Super Spectacular Friday

It’s sunny and 70° F here in Raleigh, North Carolina.

And I lie.

And ITP-Reader Barb was right, today’s post is not spectacular. 😉

Today’s Daily Challenge
Pledge to wait two minutes before responding to a post, text, or email message that angers you.

When we humans feel threatened, our first biological instinct is to act fast and think later. Unfortunately, the immediacy of electronic communication means that this instinct can get us into trouble – in other words, it’s all too easy to quickly write and send an emotional response that only leads to more bad feelings. Taking time to cool off means you’ll be able to answer more carefully and rationally.

Good advice.
I know from past experience.

Family Time With The Raleigh Royalty
Though I’m neither genetically nor legally part of the Raleigh Royalty family “Fake Uncle Paulie” has been privileged to be a part of the family rounds.

I was a part of the two school pickups and went to swim practice for the youngest son last night.
Today I’ve been to school for one drop off and will be present for another swim practice today.

I’ve also benefited from the family’s Y membership by taking an exercise class this morning.

For a near lifelong singleton I kinda like the change of pace.

Tomorrow I’ll get to see The Lego Movie — and more!

ITP Flickr Pic
“A Fake Flower”
A Flower
Strolling around the Raleigh airport I noticed this one section of flooring in a far part of the baggage claim area. It’s amazing how so much beauty can be dedicated to a slightly used area.

Today’s Personal Project
Work out. [UPDATE: DONE!]

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – good
Current Music – silence at the moment
Website Of The Day – The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia have started, though they officially start tonight with the opening ceremony.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – n/a
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – Oops, I failed to check. Let’s say 215 pounds.

Foot Mileage – 0.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 1 (1 cardio)

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

February Goals
– have European trip plans in place, if not carved in stone
– clean my basement to the point where I could have people over
– hire a plumber to fix all of the sinks at the ITP Estate
– walk no fewer than 75 miles
– publish an app to the iOS AppStore (new)

2014 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate
– Sell the ITP Estate (tentative)

2014 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Continue to Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2014

  1. “Johnny Carson” by Henry Bushkin

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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One Response to Super Spectacular Friday

  1. Steve says:

    I had a meeting last night in the Perimeter Mall area and thought I’d ping you and see if you wanted to have dinner, then I remembered where you were!! Oh well. The meeting was a one off, so you missed your chance.

    While killing time, I did a lap of the mall- it kinda gave me the creeps. I haven’t actually been inside a mall in quite a while and sadly, Perimeter ain’t what it used to be. Payless Shoes? Really? Didn’t see anything that interested me for dinner, so I beat it out of there. Found a Willy’s and ate something before drinking at the meeting- good plan.

    Our sale project (Canby) was a bad boy and won’t be going to his forever home. Don’t know if he knows he’s supposed to be a good pony at all times! Especially before he sells.

    Hoping to get on the bike this weekend, and doing chores. Oh. Boy.


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