
Having not gone anywhere since Sunday, I’m looking forward to running errands today.

Wordle: five, my starter was POSER

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21 Responses to 2025-01-23

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 5 with a whiff on the starter word.

    As I was unsure the plumbing repair would hold (it has so far), Debbie had cabin fever and so we went to get snacks and a stop at the hardware store to resupply my plumbing parts. Still a few big patches of ice in the shady spots. We were going to head down for the maiden voyage tonight, but have postponed until tomorrow morning. And may yet scrub the mission.

    45 hard minutes on the trainer last night. First a couple of 30 second all out efforts, a good break, then 2 minute all out efforts. I need better pacing on the long ones.

    Still amazed at the pictures coming in from the gulf coast.


    • Not as strenuous, but I did sixty minutes on the trainer for the third consecutive day. Today I will attempt a different workout, perhaps a walk? Wish the weather were a little more cooperative.

  2. Ordered two new metal shelving units, hopefully tall enough for my mission, for seedlings. The large plastic shelving unit I’ve been using since 2020 does not have adjustable shelves, so the grow lights are too close to the plants now.

  3. Jenka says:

    Emory is remote AGAIN today! It feels like overkill but I am very happy about it. I haven’t let the house since Sunday! We are supposed to go to the Hawks game tonight with a friend so that will be my first excursion in four days.

    Logged into Zoom waiting on the doctor for a pre-surgery appt for my dad. Dad and brother are at the doctor’s office, and I am Zooming in. Ain’t technology grand?

    • Steve says:

      That is pretty cool when it works!!

      Hope dad is OK.

    • Barb says:

      that’s very cool about the doc appt with your Dad. What’s he having done?

      My 94 year old Dad has to have 2 teeth extracted – they have to put him under. They heed to stop the blood thinners for a few days before. Its way more involved than us getting a tooth pulled when you are 94. His teeth are just rotting away – pretty soon he’s going to be on a blender diet.

      • Jenka says:

        He needs to have a stem cell transplant. He’s got a blood-borne disease (it has a really long Latin name, I can’t remember it) and if left untreated can develop into acute leukemia. He’s having it done in February and I’ll have to go up at least once to help out.

      • Jenka says:

        Also: LOL, my dad also has to have two teeth extracted before the transplant can get done, and apparently that is harder to schedule than anything else! Who knew?

  4. Barb says:

    wordle in 6……….. argh

  5. “You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you”. How right you are, Dean Martin

  6. Been a mixed bag of choring today. After eating too much food at lunch I’m now also doing some damage with beer at Skint Chestnut Brewing in Powder Springs. Next time I come here I’m going to try to ride Silver Comet first. LOL

    And why have I ventured so far from the ITP Estate? Two of my chores were at stores which don’t exist ITP — Harbor Freight Tools, and Tractor Supply Co.

  7. I think I just got smacktalked by an older man at Skint Chestnut. I’m sitting here in my Florida Gators hoodie, and as he and his wife were leaving he says to her “So Kentucky already beat Florida”. Hahaha

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