pepperoni pizza – it is only $5.49 – and had a $2 off sticker.

  12. Neighbors taking down large tree in front yard. So. Many. Wood Chips! Why don’t I have a place that a truck could dump their load?

    • Barb says:

      just dump it in your front yard – or – half of your driveway!

      • Fraught with problems. I think the driveway would be damaged by the truck weight, and, there are wires which go over the driveway and I am afraid the truck would hit them. There are no really clear places in the front yard where a truck could dump, and I don’t want them to drive over or cover the water meter.

        So, at this time it’s best to let it go.

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