Christmas: T Minus Six Days

Why yes, the look of this site has changed. My hand to change the layout, including removing much of the customization of the last layout, was forced this weekend when I received an email telling me that someone has hacked my site and injected code into it. Since I couldn’t figure out how to edit the files involved, I chose to nuke-and-pave and started again. If this blog goes on, I am still contemplating its demise, I may wind up switching to a fully hosted and managed provider such as SquareSpace.

On Saturday I had to fun times hanging with friends. If you were not part of either of these events then we need to plan something soon!

After I finally found parking on Saturday just before noon at the shopping center that houses OK Cafe I met up with six other once-upon-a-time Flickr members — John, Joe, Lee, Dave, Jason, and Andy. We had a really filling lunch and reminisced about old times and tried to ensure that it would not be so long until we meet up again.

From lunch I drove through more Atlanta traffic as I tried to wind my way from Paces Ferry at Northside to Briarcliff in order to fill the M6’s tank with gas. My mistake was taking the surface streets around Christmas.

On Saturday night I ditched the car and chose my feet to meet up with Hank and Bill at Argosy in East Atlanta Village. Because we met at 5pm (they wisely Ubered to EAV) we easily found seating at the bar. Many beers and a Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwich later we separated, they hailed an Uber to go back nearer their houses, and I started walking home.

ITP Flickr Pic From The Archives
2010: “Merry Christmas” (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)

Merry Christmas

ITP Flickr Pic
“How To Get Fat In One Simple Step” (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)

How To Get Fat In One Simple Step

I made it as far as Joe’s Coffee Shop where I stopped for a huge cup of coffee and that too-large piece of chocolate-mint cake pictured above.

As I sat there mulling my existence I saw yet another woman who I thought was rather attractive save the tattoo on her neck. Boo! Just think, if I shut this blog down you won’t have to read about my whining any longer.

After drowning my sorrows in a cup of coffee I headed out. Hey look! There’s the Christmas tree that ITP-Reader Jenka mentioned! My photo was completely blurry otherwise I would have posted it today.

And to add insult to injury I felt sick all night long after eating that much dessert. Phooey!

I won nothing at the big bingo night last night, which is too bad since the lowest payout per game was $100 cash. The highest payout, for the last game, was $500 cash. I really didn’t even get that close. The games were held at a place called “Hurricane” on a road called “State Bridge” in a land far, far away. The bar was okay except for its location, insufficient bathroom facilities, and the fact that their kitchen shuts down at 9pm on a Sunday (if not all days). It was a good thing I asked about food since I needed some in me last night since I had been planning to eat during bingo.

For the last forty minutes I have been sitting in complete darkness as the power in my third-world portion of the USA has gone out again. I feared that it was only my house, yes I pay my bills, for that is how this house treats me. Upon going outside I saw that no one has electricity. It is with the 51% battery life of my iPad and cellular service that allows me to finish today’s post.

I had planned to go out early, hit the gym, and then do laundry but the power outage has put the kibosh on that plan. Instead I am back under the covers trying to stay warm since no electricity means no heat.

Christmas Cheers!
Paulie [eatl/ga]

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21 Responses to Christmas: T Minus Six Days

  1. Power restored at 7:40am, so I was without electricity for an hour and forty minutes this morning. Bah! Humbug! Morning still ruined, but at least I have heat again.

  2. Barb says:

    New look for us to get used to – but we can handle it. (font is bigger, at least on my PC)

    Weekend flew by – Saturday morning painted again – trying to use a ladder in a stairwell is fun (and with 2 people), even when it is one of those that bends in many different shapes.
    Saturday afternoon went to Allan’s firehouse for his Captain’s retirement luncheon.
    Interesting crowd, but I’m sure it is that way for most of these things. Decided to skip the bar afterwards, as it seemed to be all chiefs and the captain & people Allan didn’t want to say the wrong thing around.
    Saturday night – Parrothead gathering, good times with old friends we don’t see very often.
    Sunday – more stairwell work – and now the fun of removing the carpet. Carpet comes up ok, the backing is another thing. Allan spent hours sanding, I think he’s crazy, we should just paint over what is left, but he isn’t listening to me. (I know that is nothing new)

  3. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    The larger font is to benefit those of us whose eyesight is starting to fail, which may be 90% of the people who read this space. πŸ˜‰

  4. Barb says:

    my eyes suck. I’m not complaining, just observing

  5. I knew you weren’t complaining. I noticed it immediately when I switched. I looked at, and hated, about ten different themes before settling for this one.

