Still Overwhelmed

Another day, another day where I find myself scrambling to catch up. Toss into today’s mix a bit of sickness no doubt brought about with the weather changes we’ve had recently and I’m feeling completely overwhelmed.

As I do on most Tuesday nights these days last night I went down to Colony Square for my German class. It’s that time of year again that Canstruction has erected art pieces made from canned goods. The art pieces will be on display until November 15th, so I’ll need to hustle my ass back to Colony Square before next week’s class in order to take photos of them.

Thanks, Veterans!
In the US today is Veterans Day. I’m thankful for all who’ve served our country.

Concerting Tonight
Tonight I’ll be making my first appearance at Masquerade for the first time in a long while. Well, technically my appearance is as a spectator and not a performer…

My goal tonight is to see/hear the band Eskimeaux for the first time. According to the Masquerade’s website Eskimeaux will be the second band to perform. This may mean that I will have a short night, or, perhaps if I am having a really good time I’ll stick around and hear all four bands.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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9 Responses to Still Overwhelmed

  1. Steve says:

    The wrap up meeting for this years Games was last night. Nothing new came out that we didn’t know we have to fix. Many accolades around the table. A good, satisfying evening.

    Waiting on my friend with the welder so we can get the door installed.

    Happy Veterans Day. Thanks to all who serve(d).


  2. Barb says:

    well – yesterday some sort of gremlin got into my work computer & Internet Explorer will not work anymore. Chrome didn’t want to work right, Firefox didn’t want to work right, so I used The Google & found a browser named Opera. At least our in house transportation program will work in Opera – so I’m back up & running. The IT people have no idea what’s wrong with my computer, they want me to send it to Chicago. But- they don’t have a replacement/loaner for me right now & we don’t have an extra here at our office. So, who knows when I will get it fixed.

    Tonight is a monthly hasher food night – this time at Dean’s house (aka Jack@ss).
    Theme is Chinese. I haven’t had time to make anything, so if I decide I want to drive into town, I will go to Tasty China & get some Dan Dan noodles. It will all depend on what traffic looks like……… I’m so out of practice on interstate driving, plus rush hour madness, we will see what I decide to do.

  3. Stacy says:

    I was going to go to Dean’s but a big work project just came up and now I need to work late. 🙁 Ah well. My contribution wasn’t much to write home about anyway: whoever has the next party, a big box of fortune cookies are headed your way. 😉

  4. Barb says:

    I really want to stay home & clean out my DVR, but at the same time I think I should be sociable. We will see later this afternoon which idea wins.

  5. In other news I’m trying to decide if another trip to a doctor will be necessary, this time to investigate a lump on the back of my head that has appeared over the past few months.

    Isn’t getting old great? No.

  6. Stacy says:

    My sister once had lumps on her head. The doctor drained them and they were sort of a “cottage cheese-like” texture. She’s the only literal cheesehead I’ve ever met. 🙂

  7. Oh, if that’s the case for me I want a t-shirt that says “Honorary Cheesehead”. 🙂

  8. Barb says:

    ewwwwww Stacy.

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