
No great shakes on the house front. I wish I could have had the tub fixed prior to my brother’s and sister in law’s arrival, but that’s not going to happen. I did (finally) set up the air mattress I bought and brought, I slept well.

Steve, I will unfortunately miss the birthday gathering tomorrow since I will not get out of Florida before tomorrow morning. I will spend today cleaning and getting the house in shape for my brother, have lunch with an aunt, pack the car tonight, and hit the sack early.

Wordle: two, my starter was CREST
Connections: one mistake, Yellow > Green > Blue > Purple

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37 Responses to 2024-01-04

  1. Sally says:

    You did what you could this time around Wee. Maybe your brother can get some things done as well.

    Wordle in 4 starting with BIKER. 2 mistakes in connections. Yellow, Green, Purple, Blue.

    Got my 2.5 miles in this morning. Nothing earth shattering to report.

    • Thanks Sal. I’m leaving them a Honey Do list.

      How’s the jigsaw puzzle coming along? I saw many for sale at the local library, and resisted the urge to buy any. Whew! 🙂

      • Sally says:

        Yeah…I think you have enough puzzles to deal with already. lol. I don’t have a lot of time to work on the puzzle but it’s going…..very slowly…..I see the color differences but still hard.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4, Conniptions FAIL- only one category. I figured out another category, but couldn’t get it together.

    I was mostly busy at the office yesterday, so crashed a little when I got home. I did manage 35 minutes on the trainer, so my 30 for 30 is safe.

    I think we should be clear of the doctor by 11:30, so I’m sticking to my estimate of 12:30 at OK Cafe. Barb, I think you said Allan was off and would join us? Any others?


    • Good on ya! I intend to get back on the trainer once I get back. Time to start getting the weight to move in the direction that will make me healthier.

    • Sally says:

      Steve, I will try to walk over there…depending on how busy we are. It’s been slow so far this week. Maybe text me after y’all get seated and put your orders in. Just save me a seat and order me a BLT. Please. :).

    • Barb says:

      1230 at OK Cafe could be a wait for a table, but I can make it – and I’m pretty sure Allan can. He’s at the station, so he will call or text at some point

      Just another suggestion if we need 1 – Pero’s pizza & pasta is next door to Sally’s shoe store – then maybe she could do a run by….. (I know, don’t quit my day job)

    • Jenka says:

      Have a great birthday lunch, Steve! I will raise a toast to you from Key West!

  3. Steve says:

    Oh, and I saw the ISS fly RIGHT over the house this morning. Just after 7- the sky was already quite light, but it was easy to spot as all the stars had gone to bed.

  4. Barb says:

    I almost matched Paulie this morning –

    Wordle: two, my starter was CREST
    (I can’t believe I guessed the 2nd word the same)

    Connections: one mistake, Yellow > Green > Blue > Purple
    One listake – but Blue – Green – Yellow – Purple

    • Jenka says:

      Wordle in 3 using the same word, I’ll take it!

      Connections with 2 mistakes: yellow > green > blue > purple.

  5. Sally says:

    Just saw Tasty China in Marietta has Trivia on Monday nights.

  6. David says:

    Kudos on Wordle in 2. Took me 4, and I had two misses on Connections.

    I can’t make the lunch, Steve. I made a monumental decision yesterday morning and needed to take the rest of the day to process it. That processing included margaritas and beers at Dakota Blue with a friend. I’ll be there in spirit tomorrow!

  7. Jenka says:

    Hello from the Skyclub on concourse B at Hartsfield Jackson International Airport! I’m taking a quick jaunt to Key West. My bestie Sarah and her partner Elayne are down there until Saturday. Yesterday we were chatting and I was saying how I’m on vacation but it’s hard when we have workmen in the house all the time, and she was all, “come down here!” So I booked a flight and here I am!

    Got home from our Mexico-Ellijay travels to a dead battery. AAA got me started yesterday and I went straight to Advance for a new one. AAA guy says batteries don’t last much longer than 5 years, and that’s how old this one is. Running errands in cold rain is not fun, and probably informed my decision to head south. 🙂

  8. Barb says:

    Went to a senior strength & cardio class at the Y – that was really fun.
    The instructor had some fun music – it was a very enjoyable 45 minute class.
    I’m sure I could use a little tougher workout – but – hey – I’ve been lazy for long enough, why push myself to hard.

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