Where’s The Asphalt?

Apparently only on the road from Winter Park to Fort Collins…

Colorado InviHash 16 Is In The Books
Because I slept through all of Sunday’s activities I was well rested and rather hungry by 8:00am. I was first in line for breakfast.

After breakfast we all packed up our rooms and headed out for a mountain bike ride. ITP-Reader Barb, Allan, and myself rented bikes and Michelle and Drew had theirs along with them. Of course I was completely unprepared so I rode in running shorts while wearing Chucks as well as the sunglasses that I purchased from the bike rental store. Thankfully we weren’t going to attempt anything too hard, which is not to say that it was easy riding.

We rode around some fun trails for a few hours and I was pleased with my effort, having to dismount only once due to the lack of clipless pedals. (I must admit to dismounting a few times because the climbs were too steep.) However, I quickly realized that I won’t be giving up road riding for mountain biking any time soon.

After all was said and done we had a great lunch in Winter Park before driving though beautiful landscape from Winter Park through Rocky Mountain National Park to Fort Collins. In Estes Park we saw a large, male elk walking though a parking lot. Barb and Allan saw a big-horn sheep on their journey.

Flickr Pics
“Good Day On The Trails #1” (Winter Park, Colorado, United States)
Good Day On The Trails #1
Except for Michelle, who gets credit for this photo, here is the group of knuckleheads that went out mountain bike riding yesterday. Of course yours truly is in the blue shirt looking goofy.

“Good Day On The Trails #2” (Winter Park, Colorado, United States)
Good Day On The Trails#2
At day’s end my leg was splattered nicely with mud, which means my mountain biking form is horrible. Related: look at that awesome calf!

Dinner In Fort Collins
After settling in the five of us headed to a place called “Otto’s” in Fort Collins for some beverages and thin-crust pizza. With so many beers on their list I considered looking for something special, perhaps with pomegranate, but instead went with a peach pale ale. It was funny that I was not the one ordering drinks that they did not have, which is often the case for me, that honor went to both Barb and Allan who were thwarted a few times before getting a beverage served to them.

My Last Full Day In Colorado
What is happening today? I am not 100% sure.

We may rent bikes again and do a brewery tour. We might just do a brewery tour. Tonight I believe that we are meeting up with more Atlanta defectors (“Head Eunuch” and “Can’t Say No”) who are hosting “Public Enema”.

Frankly, I don’t care. I am going to have a great day regardless of what we wind up doing.

I hope that you do too.

Paulie [fort collins/co]

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7 Responses to Where’s The Asphalt?

  1. Barb says:

    Everyone was a little muddy from that ride, don’t let him fool you. I’m out of shape & do not have the lungs for climbing at above 9000′, so it was a tough ride. The few flat parts & the downhills were awesome. It was a gorgeous day to be outside.

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Perhaps the first time in ITP history that a blog comment has come from the bedroom next to mine.

  3. Barb says:

    I was actually downstairs in the living room

  4. steve says:

    Now that’s funny!!

    If you don’t get muddy on a mountain bike you’re not trying!

    I don’t blame any of you for not riding/running your best. That elevation sucks it right out of you. That is one advantage of downhill skiing- you just have to stand there and ride if you want.

    I was just informed I’ll be covering our table at a Tech Fair later today and possibly tomorrow. Oh. Joy.

    Except for Barb and Allan, it looks like an old Wednesday night at Georges. Enjoy!


  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Bikes rented for tour of breweries today. Apparently meeting Enema for lunch, though none of us will be hungry again by then given the breakfast we ate.

  6. Barb says:

    We watched Enema eat lunch while we drank beer, we now had taco truck food at beer stop #3 ODells

  7. Al says:

    A male elk, a big-horned sheep and a muddy calf walk into a bar…

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