
Unsurprisingly, I don’t have a lot to talk about today. I spend a good part of the day driving home, stopping only for essentials — food, gas, and bodily functions. Breakfast was a Beyond sausage sandwich from Dunkin Donuts, and lunch was an Impossible Whopper with fries at a Burger King.

I was rather a lump last night, unpacking and binge watching episodes of season 2 of “Making It”. Hulu’s excessive interruptions with commercials allowed me ample breaks to do simple chores.

Because I have not done hand washing since last week I now have five days of laundry to do. I thought about hitting up the Waschsalon this morning, but I think I’ll add another day or two of dirty clothes to the pile before going.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 196.8 pounds (+3.6 from last week’s weigh-in); disappointing, but considering all I ate and drank during my birthday and over the weekend it’s not surprising. Back at it again today!

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8 Responses to 2020-07-28

  1. I’m hoping the City holds up their end of the yard waste pickup schedule today. Given the amount of yard debris I still have to clear I may wind up scheduling another appointment soon since it may occur six weeks in the future.

  2. Steve Brady says:

    Glad it was a good visit.

    Not much to report from this end of the world either. Grass is cut and even brought out the weed eater and blower. The hickory trees are starting to drop their nuts and it’s getting messy.

    We think we have been ghosted by the logger who stopped in last week. Not enough money in what we asked him to take. If he would have called back, we might have made it worth his while with some additional dollars.

    Started a programming class in Python yesterday. Why, who knows. It was a good deal for online classes (5 total) including a data mining class, which I think I’ll like. You couldn’t beat the $39 price tag.


    • Bummer about the tree guy. I am still waiting for a tree service to dump mulch at my house at some time. I asked for a delivery over a month ago.

      I tried Python once. I didn’t get a chance to use it a lot, so it never stuck in my brain. Good luck.

  3. Steve Brady says:

    And… today is the 1 year anniversary of my heart attack!! How. Time. Flies.

  4. It’s raining in EAV, so much for my planned yard work this afternoon…

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