Thank God it’s virtual Friday. For most Americans today is an okay day because tomorrow we will be off from work. Please be safe, don’t drink and drive, don’t drink and firework, and if you live in the Atlanta area please remember that rain has been somewhat scarce so don’t play Sherman and burn the area to the ground.

no, No, NO, You Donkey!
Hell’s Kitchen Spoiler Alert
I guess it was bound to happen since they booted two people off in one week. Last night’s non-elimination of Michelle on Hell’s Kitchen annoyed me. Whether it be clever editing or not, she and all of her bossy attitude got on every one of my last nerves. And did anyone else think that thing on her chin looked more like a soul-patch instead of a zit? I will be interested to see how the men handle having her in their kitchen. I think that Rock is going to do all in his power to take out both Joshua and Michelle in the next two weeks. If he can pull it off then he is the clear leader as they head toward the finish line.

If you know me in real life, please do me the following favor. Although the likelihood that I am going to get married is very low, if you are the woman of my future or a friend of said-woman, don’t let us get married on tv — especially in Hell’s Kitchen. ‘kay? Thanks!

Absently Minded
This morning was a ATM-stop morning (I need cash for a lunch out) so I stopped at Einstein’s Bagels for coffee and a bagel (sesame seed today) on my way in to work.

Have you ever had that feeling that your mind is slipping away, ever so slowly? That’s all I could think about while rummaging through the trunk looking for the lid to my Einstein’s coffee mug. I just *knew* that I had seen it recently, but could not find it. I gave up and went inside to get a new mug along with my bagel.

Wouldn’t you know that as soon as I sat behind the wheel of my car the image of the coffee lid being in the back seat came to me as clear as day. And there is was.

Anyone want to buy an almost-new coffee mug? Ah never mind, I’ll just keep it.

ITP Flickr Pic
Taken while strolling Midtown on Saturday morning.

With A Little Rain, Anything Can Grow

I really like the way that this photo has a painting-like quality to it.

What, What, What?
With the exception of one or two years I have either run the Peachtree Road Race 10k or walked the Atlanta Hash‘s Peachtree Pub Crawl since 1996.

Tomorrow I will do neither. But unlike the other few years where I didn’t participate in July 4th activities, this year I am going to play amateur hobbyist photographer. If you see me, give me a big smile so I can take your picture. Hopefully it will be a nice, dry day and I will get great photographs.

btw- If Stacey, Andy, Mike, or Sandy are reading this, I miss the Good Old Days of us having a “White Trash Fourth of July” party. Say it with me — “Spaghetti-O Casserole (Spaghetti-O’s is no longer branded as Franco-American, who knew?), PBR, and Pop-Ice.”

CD Pick Of The Week
I don’t know what to tell you today. For me it’s a toss up between The Chemical Brothers and Velvet Revolver. To be honest neither is getting any airtime on Sirius 26, at least in the scant time that I am listening to “broadcast” radio these days. Therefore I’ve heard neither. I will probably give the Velvet Revolver release a listen today via the AOL’s Full CD Listening Party service.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – considering that I continue to fail to impress women, can’t get my weight down, and have no a/c currently, tomorrow is a paid-day off and I am going on vacation soon so I have hope.
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing The White Stripes — “Conquest”
Website Of The DayUnclutterer — even typing their name gives me a momentary feeling of happiness. By Monday I want my life uncluttered, so I will be visiting their blog a lot in the next few days.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car

July Goals
0) Celebrate my 42nd birthday
1) Get my first Ruby / Ruby on Rails program written
2) Get my photoblog up and running

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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8 Responses to TGI(V)F

  1. Steve says:

    Very nice pic…

    You know you could come do Painful Member tonight..


  2. Barb says:

    Are you going to stop by the Painful Member hash tonight at least? I am going to do that, but I am pretty sure I won’t get up so damn early tomorrow to pub crawl. Allan is at the firehouse today & tomorrow, so that means I can sleep in. I love no alarm days.

  3. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I haven’t decided what my plans are for tonight. I might be doing Painful Member — I could certainly use the exercise.

  4. Martha says:

    Let me know if you go want to go tonight. We can carpool again. I won’t be staying late.

  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Well I just got back from eating waaaaay too much. I’m thinking that I am going to skip the hash and punish myself tonight instead.

  6. Barb says:

    Punish yourself how??? Inquiring minds want to know…….

  7. Dig the flick. Looks like an architect’s rendering.

    You should totally hit Elliott Street tonight and party with the guild. Shoot some models too, it’s only $10 for two models tonight. A bargain at twice the price.

  8. Elizabeth says:

    Gorgeous shot!

    I think the Mississippi Sin dip (major ingredients: cream cheese, sour cream and cheddar cheese) with Fritos would be a good addition to your White Trash Fourth.

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