
Yet another boring day in the life yesterday. I guess these strange times have finally become the normal, for now. There is one interesting thing that has come out of this scenario. Because I have a concept of when I stopped going into the office I have an an idea of whether or not I have done a certain thing since March 15th. For instance, the other day I realized that I have not made hard boiled eggs recently, and then further realized that it has been at least three months since I have not made any since I have been sheltering in place. Huh.

I put the AC to the test again last night by baking a (fake) chicken, vegetable, black bean, and yellow rice dish for dinner. I’ve made this dish before, and it turned out very good again. As an added bonus I even remembered to put the leftovers into the refrigerator last night!

HVAC guy comes back out today to do a follow up check. My service window is 8-11am. I wish I had been smart enough to schedule for the the late afternoon when it is far more likely to be hot, and the air conditioner would be struggling more than when the temperatures are in the low 70s. 🤦🏻‍♂️

That’s all I have for today. Hope you are doing alright and are staying healthy.

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31 Responses to 2020-06-11

  1. Bonnie says:

    The HVAC peeps probably won’t be there until the afternoon anyway – ha! (JK, I hope not.) Why don’t you just fire up the oven, or turn the thermostat up a bit? 😉

    So you only eat hard boiled eggs when you travel somewhere? Why’s that?

    • Bonnie says:

      Sorry to start my sentence with “so”.

    • HVAC came early, temp outside was 68°F. Conclusion is that the one time I had someone come out to recharge my system they used inferior Freon (R-22). I have quotes for flushing the system — expensive — and putting in a new AC unit — very expensive. 😢

      Obviously I don’t only eat hard boiled eggs when I travel. I have more morning time now so I have been cooking meals instead.

      • Steve says:

        Inferior Freon? This sounds suspicious. Google that and it is possible, which is a bit of a surprise.

        Doctor says everything looks good and see you in 6 months.

        Tried to stop at the scooter store, thinking they opened at 10, but virus hours are 11-6 and I didn’t want to wait an hour!

      • To be accurate, he called it “drop-in” Freon. Here is one explanation: http://www.wlgary.com/exploring-drop-in-refrigerant-replacements-for-r-22/

      • HamWithCam says:

        Regarding your HVAC:
        A decent HVAC system should be able to pull down 15-20F from outside ambient. Witness your car’s AC system. Same deal. You ought to at least be blowing low 50’sF inside (for 68F). Get a thermometer and check.

        Refrigerant (R-22, et al) is (relatively) cheap, not “$150/pound” (or more) as is sometimes quoted. Wholesale was/is like $35/pound. And R-22 is readily available.

        Your HVAC dude should be able to (easily) evacuate your (“bad”) refrigerant. Licensed dudes have a pump deal, so none…escapes (“climate change”). That’s precisely how they check for leaks: evacuate refrigerant, fill with nitrogen, check for leaks, recharge refrigerant, etc.

        Also, outside units can build up “smutz” on the coil, reducing efficiency dramatically. Cleaning, degreasing (refrigerant has oil in it, and a past leak may have released this oil. Dirt + oil = smutz.). Remove any/all leaves allowing unrestricted airflow.

        You can do this yourself, if so motivated, degreaser, brush, elbow grease, hose clean…replace cover.

        If your unit has no leaks (outside and inside) and is properly charged, then it should easily be able to handle “80’s”.


        BTW: an HVAC dude will typically connect gauges to the high/low side of your compressor. I’m curious how he determined you had “bad refrigerant”?

        Good luck Paulie.

        73 de JG/HamWithCam

        • He connected a gauge. He didn’t determine I had bad refrigerant, he made a proposal that could be an issue since I had someone come out and add Freon since the unit was installed (somehow twelve years ago).

  2. Bonnie says:

    In this COVID life, I am still only comfortable eating at a restaurant on the patio vs. inside. I think. Anyway, due to the rain and threat of rain I had to wrack my brain to think of places with completely covered patios that a) didn’t get wet during the rain and b) would keep us dry if it rained more. It was hard! I finally settled on Universal Joint. I had the patty melt and subbed in a black bean burger, with fries. It was way too much food, but the husband unfortunately isn’t a good candidate for splitting entrees… Even though I was stuffed and felt slightly ill, I followed up dinner with a King of Pops Cookies and Cream popsicle from the market. 🤦‍♀️

  3. Steve says:

    Waiting at the eye doc for my normal checkup. Still little traffic on the roads. Was a bit surprised.

    Dinner last night in Lagrange for a friends 60th. Good seafood restaurant- new location much better than the former hole in the wall but still the same great food.

    – FP

  4. ITP Lurker says:

    Odd, I made hard-boiled eggs this week for the first time since the pandemic, too.

  5. Stacy says:

    Looks like I’ve been boiling the eggs for all of us. I actually even started making my own egg salad this pandemic. Always loved egg salad so not sure why I never had before! So there’s been lots of egg boiling over here. 🙂

  6. Bonnie says:

    Paulie and Lurker, I see on the agenda of tonight’s SAND meeting the BKW Beltline project is slated to take 6 months. Oy! I assume that does not include the I-20 bridge.

  7. barb says:

    well – my covid test came back negative – so my feeling crappy has to do with something else – not the ‘rona.
    Might have to make a doctor appt -but not sure if doing it virtually would be all the beneficial.

    We’ve been to a few restaurants here & there – with the tables all separated – it doesn’t seem all that scary.

  8. Trying the Mango Boy workout routine and did about an hour’s worth of hard yard work this morning; I put in a wee little dent into the project. Hopefully some day the CoA will take away the pile of yard waste I have been adding to for over a month.

    • Bonnie says:

      If you want to put yard waste into those “yard waste paper bags” you can bring me one a week and I can put it out with my trash. They seem to pick it up most of the time.

    • Thanks, but these won’t fit into those bags; they are branches from trees and bushes I have been clearing and are too unwieldy. In years past the City has one day a month on which they come clear debris like this, but mine remains. I’ll just keep adding to it…

  9. A whole lot of yard activity on the block today. I heard a lot of noise and seeing branches being hauled away from two houses down, and now hear a chainsaw from my next door neighbor’s.

  10. Ouch!

    I just did an online estimate with SafeLite to replace the M6’s windshield and was quoted $390.

    I have a $500 deductible for comprehensive coverage.


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