Sleep Machine

After eating a ton of soup (see below) for dinner before leaving work last night I got home with the mindset of “Do not sit down. Keep moving. You need exercise.” Unfortunately this mindset lasted no more than thirty minutes because of the reality that I had a lot to do, most of which involved sitting down and reading.

My mistake came when I convinced myself that, because it was chilly in the house, that I could lie in bed under the covers and get my work done. Silly Paulie, Trix are for kids!

When I arose at 10:30pm and then promptly went back to sleep, I knew that getting all of my work accomplished would not be in the cards. I woke again around 4:30am and thought about getting up and starting my day early, but it was really cold in the house and I managed to go back to sleep quickly and slept for the next two hours.

My Sunday Masterpiece
Cauliflower And Potato Soup
Well, okay, it was not perfect but it tasted good.

The soup is basically comprised of cauliflower, potatoes, onion, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, chicken stock, and heavy cream (you knew that there had to be something unhealthy, right?). It’s finished off with some pan-fried cauliflower and some of the browned butter in which the cauliflower was fried. I added the green onions because I had them and wanted a little extra color for my photo.

Here is the recipe so you can see what it was supposed to look like.

Here’s An Obvious Statement
“I do not have a good grasp of English grammar.” Let’s just say that I was not exactly an attentive student in the English classes during my formative years…

In my attempt to learn the German language I am reading English Grammar for Students of German: The Study Guide for Those Learning German (O&H Study Guides) which compares the German grammar to English grammar. Suffice to say that while I use many of the constructs in the English grammar on a daily basis, I couldn’t properly parse a sentence if my life depended on it.

My goal is to read three chapters a day (there are 48 in total), and when I am done to do this repeatedly until I have an excellent grasp on the grammatical constructs for each language. Note: I will probably screw up my sentences in this blog, so keep reading and correcting. 😉

I’m Making A List And Checking It Twice
I am taking the day off from work on Friday. In the morning I will be doing something for the first time, no, not exercising or going out on a date, you’ll have to wait and see. In the afternoon I’ll be flying up to Raleigh to hang with the Raleigh Royalty over the weekend and then do some college recruiting at North Carolina State next week.

In preparation for this trip I am making a list of things that I need to pack for a near week-long pleasure/business trip. I’ll be flying, the M6’s first road trip has yet to be planned, so I’ll need to pack my luggage by Thursday night. As one can imagine I’ll be checking the (probably inaccurate) weather forecasts to see what clothes I will need to bring. Fun!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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7 Responses to Sleep Machine

  1. bob says:

    Have you thought about getting a treadmill? With all the reading you do you can combine some exercise with the reading. This way you can read and walk and not worry about walking in to traffic.

  2. Barb says:

    Do you have your heat turned on????

    I’m back, long roadtrip home yesterday, but it was a good trip. Weather wasn’t perfect, but it was much better than here.

    We are working on our plans to go RAGBRAI 2015 – it will be stopping at a suburb of Cedar Rapids on Thursday night, so very close to my parents house. (ok, not sure if Hiawatha would like being called a suburb, but they are connected, no corn fields in between, so I call it that.) And, I can try to get my older brother to come down from WI to ride with us on Friday. It will be just after my 50th birthday. AND Paulie’s will be during that week too, so I think Paulie should join us. Good incentive to start riding. (and drinking at the same time)

  3. Steve says:

    I have always wanted a German guide that put English into the correct German format- is that what you have?

    RAGBRAI?? Tempting! I have to see what National assignments I get, as I asked for Tour of Utah and that may be my week of “vacation” beside the ski trip. I was on a 2 hour conference call with USAC executives discussing insurance and their “love” of officials. If you only knew…

    Glad you’re back Barb and hope you had a good time.

    Phinney is broken and on light duty for a month. We think he got hurt on the Boxing Day hunt and never has gotten better. The vet came and took pictures yesterday and determined a soft tissue injury. And Gus’ knee is doing as well as expected after he tried to slide under the fence.


  4. martha says:

    I WISH I had a treadmill desk at the office, just not prepared to shell out a couple of Ks right now. I’d never use it at home, that much I know.

    I tried something new last night, Zumba, now that I’ve tried it, I never have to do it again, correct? I didn’t even break a sweat? The instructor was great, I really like her spin class but Zumba just isn’t for me.

    I got a post card yesterday for BRAG, made me think about riding, you know once the weather warms up. In the meantime, I submitted to peer pressure and signed up for Thrill in the Hills 21K next month.

    I’m cutting back on the carbs this month so instead of mashed potatoes last night’s pot roast was paired with smashed cauliflower (or as Jerry calls them, fart potatoes)….I’ve been on a cauliflower kick this month, you’ve been warned.

  5. Turn 49 in Amsterdam and 50 in Cedar Falls? Yeah, that might just happen. Since I have decided not to go to and developer conferences this year I might have the free time needed to travel to Iowa for RAGBRAI.

    No treadmills for me. I gave myself tendinitis on one, and I am certain that I won’t buy one for the house. Besides, I am a terrible reader any time my head moves. I really just need to make the time to use my LA Fitness membership again.

    Steve, I am not sure the book does exactly that. What it does is define a grammatical concept, let’s pick “gerund,” and show/compare how it is used in English and in German.

  6. Barb says:

    So, if any of you are actually serious about going to RAGBRAI, I need to know, so I can get with the Team Wimpy guys & get all the details. costs, etc. I think it is about $300 for the team, not sure what other costs. I’m not even sure if they have space, but I’m pretty sure they would make room for some GA people.

    Allan I will be driving, most likely leaving Thursday July 16th, returning Monday July 27th. Its a 13-14 hour drive (each way). The Wimpy team will have a bus & leave on Saturday morning for Sioux City, and the bus will be there again on the following Saturday afternoon for the ride home.

  7. Barb, consider me “in” for RAGBRAI if possible. We can discuss in more detail on the 14th of February before the play.

    If it doesn’t work out I may do a Vermont bicycle tour for my birthday instead.

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