
Aye aye aye aye
Sí sí señora
My sister Belinda
She pissed out a window
All over my new sombrero

It’s a good thing that I didn’t get to a Mexican restaurant for Saint Patrick’s Day, because I’d be sad that I couldn’t complete the trick by going to an Irish Pub today.

Yesterday was about as routine as my days get these days. Had I thought to do so I would have mailed my mother’s Mother’s Day card yesterday to ensure that it arrives by Sunday. To escape some of the afternoon heat I went down into the basement and generated some of my own by doing 60 minutes on the trainer. My road bike is starting to feel a bit “off” making some noises I don’t recognize; it could be the trainer as well. Barb, is there any chance I can arrange a solcially-distanced bike drop off / potential repair in the coming weeks? Thinking about riding outdoors again has me starting to think about improving my emergency roadside repair kit and skills.

Today is shaping up to be an incredibly busy day. I will have to mail my mother’s card either by walking up to the post office, or driving there in order to give the M6 a drive today. At some point during today I have to get in a workout, sit through meetings, and call into German class tonight. It’s a good thing that I am not in dire need for food as I will not have the time to go grocery shopping today.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 208.6 pounds (-1.4 from last week’s weigh-in);

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17 Responses to 2020-05-05

  1. Bonnie says:

    I decided to ride Dirty Sheets for the first time yesterday morning. I don’t think I did too shabby for me, the 20 miles took me 2:05. I took it slow and was scared of downhills and used my brakes way too much (nothing new 😂). I relaxed some as the ride went on, but still didn’t want to get too cocky since I was there alone. I knew the elevation gain in advance but, whew! It was pretty fun overall and nice scenery; the main drawback is the long drive of course.

    *Fist bump* Paulie. I’m 125 (-2.0 from last week).

  2. barb says:

    I’m sure Allan can fit you in………. he works tomorrow & Saturday this week.

    Thursday night is busy, we are getting massages in the comfort of our own home – by a friend that is a very careful person, she lives with her “at risk” mom. I love how e have to put disclaimers on everything we do these days – I guess it is “the new normal”. All these stupid terms…………

    • Thanks!

      Unless something goes drastically wrong with the bicycle I’ll touch base with you about this after the 13th (next Wednesday). I need to make sure my yard and such is in order for when the HVAC guy comes that day, so most of my “free” time will be dedicated to that chore until then.

  3. Steve Brady says:

    So Daisy will be impregnated in a couple weeks. Apparently, we just missed her last cycle. It’s a pretty sterile procedure- no flowers and chocolates required. She will get to spend the night at the vets and get to meet her “baby daddy”, but no “Bowchickabowbow”.

    In playing with cell signals on Sunday, I learned my main source of service is almost due north. This is troubling, as my hot spot sits in a south facing window. Yesterday, when the iPhone started to have problems, I sat the MiFi in the south window and had decent service. Later, I went to ride in the mancave and was going to stream something to watch using the iPhone as I have been doing in recent weeks. It had no service that would connect me, despite showing the same 2 bars as always. After I completed my 40 minutes of solid sweating, I checked again and it was as happy as could be. WTF, O?

    There may be a margarita in my future tonight, but no Mexican food- did that last night. Might check to see if the sushi bar has reopened.


  4. Stacy Fox says:

    Today’s off to a good start. Got in a 4 mile walk before it gets too hot (and then stormy) this afternoon, planning it so I could get some Krispy Kreme coffee on the final bit back to the house. They let you walk through the drive-thru these days. It makes me smile. 🙂 The Beltline is blessedly empty in the 7am hour; I saw more people on the neighborhood streets after I got off it.

    Thawing some meat right now to make some tacos today. Because, of course. It’s nice that I have a friend who lives downstairs in my building so I can “cook” for more than one person these days. He gets gifted with lunches and dinners a lot and does sweet things back — like leaving me a 24 pack of Kroger water the other day for no reason. It’s nice to have nice neighbors.

    Maybe you should order in or do pick-up from an Irish place just to keep your tradition going, Paulie? 🙂 That’s what I would do if I were you!

    • I intended to do as you and get out before the heat arrived, but failed. 🙁

      Perhaps I’ll get take out from Elder Tree? I wonder at what time they open these days…

      • Bonnie says:

        Instagram reports 11a-9p. 😁

      • barb says:

        I want some fish n chips tonight as well- but – cold fish n chips doesn’t sound as tasty, and that’s what I worry about with to go food.

      • Thank you! Silly me, I went and looked at their website… 🤷🏻‍♂️

        Agreed Barb. However, I may have to hoof up at lunchtime so I doubt food is going to get too cold today for me.

  5. I keep seeing posts and emails declaring today to be Giving Tuesday (normally held in November). I think they will be hardpressed to raise a lot of money with so many now unemployed and many more worried about their own financial future.

    • Steve Brady says:

      I am a little confused at that as well. I get buried by GPB with their hand out, and I already am a sustaining member. I guess they could always take more if I gave it. I’m sure the regular fund drives for public radio (which normally happen in Spring and Fall) are really being hit since they aren’t running them. No way to run them since hardly anyone listens outside of their cars- I do, but it’s a lot less often.

  6. Mother’s Day card mailed.

    While out I decided:
    – Looking up phone numbers and hours of operation
    – Seeing what the menu really is during this time
    – Calling ahead and figuring out how to pay
    – Having to pick up food while wearing face mask

    is more work than I am willing to do for food today.

    Oh hello, leftovers!

  7. And when I returned home I found neighbors near my house fetching a beagle that was apparently there. I knew I saw something as I was leaving but didn’t pay it much mind.

  8. barb says:

    ok – this confuses me – fetching a beagle?

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