Not A Bad October

With the exception of October 1st, the day on which I racked up medical expenses prior to kicking the shit out of my big toe, the month wasn’t all that bad. Sure, I didn’t ride my bike. Sure, I didn’t lose any weight. Sure, the Jets got drubbed 9-0 by the Green Bay Packers. Sure, my life didn’t change that much for the better, but overall the month wasn’t that bad.

All Aboard!
On Saturday morning I joined a gaggle of Flickrites at the Flying Biscuit in Norcross before heading out to the Southeastern Railway Museum to do some photography. I can’t say that any of the photos I took were great, or even sellable for that matter, but it was good to go out with friends on beautiful day and push the shutter.

Being a typography nerd I did managed to piece together an eight-shot project I call Watch Your Step.

ITP Flickr Pic
After hanging out at ITP-Betsy’s all day a small group of us headed up to Holy Taco for a nightcap. Betsy brought along her Lizzy Borden ax which she used to cleave the Holy Taco’s piggy bank the night before, and then proceeded use it to do a little damage to this Jack-o-Lantern.

A Scary Halloween!
I had no excuse not to do some yard work yesterday. The weather was stunning and I knew that I was headed over to ITP-Betsy’s for a Day of the Dead gathering for which I had procured a twelve-pack of Fat Tire.

Quick Shots
It’s another one of those days where I felt like I had a lot to discuss, but I can’t think of anything at the moment. So, here are some Twitter-length quick shots.

  • I’m two sections away from finishing 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. It wasn’t as informative as I had hoped it would be.
  • My eyesight is getting worse. Hello, old age.
  • By the time I publish this I will have finished “watching” this week’s The Amazing Race.
  • Yesterday I paid for the “Hash Campout Formerly Known As Providence Canyon” with no idea of who else will be attending. It will be held on the weekend of Nov 12-14.
  • I have a free night of camping to use at a Georgia State Park which expires soon.
  • I found that I still have a $25 Gift Card which was sent to me by Wachovia. Today I’ll find out if Wells Fargo honors it.
  • I did not watch the Gators game this weekend. From what I heard I should have, but I’m okay with just knowing the outcome.
  • I did not watch the Jets/Packers game this weekend. From what I heard I am glad that I did not.
  • I am amused that an event called “Get Motivated” caused a huge traffic jam heading toward downtown this morning. You’d think these people would be motivated to either get up early or take MARTA.
  • I returned to baking loaves of bread this weekend using my bread machine. I’ve completed eating one loaf and have one, in which I substituted an Amstel Light for the water, for my lunches this week.
  • I was passed on GA400 this morning by a man driving a BMW at no less than 60mph while reading the newspaper! It was still dark outside so he was driving with interior dome light on so that he could read while driving. Fucking idiot.

Okay, time for me to kick off November the right way by getting some work done..

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – fair
Current Music – listening to last night’s The Amazing Race
Website Of The Day – I’m not sure I understand the business model for Halloween Candy Buy Back, but they must know what they are doing. [Thanks to ITP-Reader Stacy F for bringing this to my attention.]
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – should have checked, but I didn’t
Pages Of 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die Read – 77

Foot Mileage – 0 miles, Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Pushups – 0, Situps – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 0 (0)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 0
Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

November Goals
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Not get fired from my job
– Ride my bicycle no fewer than 100 miles
– Run no fewer than 50 miles
– Determine the fate of Sharpened Stone, LLC
– lose five pounds
– eat vegetarian at least one day a week

2010 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 185 pounds (starting weight was 198 pounds) [update: On July 1 I’ve sadly gained weight; I’m at 203 pounds]
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Sharpened Stone.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Get the Black Sheep stats out of Excel and online, completed
Ride in no fewer than two 50 mile or 50K bike rides, completed
– Complete my Taco Mac Passport requirement of 125 beers

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in PHP and CSS Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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7 Responses to Not A Bad October

  1. Barb says:

    I’m with Stacy – not happy about the end of Amazing Race.
    (BTW Stacy – good to see you Saturday, sorry didn’t talk longer)

    I’ve had no problems yet with Wells Fargo vs. Wachovia – but I’m a firm believer that if I just ignore & don’t worry about it, I’ll never know anything changed besides the signage.

    Completely ignored Halloween this year…….. didn’t really mean to, it just worked out that way.

  2. I’m with you both on the outcome of this week’s The Amazing Race. I also can’t believe that a woman who spends her days in operating rooms is grossed out by manure.

  3. Martha says:

    I managed some yard work yesterday, cleaned/organized a couple of cabinets, this not having to hit the road at the crack of dawn is great! The weather was just perfect. We ran to the end of the Silver Comet Half to watch everyone finish, I think we got to see almost everyone we knew with the exception of Jenka, sounds like she did great!

    Jill was just asking me last night if you were coming to the campout, good to hear. I’m loaning her a bunch of stuff and trying to help with the menu as much as I can, since I can’t be there. CBT did get us a late check-out (2pm) so, again, depending on how we feel we may swing by for a bit.

    Other than hitting a few parties and handing out candy, we kind of ignore Holloween as well. I really was in no mood for finding a costume or doing the home crawl this year.

    Off to get my flu shot in a bit, after fighting H1N1 last year, I have no desire to do it again.

  4. Whew, I didn’t log on to Twitter yesterday (I’m not reading it a whole lot these days.) Luckily I missed the friendly wager request sent to me by ITP-Reader Stacy, which I certainly would have taken. Stacy, let’s see if we can get together some night in the upcoming weeks and I’ll buy you a celebratory beverages for the Packers dominating victory.

    The same offer goes to ITP-Reader Lisa the next time we are in the same city.

  5. Lisa says:

    I’ll hold you to it!!

  6. Steve says:

    As we drove to a Halloween party Saturday evening, a DOT sign warned of heavy downtown traffic this morning and I was surprised by the number of cars already in the MARTA lot, so apparently, somebody got the memo.

    The weekend was spent enjoying the beautiful weather and putting gutters on the barn to try and prevent flooding issues in the stalls. My bike actually saw some service yesterday and I can feel the weeks of slacker-life today.

    Other than your curious (OCD) collection of “Watch your Step” signs, was the museum worthy of an afternoon?


  7. Sadly I’ll have to admit that I’ll most likely won’t go back to the Railway Museum. It cost $8 to enter, and the thing I saw which interested me the most was the pretty young female photographer who was taking a family’s portrait on the premises. Not to sell the place too short however, they also had a few MARTA buses, including one which dated back to the segregation era,
    Reminder Of Our Checkered Past
    which were in great condition.

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