There’s Just Not Enough Brevity In This World

So I’ll keep this short today. Just think, when we next meet I’ll have driven across half the country in an effort to get back to work as soon as possible. So much for “vacation”.

Today’s Daily Challenge
Hold on to a table or chair, extend your arm to the side, and raise and lower your heels ten times.

This stretch is based on one that ballet dancers do at the barre, a horizontal bar that’s used for support during exercise. Although ballet dancers get fit through intense dance workouts, much of their strength is developed by doing this type of daily exercise at the barre. This exercise provides a great workout for muscles, including the oh-so-important heart. It also helps to increase coordination and stability.

I’m Getting To Be As Large As Texas
I finally made my way downtown last night where I met up with a bunch of developers for beers. Not knowing a sole I figured that I was early so I bellied up to the bar (which is getting further away each time I do) and asked the bartender to give me the “best IPA that I cannot buy east of the Mississippi.”

And he did.
And there was much rejoicing.

The beer chosen was a 512 Brewing IPA. After than I a Karbach Brewing Hopadillo IPA, and then I capped the night with an old favorite of mine, and Odells 90 Shilling.

As if three beers weren’t enough damage I finished the night eating at a place called Frank where I had a sloppy hot dog and some poutine-inspired waffle fries — at 11:00pm.

I just don’t understand why the weight is not falling right off. I mean, I walked about two miles yesterday!

ITP Flickr Pic
“Closer To God?”
Closer To God?
This is an in-room hair dryer at a hotel near Tuscaloosa, Alabama that I stayed at recently. I wonder how many girls/women tried to get their hair “closer to God” using it.

Today’s Personal Project
Not fall asleep during the conference. It was a late night, I awoke early to try and pull off the early-check-in at the conference hotel, and I am battling a lot of stress at the moment.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – nervous, stressed
Current Music – silence at the moment
Website Of The Day.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – n/a
Exercise (b)Log – walking, ~2 miles
Morning Weigh-In – I really don’t want to know

Foot Mileage – ~10.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 10 (10 cardio)

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

March Goals
– have Austin CocoaConf trip plans in place (new)
– exercise no fewer than twenty days (new)
– ride my bike no fewer than five times (new)
– have European trip plans in place, if not carved in stone
– clean my basement to the point where I could have people over
– hire a plumber to fix all of the sinks at the ITP Estate
– walk no fewer than 75 miles
– publish an app to the iOS AppStore

2014 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate
– Sell the ITP Estate (tentative)

2014 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Continue to Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2014

  1. “Johnny Carson” by Henry Bushkin
  2. “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin Kleon

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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4 Responses to There’s Just Not Enough Brevity In This World

  1. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this.

    While walking down 6th Street (the party street of Austin) yesterday afternoon looking at a text message on my new, green iPhone 5c a young woman walking the other direction said “I like your colored phone.” in passing. The funny thing is that I don’t believe she was being sarcastic.

  2. Steve says:

    You are so clueless- why would she be sarcastic about the color of your phone.

    There was much yardwork around JEFDSDR yesterday but still much more to be done. Debbie is off already this morning to a horsemanship class and I am still figuring out what my day looks like.

    Safe travels and a wonderful trip to Barb and Allan as you sail off to St. Croix.


  3. On a break: Why? Because that’s the way people, predominately females, have treated me my whole life. We become the people we become due to our genetics and the feedback society provides us.

  4. Lunch done. And this just in, I’ve once again given myself a nasty paper cut on one of my fingers. Owie!

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