  6. steve says:

    The font is lovely- I know I will appreciate it and so will Debbie! And I like the header pic.

    Saturday started too (F’ing) early for a day off as we loaded 2 ponies and headed to Dooly County for the hunt. I wished for a more powerful truck as we drove south, as the poor Toyota was equal to the task, but had nothing to spare- 1 horse it would have done OK, but with 2 it was peaked.

    The hunt was fun and even another non-riding spouse and I had a “viewing” of one of the 3 coyotes they chased. We were also entertained by the 20 or so deer we saw that were scared up by the hounds.

    Sunday was a stop at the Huddle House before a stop at the Verizon store when my SIM card was suddenly unreadable. A quick swap of cards and I was out in 15 minutes!

    Nothing much else of substance. Barb, I painted the stairwell at the old house and used an extension ladder and walkboard. I don’t know if that would have been any easier, but the walkboard is still available.


  7. Stacy says:

    Another cheer for the new font here!
    (hey that rhymed)
    My aging eyes thank thee!

    Also, I know that I for one would miss your blog. Sometimes it’s the only thing that gets me through the morning.

  8. Barb says:

    Steve – there isn’t enough room for an extension ladder, but its just high enough we can’t reach. Painting that part is done, it was just interesting.

    Spent some time trying to clean up all the mess we’ve made in the basement too – vacuuming, mopping, etc. At least the bedroom down there is now clean.

  9. Trying to adjust to a world in which package delivery people no longer attempt to see if you are at home, they simply drop the package and leave. I was just alerted to a delivery by the text message sent to me by Amazon. Sure enough the package was on my doorstep, thankfully on the side doorstep out of view.

  10. Barb says:

    its that time of year – I’m sure they don’t even knock, unless you require a signature.
    Everyone is bitching about shipments not being ontime – the drivers dont’ have time to chit chat.

  11. Yeah, that’s what I figured.

    Speaking of deliveries that have not arrived I need to figure out how to get the alarm system backup battery shipped to me by my alarm company on December 7th. I have a tracking number but have hit a dead end between some shipping company called Newgistics and the US Postal Service. Each has a last-tracked date of December 10th, and Newgistics says that the battery should have been delivered between December 13th and December 16th. Obviously it was not…

    This morning’s power outage reminded me how important it is to have a battery backup.

  12. Damn, I just saw that there will be a Batteries Plus opening soon on Moreland Av, about a half-mile from the ITP Estate. Were it open now I’d go and buy a new battery for my alarm system today.

  13. bob says:

    Look at you getting all fancy on us with a new site, I like the way it looks. What sort of code was injected into the old site? Malicious code? Do we need to all scan our systems? Regular scans are a good idea anyhow.

    If you were up on State Bridge for a Bingo game then I would say you were about as far OTP as you would be comfortable with for a single day trip.

    Has there been any mention of ChedderHead practice? Nice bowling alley in Roswell and there is a restaurant down the street that serves fried cheese curds πŸ™‚

  14. Barb says:

    Allan & I would be up for bowling practice.
    he works 12/22, 12/25, 12/28 & 12/31.
    Any other day is open except 12/27 – Massages at my house, we are busy that night.

  15. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I don’t have a good answer Bob. Assume that it was malicious. I couldn’t see what was added because I couldn’t figure out how to get to the server on which it is hosted, and the admins made it read only so I couldn’t open it from WordPress.

    Alsways up for bowling. I am commited 12/20, 12/22, 12/23, most of 12/25, and from 6:00-7:00pm in midtown on 12/29.

  16. Jenka says:

    Through the magic of the Book of Face it appears that there was a car accident that caused this morning’s power outage. A car went into the fence at Flat Shoals and Ormewood and 800 customers were out of power.

  17. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Well I’ll be, the FB has a use after all! πŸ˜€

    Currently eating a post-workout snack at a Chinese restaurant that says it will be open on Christmas Day. Imagine that!

  18. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I love it! The mixed vegetable plate I ordered is served with a chicken wing. Γ°ΕΈΛœβ€š

  19. steve says:

    At last look, my social calendar is occupied for New Years Day for Debbies family Christmas! I believe running the Cheddarhead is out, but maybe bowling is in- stay tuned. I think we could be up for practice- I have all next week off.

  20. bob says:

    Cool! I’m thinking 12/24, we will need something to get Travis’s mind off of Santa. Need to verify with the keeper of the calendar though.

  21. Barb says:

    12/24 sounds good – we may have to invite TJ & Mary……. that would be hilarious.

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