It’s Always Something

Owning a house is like having a child that never learns to take care of itself. There is always something that needs my attention.

Yesterday I discovered that a corner of the roofline of the carport has rotted due to water damage. Water is the bane of home ownership, and now I am going to have to get someone out to figure out why the water is not making it to the gutter and to replace the wood. Doesn’t my house care that I have no income now?

The Tabernacle: Home Of The Overpriced Drinks
Day One of Plywood Presents is in the books. Sadly this might be the final Plywood Presents for me as I am not sure that this is proving to be beneficial for an introvert such as myself. I will reevaluate today.

Last night we saw four presenters including Ron Clark, founder of the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta. Clark’s school provides an unconventional teaching method that seems to do well with inner-city kids. Clark is also a flamboyant and entertaining speaker.

The downside of holding this event at The Tabernacle is the cost of drinks. I paid $8 for a bottle of beer, and $4 for a 20-ounce bottle of water. Yikes! Doesn’t The Tabycare that I currently have no income? (Answer: No) Today I have filled a water bottle and carried it with me in order to save some money.

ITP Flickr Pic
“Lucky Lanes” (Mount Ayr, Iowa, United States)
Lucky Lanes
In Mount Ayr, Iowa I stopped into this cool little bowling alley called “Lucky Lanes”.

“A Bare Necessity” (Kellerton, Iowa, United States)
A Bare Necessity
You can’t ride a bicycle through Iowa for seven days and not get at least one ear of corn to eat, right?

“As Far As The Eye Can See” (somewhere in Iowa, United States)
As Far As The Eye Can See
This photo really doesn’t do RAGBRAI justice since I was on the road early each day and did my best to ride as quickly as possible. Even with that you can see that there is an endless stream of riders on the road.

Pre-Packing Fun Time
Prior to packing for tomorrow’s flight to Vermont (it’s an afternoon flight so there will be a blog post sometime tomorrow morning) I will be spending time with ITP-Reader Stacy. I’m really looking forward to see her because it’s been far too long since we’ve time together. Stacy, if you have a desired place to meet please let me know either in a comment or via text message.

Fall Party?
I’m thinking of having a small gathering at the ITP estate this Fall (September/October). Ideally I’d have a Summer party, but don’t have the time to prepare before “Summer” ends.


If so, I can propose some dates tomorrow.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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10 Responses to It’s Always Something

  1. Andrew says:

    Also repairing water damage on my house. They haven’t done any work for me yet, but I hired The Educated Craftsman. I think I would be so much happier if I could leave the world of home ownership but I have three dogs so it’s not an option at the moment.

  2. Thanks for the info, Andrew. I will contact The Educated Craftsman when I return from Vermont.

  3. Stacy says:

    I am very much open for anything! We could go frugal — The Tabby or ITP-Estate might not care you have no income, but the Cheese Nips do! — and walk over to Smoke Ring BBQ if you’re looking for dinner (psst! ScoutMob! *grin* Me and my damn ScoutMobs). It’s only a .7 mile walk from the Tab over to it in Castleberry Hill. Or Park Bar’s right there spitting distance from Tab and looks like they’ll be having the USWNT soccer game on (6pm I think). There’s always Der Biergarten if you want to get your German on too. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve never been.

    Like, seriously, though: I’m totally game for anything. In looking around, I got really excited: noticed that a swanky new Speakeasy called “Red Phone Booth” is in Atlanta now and thought we could be on the cutting edge of it….but it looks like their grand opening is NEXT week, dagnabbit!

  4. Stacy says:

    Oh and YES! Definitely interested in a party at the ITP Estate.

  5. steve says:

    That would be a yes to the party!!

    I would suggest Surley Temple or Stupid. If nothing more- have them over, buy them a beer and get their opinion. Sounds like a bit of facia board and reattaching/cleaning the gutter. Both are on FB- if you would like, I can send your digits.

    My knee is sore from the fall yesterday. I’m currently bandaged, but will air it out tonight.

    We tried a new technique with Zelda last night. After she wouldn’t settle down, she was put in her box and complained for most of the night. I know Debbie got up several times to explain it to her that barking was unacceptable. She was quiet when I left, but starting the car may have set her off again. I know Debbie must be exhausted, as I am as well.


  6. alisson says:

    The scaled down version does not do justice to the pic. Lots and lots of riders!

  7. alisson says:

    Also, you need to work on your picture taking technique. The second picture one was a bit corny. Ba-dum-tsss ๐Ÿ˜›

  8. Will contact Surly and Stupid too.

    Stacy, if Park Bar works for you that might be the best option for me today as I am not sure that I have an umbrella in my car. ๐Ÿ™

    I wish that I had a better photo of the masses who rode RAGBRAI, but I was trying to avoid them. Paulie and crowds don’t mix well.

    I will start scoping weekends for a party. This will force me to clean, organize, and reduce รขโ‚ฌโ€œ all of the things I have been desiring to do for years. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Stacy says:

    Fine by me! Just let me know what time.

    Oh and for party ideas? You can always have a “Fall Back Party.” Nov. 6 is when we change the clocks back. So people GAIN an hour of sleep that night, which is always nice after a party.

  10. Beating the Plywood Presents lunch rush. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am at Slice for a chicken parmesan sandwich.

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