I’m (Barely) Alive

Which is more than I can say for the office’s Internet connection currently.

With the exception of Betsyfesting on Friday night, eating dinner at Taco Mac Saturday night, and watching The Neverending Amazing Race last night, I was in the office all weekend.

Things are not good.

I will take Thanksgiving off. I will spend some time with ITP-Readers Lisa and Randy on Saturday, but it looks as if I’ll be spending the majority of my life in the office unless things miraculously start working in the near future.

Oh, and it sounds as if something is going wrong with the Jackmobile’s breaks ans/or wheels. Where am I going to find the time to deal white that?

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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16 Responses to I’m (Barely) Alive

  1. Stacy Fox says:

    — Amazing Race Spoiler (not that there’s much to spoil) —

    I think The Amazing Race is trying to lose me as a viewer. What with NFL-delays (not their fault, I suppose), too many non-elimination rounds and now a “To Be Continued” episode that was pretty boring to begin with? Yeah, I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be a viewer.

    How old IS the Jackmobile, Paulie? Is it time to maybe consider a new car?

  2. Barb says:

    Jackmobile can live forever – it is a Honda.
    Since you like to live at the office these days, drop it off at lunch at Peach Auto today with a co-worker, spend the night in the office (like you would probably do anyway) & get it back tomorrow having luch over that way again with a co-worker.

    NFL delays for Sunday night TV always make me laugh – what football game gets over in 3 hours? 60 Minutes I think is just trying to get new younger veiwers. And – on that note, the Taylor Swift story was kind of interesting, I don’t really like her voice at all, but she is quite the unbelieveable success.

  3. Stacy Fox says:

    I love me some Taylor Swift; I enjoyed that too! 🙂 But I really hate having to record all of Sunday night CBS in order to see the two shows I want (Amazing Race and The Good Wife). I know…big problem to have, right?

  4. bets says:

    Because I started watching TAR (not a huge fan, but I like 60 minutes and I am very impressed with Taylor Swift now–great story) I also now watch the good Wife. I’m a sucker for Josh Charles. And Alan Cumming. Great cast!

    Without cable TV, I’ve managed to lock onto some network television that I would otherwise (Ringer and Revenge and even Grimm)

    so If stacy has a big problem, I have a HUGE problem.

    And I loathed that last bodybuilding portion of TAR–just yucky, really.

  5. Barb says:

    I have not picked up the Good Wife, though everyone tells me I should, that it is such a good show. I’ve liked Josh Charles since SportNight – what a great show that didn’t last long at all.

    I don’t know if I could have done that body building thing, I really don’t think I could have, not even for a million dollars. Just like that one years ago when they had to shave their heads…..

  6. Okay, internet is back.

    The Jackmobile is a 2002 model that I bought in June 2002. I am already considering its replacement as it burns oil internally, which is never a good thing and will be very expensive to repair. Not only that, I’m not all that thrilled with the way it shifts gears — something that came along with the rebuilt transmission I purchased last year. I will call Peach Auto today. Perhaps I can drop it off today or tomorrow.

    TAR is getting frustrating. It seems as if many of the challenges are subjective — “Sorry, you didn’t give me enough drama with your recital” and “Must score at least twelve to get your next clue.” I’m glad that I never have to put on a Speedo because no part of my body has been designed to be in one. And not that I am keeping count, but this is the second episode in a row where the team I picked to get eliminated finished first — not that it made a huge difference since it was a “To be continued” episode.

    I didn’t hear Taylor Swift’s story but did think to myself “Huh, I always assumed she’d be drop-dead gorgeous, but she’s not.” Talk about “subjective” 😉 Sure, she’s a pretty gal, but I guess she’s just not my “type”.

    Okay, now it’s time to return to working.

  7. Barb says:

    She’s 21….. she better not be your type!

  8. Stacy Fox says:

    Plus Swift has all that long hair, Paulie – not that quirky style you’re into. 🙂

    Oh, Bets – I’m right there with you on those others too! Revenge, Ringer, Grimm and Once Upon a Time have all made it into my regular rotation now. Hey, TV is way cheap entertainment these days! I’m not ashamed to say I’m a TV junkie (at least I’m a DVR kinda girl instead of “sorry, I can’t go out; gotta be home at X hour to watch TV”). Barb, yes: totally pick up The Good Wife, but I’d suggest starting back at season one.

  9. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I almost hate to say it, but as I get older age becomes less of an issue as long as she’s legal. Why? Because as I get older I’m less likely to get a lifetime partner.

  10. Stacy Fox says:

    Yeah, but a 40-something really should have NOTHING in common with a 20-something!

    I reckon in the case of celebrity, it’s not really trying to find commonality anyway though, huh? 🙂

  11. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    If a twenty-something woman finds this forty-something man attractive enough to sleep with we have something in common. 😉

  12. Steve says:

    Oh they’ll have something in common alright, they’ll both need help with their issues! Paulie,Paulie, Paulie…. where did we go wrong?

  13. Okay, okay. I’ll change the topic.

    Total Wine starts selling alcohol on Sundays starting December 4th. HUZZAH!!!!

  14. Barb says:

    which Total Wine? They all won’t….. we don’t even vote on it until March over here in Cobb County.

  15. The one within walking distance to my office (ie near Perimeter Mall). I saw a sign on the door when I stopped in there in Saturday.

  16. Stacy Fox says:

    And the way you’ve been going, you’ll be working on that Sunday….so hurray for small favors anyway! 🙂

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