Well That Didn’t Take Long

Not even one week into my half-marathon training I had to miss my workout due to a combination of work commitments and illness. This time of year my schedule goes completely bonkers and not only did I not get the opportunity to run, I also missed out on last night’s Thrashers game. I would have run upon returning home (around 7:45pm) except that I was extremely worn out (I left the house at 6:15am) and feared that I was coming down with something (and I think that I was right). Shit happens.

Today was a scheduled rest day, instead I will run the three miles that were supposed to be run yesterday.

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

I cannot “make my mark” for all time — those concepts are mutually exclusive. “Lasting effect” is a self-contradictory term. Meaning does not exist in the future and neither do I. Nothing will have meaning “ultimately.” Nothing will even mean tomorrow what it did today. Meaning changes with the context. My meaningfulness is here. It is enough that I am of value to someone today. It is enough that I make a difference now.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Sleep, It’s What’s For Dinner
Well, actually leftover pasta was what was for dinner; sleep followed soon thereafter. Not that anyone really likes being sick, but I find that my life comes to a screeching halt when I am. By 9:30pm last night I was in bed with the laptop and sound asleep by 10:00pm.

I Dedicate This One To The Runners
Do you buy running shoes online? If so, from where?

It shames me to say this but it’s been a while since I’ve purchased new shoes. With the thought of running in the rain (I will make the assumptions that we’ve exited “drought season” and that I will remain healthy enough to not miss my scheduled runs in the future) I’ve decided that I need an alternate pair of shoes.

I know that could always pop into Big Peach Running Co. or Phidippides but I thought that I should explore all options.

ITP Flickr Pic
The King never left the building that night.

Elvis Has Not Left The Building

But the Thrashers’ offense and defense certainly did.

What’s On Tap For The Weekend?
Health permitting, things look promising for this weekend.

Tonight is the re-re-scheduled PBR drinkfest that my buddy Harold is hosting. I am trying to figure out if I am going to be the beer snob that I normally am and bring my own or if I plan to hang with the theme and slum it.

I hear that there is some big ole Monster Truck event tomorrow night. I will not be in attendance. Instead I will keep my options wide open. Considering I have a three mile run and hours worth of yard work ahead of me I don’t want to commit myself to anything that I cannot make good on.

Sunday will be the first of my “long running” days. I am scheduled to run five miles and then I will reward myself with bacon, Tweety Bird Waffles, and beer until our gracious host boots us from her domicile so that she can go to the Hog Mountain Hash. Perhaps I will also begin my “Declutter ’08” campaign and start earmarking possessions for removal from my house. “Declutter ’07” was a good start, but I never made the impact I was seeking.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – “off” physically, bummed, but hoping that I will feel well enough to run this afternoon.
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Animal Collective — “Peacebone”
Website Of The Day – One item on my “to do” list before my big Super Bowl party is to buy a new bar-sized refrigerator. To help with my research I’ll be viewing the Ultimate Refrigerator Buyers’ Guide a lot over the next few days.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Monthly Foot Mileage – 7.5 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car
Monthly Marta Rides – 6

January Goals
1) Run no fewer than 50 miles
2) Ride Marta no fewer than sixteen times (eight round-trips)
3) Read at least one book

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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14 Responses to Well That Didn’t Take Long

  1. Martha says:

    For running shoes I usually wait until I get some crazy coupon for 20% of all sales items, etc. then I buy a couple of pairs at a time. I know what shoes I like (I usually get Brooks or Asics) so I just get them.


    There is one other but the name escapes me, which is odd because since I ordered from them I get a catalog every darn week…

    I took the night off yesterday…I’m still a little sore from the run on Wednesday, I think I over did it.

  2. Bob says:

    “I hear that there is some big ole Monster Truck event tomorrow night. I will not be in attendance.”

    If you have never attended one of these I highly recommend it. Since this falls on or near my birthday every year I have made it a tradition, I’m going on over 10 years now. but then again I’m part redneck (I’m not homophobic or racist so I don’t qualify for full status) so I love this stuff!

  3. Stacy says:

    I have to echo Martha: shoebuy.com — they have great sales, there’s no sales tax, plus no shipping or handling fees. I’ve gotten many a shoe from there.

    Hope you feel better today! Sounds like you have a great attitude: eh…so you were sick. That sucks. But great plan of just “swapping the days” where it comes to your training. Hope today’s much better for you!

  4. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    @Bob: HAHA! As I was reading this I was thinking “C’mon Bob, admit it you’re a redneck at heart.” and then I read “I’m part redneck..” and I laughed aloud.

    Off to check out shoebuy.com before today’s first meeting…

  5. Barb says:

    I rarely buy shoes on line, but I don’t run anymore, so I don’t wear them out as quickly as you runner types. I did buy some bike shoes once that I really liked, but those sites don’t sell regualr running shoes.

    And Stacy – the Thrashers lost without you there – so it isn’t all your fault.

  6. Stacy says:

    Though I’m sad to hear we lost again, I am a little relieved to know I’m not the Thrashers’ bad luck charm and can attend future games.

    Paulie, here’s the fridge for you! http://www.smarthome.com/1300.html

  7. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Funny. That refrigerator will not fit behind the bar. Besides, it has been discontinued by LG (at least according to your link)

  8. Stacy says:

    It’s the one that apparently all the women of Macon have – or at least the ones who went to the Oprah show where she gave them away.

  9. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    So, you sayin’ that Oprah bought all of them, or that Oprah is cheap and bought them at a really good discount because they were discontinued? 😉

  10. Cory says:

    I buy mine from roadrunnersports.com. I usually wait until they have a sale for $25-50 off 2 pairs though (which seems like every other month or so).

  11. Miguel says:

    Dude! The Freewheeling Yo La Tengo is playing at the Variety Playhouse tomorrow and all my best girls have said “no”. It’s yours if you want it.

  12. Miguel says:

    and by “It’s yours if you want it”, I mean the extra ticket that I have, yet forgot to mention on the previous post.

    So sad when you can’t give away tickets to a good show.

  13. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    If I was feeling better I’d take you up on it in a moment’s notice. I don’t want to say yes since I cannot guarantee that I’ll be up for it though.

  14. Redeye says:


    Artist: Jose Gonzalaz
    Album: In our nature
    Song: Killing for Love

    Shoes: One Step at a time.

    buy local


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