
Yesterday afternoon I went over to my buddy Chip’s house and Chip, Hank, and I watched the movies “Joy Ride” and “Blackberry”. The former was oddly funny, and the latter was interesting for me as an iPhone enthusiast.

I returned home to watch exactly one play of the Chargers v Jets game. The play was the punt returned for a touchdown by the Chargers on their way to routing the Jets.

Unsurprisingly the cash back app Upside has once again disappointed me. For the second time they were unable to fulfill the 27% rebate offered by Tin Drum in Sandy Springs. The cash back app Dosh has never had such an issue, and immediately sent me the 6% discount offered by the same Tin Drum location.

This morning I am doing laundry before spending my day doing household chores. With the early darkness there will be no bike riding for me tonight.

Wordle: three, my starter was ROUTE
Connections: perfect, Green > Purple > Blue > Yellow

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43 Responses to 2023-11-07

  1. Hoping Atlanta United can extend their season by beating Columbus tonight and force a third game in the series.

  2. Barb says:

    I got $1.30 from upside the other day – but right after I clicked it, it said all offers had been claimed, so I wasn’t sure if I’d get the money. It usually takes a day or 2 to get it. I rarely use the apps, but I do look thru the restaurants to see what’s out there.

    • This just means that I won’t go out of my way to eat at a restaurant that has an Upside offer. If there is one, I will claim it knowing there is a chance I won’t get paid. I just can’t understand why Upside is so much worse than Dosh when it comes to getting cash back.

  3. Sally says:

    Nice cool beautiful morning. GUTS run tonight. Need to get a lot of chores done today. Will need to get on the roof and clean out the gutters.

    Wordle in 3 starting with GRAIN. 3 mistakes in Conniptions. Used 3 strikes trying to get that yellow category. Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green.

    • David says:

      Hey Sally, I have a friend with pretty bad plantar facisitis. Should I send him to your store to get that magic computer scan and maybe some shoes that would help him? I told him it’s time for him to learn to levitate, but, he needs something in the interim. 😉

  4. steve says:

    Wordle in 4 starting with STAIN.

    Debbie has been collecting cardboard for some gardening project and it finally got to be too much, so it got culled and stored after work yesterday.

    My new running shoes are great! Thanks, Sal. I only managed 10 minutes up and down the driveway in the dark, but they certainly feel very nice. Maybe some gravel road tonight.

    Should be a busy day today. Installers on site for some new equipment and lots of cable to run.


  5. David says:

    Wordle in 5. Clean as a whistle in Connections, even cleared the “trickiest” level first.

    I’m binging my way through Suits. I don’t normally binge anything. I’m only in the second season and I think there’s 9? I’ll report back if I flame out on the constant existential crises.

    • Sally says:

      I started watching Suits too. Kind of addicting. I’m finally to season 5.

      • David says:

        Weirdly addicting. I can’t believe that it’s sucked me in.

        • Barb says:

          I guess I’ve watched enough legal dramas over the years – I enjoyed Suits – but didn’t think it was the best show ever. Mike almost but never getting caught, etc.
          I do love, love, love Donna though.

          • David says:

            Definitely not the best show ever by a long shot. But intriguing enough. And yes, Donna is one of my favorite characters. This whole scenario of “oh, this person is fired, or leaving or whatever” and then an episode later, “psych!” is getting tedious already.

  6. Bob says:

    Happy Friday!
    Hooligan skip day tomorrow to go ride a downhill park in Chattanooga. Should be fun!

    Just like normal I have packed my schedule way too tight. Atlanta United game tonight and skip day tomorrow but we need to start moving furniture and taking down pictures to prep for the painter starting on Thursday. If the planets align he will get the deck and living room done by Monday when the new drywall goes in to the dining room and can finish that. Why do I do this to myself?

    • Sally says:

      Because we do. My schedule is very tight this week with events tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night. Plus work. Yard work. And getting ready for a 7 day backpacking trip. Went to the basement this morning and discovered my old cast iron plumbing is leaking….I don’t have time for this!!!

      • Barb says:

        I need to get packed to leave for CA Thursday morning – we have to make a plan for me to get to the firehouse & get Allan’s car, so we can go bak & meet him when he gets off shift, so we can leave it there for the long weekend. West End MARTA is right there, so we will walk over – I haven’t ridden MARTA in AGES.

        And -work is busy, I have dinner plans tonight.
        I still need to do more research on what to do in the San Jose, Carmel-By-the-Sea area – I need to get all the suggestions people have given me in 1 place.
        I do have the hotels & car rented.

  7. Back from laundry and a quick stop at Kroger. I am sitting for a couple of minutes before I start choring. First up, put away clean laundry…

  8. Jenka says:

    Election Day means no school, which means no traffic coming into work this morning. Yay! I looked at the ballot and the only people running are for school board.

    Whiff on Conniptions. I did green and blue but went down in flames on the other two. There’s no way I would ever have gotten purple. Imma wait on Wordle until after coffee.

  9. Lunch is what I am calling “adult mac n cheese”. It’s boxed mac n cheese mix to which I have added mushrooms, a variety of peppers, onion, and salad greens.

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