I Wish I Had Revolutionary Information

As I mentioned yesterday my life is in a rut. I made it down to Colony Square last night for German, which was fine, but I feel as if I’ve hit a roadblock in my progress. I think I need to figure out how to get more immersive with the language which is difficult because I chose German instead on Spanish. A decision that is par for my life’s course. Perhaps I’ll find a way to budget for a trip to Germany next year.

“COOKIE!” (Atlanta, GA, USA)
As I walked into Colony Square last night for my German class at the Goethe Zentrum (nee Institut) I saw that there were art installations, constructed from mostly canned goods. Apparently the installation will be there for a little while and once over, the cans/packages of food used for the artwork will be donated to food banks. This Cookie Monster, comprised of 3990 cans of food (!), is part of a series of art installations put on by Canstruction.

I’ve also come to realize (again) that I am spending too much of my life thinking / working on the app that pays my bills. I love programming but I am pigeonholed by this one application and am also not advancing in any way that’ll help me change course in the near future. I have my reasons.

“A garbage truck, a school bus, and the Jackmobile drive on the same road…” It was no joke this morning when I found myself behind a garbage truck and a school bus while driving along a two-lane road. Fortunately for me the garbage truck turned relatively soon and the school bus pulled off and let some of us pass. Of course, this just meant that I got to the stopped traffic at the nearby elementary school that much sooner. Have I whined about my commute enough recently? I swear that the office move to Perimeter Mall six, perhaps seven years ago, started a downward slide in my lifestyle. If only things had worked out differently about this time last year.

On a positive end note, it was good to hear from ITP-Reader Martha again yesterday, I’m glad that I’ll be consuming Tasty China on Friday night, and tonight is all mine; I think I might go for a long walk after work.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to I Wish I Had Revolutionary Information

  1. Steve says:

    My longer comment went in to the cyber black-hole yesterday. We were up early to visit Debbie’s friends at the Huddle House, then to buy a (sadly) expensive part for the tractor- I only bent one part of it, but apparently you can’t buy just the part, you have to buy the whole assembly. Ugh.

    A quick visit to the inlaws, where Dad is doing very well, then return home for some paperwork, then off to the Games wrap up meeting. No major issues, just some new people learning what their job really entails. We are food about covering and pitching in when needed, but sometimes we forget that you also need to respect what other folks are supposed to be doing and let them do it.

    Apparently today is the last day of Fall? The deep freeze begins tomorrow? WTF? Michelle reported Monday it was 60 when she got to work and in the 20’s heading for the teens when she left. Ouch.

    Debbie read my comments on Monday as a slam on our weekend when I said it was “lost”. I was referring to the fact that there was much alcohol consumed, much like:


    Barb, shall we meet at the Garage Mahal between 5:30 and 6 Friday?

  2. Barb says:

    That sounds fine for Friday, we will be there! A pre-dinner drink, or not works for me!
    OR – if you all wanted to do something wild & crazy, we could always meet at Red Hare for their “tour” from 5:30-7:30, then go eat? (And, you don’t have to pay the $10, you can get the free tour, which is a plastic cup with 4 tickets instead of the pint glass & 6 tickets. I found this out last time I was there)

  3. I’m game for either starting point Friday evening and will be dressed warmly. 🙁

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